Sept. 28, 2022


Last December, I sponsored a Board Matter with Franconia District Supervisor Rodney Luck and Dranesville District Supervisor John Foust in response to the unacceptable rate of pedestrian and bicycle-related fatalities, injuries and near-misses on our roads. Every supervisor’s office receives complaints weekly, if not daily, regarding speeding in neighborhoods and other traffic safety concerns.

In response, yesterday Fairfax County launched a comprehensive communications initiative, "Take A Moment.", a collaborative effort by the Board of Supervisors, public safety agencies, Fairfax County Department of Transportation, Virginia Department of Transportation, Fairfax County Public Schools, the Office of Public Affairs and several other agencies.

The premise is simple, but critically important to making everyone – not matter choice of transportation – to be safe on our streets. We all need to "Take A Moment" to 

  • slow down
  • be on the lookout for pedestrians and bicyclists
  • look carefully before making a turn
  • take extra care in school zones and in neighborhoods


Recently I saw an older couple crossing the street near Lake Anne Village. It was disappointing to see drivers impatient to have them cross safely and I was sincerely worried about their safety even though they had right of way. It really was only a moment out of our day to ensure they crossed safely.


The timing of this campaign is especially significant in Reston with the upcoming Phase 2 opening of the Silver Line Metrorail, which will mean more people walking and biking from their homes to use Metro. One of the investments that the Board of Supervisors is making for pedestrian and bike safety is the new pedestrian bridge under construction near the Wiehle-Reston East Metro Station. The bridge will be located on the W&OD Trail and extend over Wiehle Avenue replacing the existing at-grade crossing.


At the media launch yesterday, I introduced one of our Hunter Mill District neighbors Steve Steiner who shared his personal story. A few years ago Steve was just riding his bike not far from his home he was struck by car and very seriously injured. If the driver had just Taken A Moment to look both ways before turning, they would have seen Steve in the intersection and it would have saved him months in the hospital and recovery. You can watch Steve discuss his experience here.

The Board of Supervisors is committed to improving pedestrian and bicycle safety with the needed funding and infrastructure improvements. We need you to do your part and remember to "Take A Moment" when you head out the door and keep each other safe on our roads. 



COVID-19 Update

Sign Up For a Library Card 

I joined my colleagues on the Board of Supervisors in supporting the Fairfax Library Foundation's promotion of Library Card Sign-Up Month. Don’t have a library card yet? You can apply online at or in person at your local branch.

A few reasons to get a library card:

  • Books (of course) but also audio and e-books
  • Borrow binoculars and other cool stuff
  • Homework help - online and at your branch
  • Free internet and computer access 
  • Access to magazines and newspapers

Learn more. 

Provide Your Input:

Reston Comprehensive Plan 

Reston Comprehensive Plan Community Engagement Underway

Residents may provide written input or ask questions about the Reston Comprehensive Plan recommendations through Oct. 28 here. Your input is critical in helping the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors make informed decisions regarding this comprehensive plan that will impact Restonians for decades. Your best reference for the comprehensive plan study is the county's Reston Comprehensive Plan Study webpage. (Pictured is last night's in-person meeting for young professional/civic leaders) 

You may also listen to an overview from my recent podcast with county staff.

Upcoming meetings:

Planning Commission Workshop

Thursday, Sept. 29, 7:30 p.m.

Fairfax County Government Center, Conference Room 11

1200 Government Center Pkwy, Fairfax

Meeting AgendaLive Stream Link

Board of Supervisors Land Use Policy Committee Meeting

Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1:30 p.m.

Fairfax County Government Center, Conference Room 11

1200 Government Center Pkwy, Fairfax

Meeting AgendaLive Stream Link

What's News in Vienna

Native Plant Sale Returns

Planting and growing native plants is a great option for preserving local biodiversity and they're less expensive to maintain. As the fall planting season approaches, you’ll find many options at the Fall Native Plant Sale. Get your green thumb fix on Saturday, Oct. 1, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Vienna Community Center! There will even be drawings for a free native tree and rain barrel!

Volunteers Needed For Habitat Restoration

Help preserve Vienna's natural habitats. Get in the weeds by joining volunteers from 10 a.m. to noon every Monday at Southside Park or every Thursday at Glyndon Park for the Habitat Restoration Work Day. For more information, visit the Town Calendar:

Land Use Update 

Sept. 26 Statement on Reston National Golf Course 

Town Hall on Proposed Arts Center in Reston, Oct. 4, 7 p.m.

Join Supervisor Alcorn and county staff at South Lakes High School auditorium,11400 South Lakes Dr., Reston to learn what is entailed in the proffer for a potential arts center in Reston. An overview will include options from the Boston Properties proffer, including preference for an arts center or ball field, as well as location and financing concerns. This is your chance to ask questions and weigh in on the best options to benefit our community. Your input will enable the Board of Supervisors to make an informed decision by the end of this year. More information on the proffer and options can be found in my July 13 newsletter. For questions about the town hall contact Shruti Nallappa

Reston Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Virtual Meeting, Oct. 17, 7:30 p.m.

The Reston P&Z meeting is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 17 at 7:30 p.m. Use this link to attend and participate. You may also call in and listen to the meeting, dial 571-429-5982 and use conference call ID: 822 270 997#. For more information contact Shruti Nallappa.

Hunter Mill Land Use Committee Virtual Meeting: Tuesday, Oct. 18, 7:30 p.m.

The Hunter Mill District Land Use Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 17 at 7:30 PM. Use this link to attend. You may also call in and listen to the meeting, dial and 571-429-5982 and use conference call ID: 789 107 635#. For more information contact Shruti Nallappa.

County’s Site-Specific Plan Amendment (SSPA) Process Begins Next Week

The nomination form can be now accessed now (for demonstration and education purposes) in advance of the nomination period here. Detailed instructions on how to submit a nomination are provided in the 2022-2023 SSPA Nominator Guide, which includes an overview of the process and timeline, how to research Comprehensive Plan information, the nomination submission requirements, and review criteria. The Nominator Guide and the following information on the 2022-2023 Countywide SSPA process is available on the SSPA website:

Public Safety Update

Be Informed During an Emergency

It is frightening to see the impacts of Hurricane Ian on Florida and a good reminder that everyone in Hunter Mill District and countywide should know where to get official information when an emergency occurs here. During storms and other emergencies, you need access to information on the latest threats in your area, and guidance on what actions to take. The county's Office of Emergency Management recommends having three ways to get information during an emergency.

In addition, you should also watch local news channels and listen to local radio stations for fast-breaking safety information.

Free Car Seat Safety Inspections 

Fairfax County Police Department district stations host free car seat safety inspections. Here are upcoming events and how to make an appointment:

  • Reston – Call 703-478-0904 for an appointment
  • Sully – Oct. 6 & 20 from 5 to 8:30 p.m.
  • Mt. Vernon – Call 703-360-8400 for an appointment.
  • Mason – Saturday, Oct.10 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. First come, first serve.
  • West Springfield – Every Tuesday 5:30 to 8 p.m. Call 703-644-7377 for an appointment.
  • Fair Oaks – Sunday, Oct. 2, 16 & 30, 9:30 a.m. to noon. Call 703-591-0966 for an appointment.

3 Things to Know Today


Reston Community Yard Sale, Saturday, Oct. 1

Reston Association is hosting a community yard sale on Saturday, Oct. 1, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 12018 Sunrise Valley Dr., Reston. Learn more

Calling All Future Leaders, Ages 12-22, Nov. 11 and 12

Hunter Mill youth leaders are invited to attend the Youth Leadership Network Annual Conference – Leadership in the Metaverse – hosted at University of Virginia/Virginia Tech Falls Church Campus on Nov. 11 and 12. The conference features training sessions and experiences for ages 12 to 22 who are interested in improving their leadership skills, building stronger communities and creating a more equitable future. Learn more.

FCPS School Board Advisory Committee Positions Available

 Hunter Mill District School Board Member Melanie Meren is seeking appointees for:

 Applicants must be a Hunter Mill District resident.  Apply today: Contact Staff Aide Emma Heisey at with any questions. 

Stay Informed and In Touch
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Hunter Mill District Supervisor Walter Alcorn
703-478-0283, TTY 711