Join us for a Community Conversation in Spanish
Miércoles 16 de septiembre, 7-8:30pm

¿Tiene preguntas sobre el Coronavirus, el alquiler o hipoteca de su casa, la escuela de sus hijos en Fairfax, VA?
Acompáñenos en esta charla comunitaria sobre estos temas que nos afectan a todos.

Dalia Palchik, supervisora del Distrito de Providence en el Condado de Fairfax, y Albán Zamora, presentador del Noticiero Telemundo 44, moderarán esta conversación para responder a sus preguntas junto a los siguientes líderes comunitarios:

¿Tiene alguna pregunta para nuestros panelistas? Envíenos un correo electrónico a
Wednesday, September 16th, 7-8:30pm

Do you have questions about COVID-19, rent assistance, or FCPS virtual learning?
Join us for this community conversation in Spanish about these issues that affect us all.

Dalia Palchik, Providence District Supervisor in Fairfax County, and Albán Zamora, host of Telemundo44 News, will moderate this conversation to answer your questions, along with the following community leaders:

Do you have a question for one of our panelists? Email us at
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Office Phone: (703) 560-6946
Email us HERE if you would like events included in our newsletter or you would like a member of our team to join your HOA meeting.
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