It has been a busy fall at Seely Place as we have moved from back-to-school into the heart of this school year. The PTA has also been busy, getting organized and beginning this year's new programs.

September & October Recap:

  • The PTA Programming team launched Yoga and Mindfulness practices for all of our students at Seely, with the goal to teach them skills to deal with transitions and regulate stress and anxiety.
  • Seely Place Read-a-thon: our students completed over 200,000 minutes of reading and won prizes, including extended recess and a book-based movie to show appreciation for all their hard work and dedication!
  • Kick off of After School Clubs: we're so happy to successfully relaunch after school clubs to provide our students with such a diverse range of activities and experiences.
  • We had a great turnout at National Walk to School Day - it was so great to see smiling faces as our students made choices that are healthy for themselves and the planet.
  • Our first PTA General Meeting of the year was held at the Seely Place outdoor classroom - thank you to all who attended and volunteered time to help run our PTA fundraisers, events, and programs this year.
  • We showed our appreciation for the amazing custodians at Seely Place with a snack box on National Custodian Appreciation Day... a small gesture for such a hard working and important team!
  • The PTA coordinated School Photo Day... we hope you enjoyed seeing the photos of your kids... and don't forget to place orders for pictures!

Thank you to all of our PTA Committee Chairs, Volunteers, and Board Members who helped make these events a success!

Take a peek at some of the events that took place at school.

Yoga & Mindfulness from the Programming Team

yoga 3.jpg


 Appreciation Day

National Custodial Day.jpg

National Walk to School Day

WTSD 2.jpeg

Seely Place Read-a-thon


Help us make more special events and programs like these happen! Volunteer, become a member, or donate so the PTA can continue to support our students, teachers, and schools.

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