Sept. 21, 2022


My office has received several inquiries about early voting for the Nov. 8 midterm elections and I am happy to report that it begins this coming Friday at three locations, including the North County Governmental Center in Reston. I encourage you to review the following information provided by the Fairfax County Office of Elections. It is also important that before going to vote, check the hours that early voting sites are open because times vary by location. I really appreciate the convenience of early voting  it is helpful for all of us with busy schedules (that's me in the photo voting last year at the North County Governmental Center).

Early Voting

Early voting begins Friday, Sept. 23, for the congressional midterm elections. Candidates for the 8th, 10th and 11th Congressional Districts will be on the Nov. 8 general election ballot, along with the Town of Herndon Council and mayor.

Three locations will be open for early voting on weekdays:

Click on links for Saturday and Sunday hours.

These locations will be the only places available for early voting until Oct. 27, when an additional 13 sites will open. 

Any registered voter can cast their ballot at any early voting site. The last day to vote early is Saturday, Nov. 5, at 5 p.m.

Check Your Congressional District

As a result of redistricting, which is a legally required process to adjust election districts every 10 years, voters may find that their congressional district has changed. Before going to vote, double check your district by looking up your voter information on the state’s online portal.

Fairfax County is also mailing every registered voter a personalized sample ballot. It will indicate your congressional district, precinct and polling place. Additionally, the state will send voters a redistricting mailer, reminding them of their new state legislative and congressional districts as a result of redistricting. 

Learn more about voting in the 2022 election. For questions about voting or voter registration in Fairfax County, contact the Office of Elections



COVID-19 Update

Report Sightings of Spotted Lanternfly 

The destructive spotted lanternfly is getting closer to Fairfax County, and experts are on the lookout for it. This summer the invasive pest was found in nearby Loudoun County. The insect feasts on more than 70 plant species, though its preferred host is the tree-of-heaven. In Virginia, the peach, apple, grape, and wine industries are most threatened.

Adults begin laying eggs in September and through the first few hard frosts. The egg masses are covered in a light gray colored wax that looks like mud when it dries. Spotted lanternfly identification information with links to the quarantine area can be found on the county's Spotted Lanternfly webpage.

Please keep an eye out for spotted lanternfly in Fairfax County and report sightings to or to 703-324-5304. The mobile app, iNaturalist, is also an effective and efficient method for reporting a sighting of the pest.

Car Taxes Due Oct. 5   

Personal property taxes (car tax) are due on Wednesday, Oct. 5. The Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration mailed bills this summer and provides many convenient ways to pay.

If you have a question or concern about your tax bill, contact the Department of Tax Administration:

  • Call 703-222-8234 (English) or 703-324-3855 (Español), TTY 711, weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (hours extended to 6 p.m. from Sept. 26 to Oct. 5).
  • Send an email.
  • Visit the tax counter at the Fairfax County Government Center weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (hours extended to 6 p.m. from Sept. 26 to Oct. 5).

You may qualify for tax relief if you are at least 65 years old, or permanently and totally disabled, and meet the income and asset eligibility requirements. Learn more about tax relief to see if you qualify or call 703-222-8234, TTY 711. 

Watch the video below on Understanding Your Car Tax 

Provide Your Input:

Reston Comprehensive Plan 

Reston Comprehensive Plan Community Engagement Underway

The Fairfax County Department of Planning and Development (DPD) staff is presenting a series of community meetings to provide an overview of study recommendations, followed by comments and questions from the public. Below is the most current schedule of these community meetings for public input. Learn more

Residents may also provide written input or ask questions through Oct. 28 here. Your input is critical in helping the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors make informed decisions regarding this comprehensive plan that will impact Restonians for decades.  

Meeting Schedule:

In-Person Community Meeting (Nonprofits and Community Organizations Focus)

Thursday, Sept. 22, 7 p.m.

Cathy Hudgins Community Center at Southgate, 12125 Pinecrest Road, Reston

Lunch & Learn

Friday, Sept. 23, Noon

Virtual WebEx Meeting

In-Person Community Meeting (Young Professional/Civic Leaders Focus)

Tuesday, Sept. 27, 7 p.m. Reston Station, 1900 Reston Metro Plaza, 2nd Floor Conference Room 

Lunch & Learn

Wednesday, Sept. 28, Noon

Virtual WebEx Meeting

These two meetings have already been held:

Sept. 14 Community Meeting (Transportation Focus)

Sept. 15 Community Meeting (Economic and Social Development Focus)

All of these meetings are public and I encourage every Reston resident to attend at least one. Additional meetings may be scheduled. Your best reference for the comprehensive plan study is the county's Reston Comprehensive Plan Study webpage

If you have a group that would like a presentation and the opportunity to provide feedback during the community outreach phase, please email my office at 

Key Study Recommendations:


  • Encompasses all sections of Reston, new and old, lower density and higher density areas.


  • Introduces new language to encourage consideration for the health of Reston residents with land use and development decisions.


  • Introduces new language calling for the consideration of equity with land use and development decisions.


  • Preserves Reston’s existing neighborhoods and enhances the transit corridor with new planned neighborhoods near Metrorail.


  • Calls for developers to provide more affordable housing units to be built in conjunction with new market-rate units and preserves existing affordable housing in Reston.


  • Preserves Reston’s existing open spaces including forests, lakes and stream valleys, and calls for additional open and recreational spaces.
What's News in Vienna

Celebrate Oktoberfest on Oct. 1 

The Town's Oktoberfest celebration is on Saturday, Oct. 1. The festivities include lots of family fun, German food, and a variety of beers from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on historic Church Street. Learn more

Mark Your Calendar for Halloween Parade, Oct. 26 

The Town of Vienna Halloween Parade is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 26. This year’s theme is Time Machine: Vienna in the past, present and future. Learn more

Transportation Update 

New Capital Bikeshare Station Coming to Reston 

The Fairfax County Department of Transportation plans to install a Capital Bikeshare station at the corner of North Shore Dr. and Wainwright Dr. sometime in the next six months. The station is funded by the federal Transportation Alternatives program. The station will provide a first and last mile option to the Silver Line, Reston Town Center and other locations throughout the region. The location will repurpose two parking spaces. In late October, two Capital Bikeshare stations will be installed at both the north and south entrances of the Reston Town Center Metro. For more information contact Shyamali Hauth

or call 703-478-0283.

Trail Fixes Planned at Difficult Run Near Dulles Access Road

A trail improvement project is scheduled to get underway in the coming week on the Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail in Difficult Run Park near the Dulles Access Road. The trail maintenance project will alleviate the issue of constant standing water on the trail, reinforce the trail to protect it from washouts, and overlay the existing trail. Learn more.

3 Things to Know Today


More Trees Please! 

One year ago this month Plant NOVA Trees was launched to promote and utilize native shrubs and trees throughout Northern Virginia. The goal is to plant 600,000 by 2025 in an effort to help restore the tree canopy, which has been dying off. Learn more about the program and how you can help.

Part-Time Positions Available at Cathy Hudgins Community Center at Southgate 

Multiple part-time activity facilitators/recreational leader positions are available at Cathy Hudgins at Southgate Community Center, 12125 Pinecrest Road, Reston. Open hire events are scheduled on Sept. 27, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and Oct. 1, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.. Bring multiple copies of your resume to apply and interview. Position responsibilities include

coordinating community center activities and assisting in marketing of programs and outreach to the community. For more information, contact: Christine Hodgson at 703-860-0676 or

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in Fairfax County

Celebrated from Sept.15 through Oct. 15, Hispanic Heritage Month honors the historic and cultural achievements of Hispanic Americans and celebrates their contributions that have influenced the diversity of our society. Visit Fairfax has put together a listing of events here.

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Hunter Mill District Supervisor Walter Alcorn
703-478-0283, TTY 711