Fall Houseplant Care

If your tropicals & houseplants have been enjoying a little vacation outside for the summer, now is definitely the time to bring them inside before temperatures dip below 10°C. There are a few things to remember to keep them healthy through the winter months indoors.

Pests: Inspect for hitch-hikers and spray with good quality insecticide like End-All or Trounce. Be sure to get undersides of leaves and also thoroughly saturate the surface of the soil. If fungus gnats are a problem, spray soil again every few days until they disappear.

Light: Put in the brightest spot possible available. Be prepared for leaves to drop or die off. This is because their light is being reduced and they can’t support the same amount of foliage as they could outside. Some people choose to trim their plants back to prevent leaf drop.

Water & Fertilizer: Water less in fall or winter. With the reduced light, plants will grow less and therefore drink less too! Do not fertilize in the fall for the same reason. Start watering more and give them a little houseplant fertilizer in late February instead.

Temperature & Air Quality: Keep your tropicals away from heat vents that will dehydrate them. Many also do not like cold drafts so keep away from outside doors. Provide extra humidity by running a diffuser or humidifier in the room occasionally or sit the plant pot on a tray filled with pebbles and water.

Repotting: Save this job for the spring! Most tropical plants prefer to be a little pot bound so only transplant them if it’s absolutely necessary.

"Little Moses" Burning Bush
- Dark green foliage in summer turns to flaming red in fall
- Petite size without pruning!
Size: 2-3 ft high and wide
Light: Full or partial sun
Soil: Average to rich
Moisture: Average
Tips for Success:
- You may need to bunny-proof the bottom 18 inches in winter with chicken wire or other type of barrier

Squirrels vs. Bulbs
How to keep squirrels from stealing your freshly planted tulips & crocus!

- Plant daffodils, alliums, scilla (squill), hyacinth, muscari (grape hyacinth), fritillaria & snowdrops as the critters generally leave these alone

- Plant bulbs extra deep

- Plant late in the fall after the squirrel feeding frenzy has subsided a bit

- Add blood meal to the planting hole. Avoid bone meal, fish emulsions, or animal manure as these may smell good to critters

- Cover with chicken wire or plastic bird netting to discourage digging or add sharp-edged gravel to soil

- Cover new planting with a large rock or thick layer of mulch and remove later

- Clean up all debris like papery bits from the outside of the bulbs so they are not attracted by the scent.

Poinsettia Open House Update
It's hard to believe we are approaching October. It has been a year of creative changes as a business, maneuvering through a pandemic. We have closed, reopened and restricted the way we would normally do business these past 7 months.

At present, we are planning our 25th Annual Christmas Open House for Saturday, November 21st with great hopes that we will be allowed to host this annual festivity - always with the safety and health of our community in mind. Please watch for updated information to be posted on our Facebook, website and future newsletters.

Fall hours:
Monday to Saturday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed Thanksgiving,
Oct. 12th
On Highway 2, just west of Bowmanville