The Bay Area Community Council is the leading organization in engaging community leaders in understanding and shaping the future of the greater Green Bay area.
President's Message,
Dave Wegge
The Bay Area Community Council (BACC) is in the midst of a significant journey seeking to help shape the future of our community through the use of foresight analysis.
Foresight analysis is the ability to anticipate and lead change. It has two broad focal points: process: how plausible futures can be identified; and content: what the plausible alternative futures may be. Our journey focuses on these two primary activities: 1) training community leaders to use foresight analysis as part of their planning process, and 2) creating signal teams within BACC to identify signals of change that may impact the future of our community.
To date the BACC has trained 46 community leaders to employ foresight analysis through our Foresight Workshops. This fall we will be hosting our third Foresight Workshop which will include an additional 15 community leaders.
In July 2019 we launched four Signal Teams organized around issues that emerged from the 2017 BACC Envisioning the Future Conference: Economic Transformation, Community of Choice, Pathways for Success and Health & Wellness. The signal teams collect information about trends, events and choices that are currently developing. The teams then create reports to generate thinking and conversations in the community about their findings.
The first signal team report is from the Economic Transformation Signal Team. This team, led by Phil Hauck, presented their results to the BACC Board of Directors at the August 2020 meeting. The members of this team include: John Katers, Randy Lawton, Nan Nelson, Diane Roundy and myself..
Some of the signals and findings of this report will be highlighted in the next few BACC Newsletters. The first summary brief, by Nan Nelson, is presented in this issue. The full report and an executive summary PowerPoint include signals on Artificial Intelligence, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Women in the Workplace and Workforce Availability.
Corporations signal that women leaders fuel diversity and innovation
Inclusive corporate cultures have a competitive edge, according to new study results (see reference list)—better products, sales growth and share performance. Innovation, enabling success in today’s fast-changing, disruption-filled competitive world, is the key characteristic of these inclusive companies.
Companies with above-average gender diversity on their boards and top management are more likely to have these inclusive cultures. Women bring work styles that include enhanced communication skills, empathy, less ego and more measured risk-taking.
Inclusive corporate cultures have a competitive edge, according to new study results (see reference list below)—better products, sales growth and share performance. Innovation, enabling success in today’s fast-changing, disruption-filled competitive world, is the key characteristic of these inclusive companies.
Companies with above-average gender diversity on their boards and top management are more likely to have these inclusive cultures. Women bring work styles that include enhanced communication skills, empathy, less ego and more measured risk-taking.
How to achieve this gender-diversity and inclusion?
• The courage, process and pipeline to consider board candidates not personally known to current leaders.
• Insure that equal numbers of women take the first big step: promotion to first level management positions.
How are we doing?
• Wisconsin similar to national average
• No local data available
Reference list
Responding to "How COVID-19 is Reshaping Our World"
Phil Hauck, BACC Board Member
I recently reviewed a presentation by the well known Atlantic Magazine author and futurist Derek Thompson, " How COVID-19 is Reshaping Our World." Thompson delivered the 75 minute broadcast on July 10, 2020.
He raises some interesting points:
- Large businesses will prosper, and the number of small businesses will shrink, especially small retailers.
- There will be a global decline in immigration.
- Restaurants will be revolutionized; take out and delivered, ready to eat food will increase dramatically.
- The rate of increase of e-commerce will continue to grow.
- Remote work will be an earthquake (note well closing of WPS in downtown Green Bay and shrinking number of AMS office workers in Howard.
- Education will also undergo severe change.
- As cities become less populated, rent prices will become more affordable.
- Government deficit spending will result in increased economic stimulation by new entrepreneurs.
Thompson is worth a look; how will or will not his projections affect you, your organization, your family, and our broader community? If you drink the Thompson juice, what adaptations will you make NOW?
BACC awarded grant by Greater Green Bay Community Foundation
The Bay Area Community Council has been awarded a $7,500 grant by the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation's Nonprofit Impact Initiative.
The capacity building grant will advance the BACC's efforts to discover community perceptions of the BACC and to help the BACC develop a new branding strategy. The BACC has engaged Tamarack Communication, a Green Bay firm devoted to marketing and strategy, fund development, and communication, and Apothik Media Design, a Green Bay firm devoted to print and web design, as consulting partners.
According to BACC President Dave Wegge, "The BACC is extremely grateful to the Foundation and the broader Green Bay area community for this opportunity to help us reach our potential to become our area's leader in foresight analysis."
Recent news stories, articles, books, videos, Websites or venues of interest to the BACC supporters and newsletter readers, recommend by the BACC staff and directors. Also community events of interest to the BACC supporters
"Business During COVID-19"
Sept. 3, 2020
1 pm-2 pm
A ZOOM conference coordinated by Brown County Public Health to provide support to local businesses and employers. Register here.
The world you know is about to end-will you be prepared for what comes next? A groundbreaking analysis from one of the world's foremost experts on global trends.
(Requires subscription to Wall Street Journal)
(Requires subscription to Wall Street Journal)
Sandel, Michael J. Tyranny of Merit: Why the Promise of Moving Up is Pulling America Apart. [Place of publication not identified]: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2020.