Alumni Association
Forever True
September, 2024
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Teutonia Mannerchor Alumni Luncheon
The next alumni luncheon will be held on Tuesday, September 24, 2024. NOTE: the cost of the luncheon is now $17 which is payable at the door. Beer and soft drinks cost extra. You can call Jim Eberz (412) 445-4446 or Don Gruber (412) 874-2906 for more information.
There were 55 alums in attendance at the August luncheon. It was a good turnout as many regular attendees are on vacation. Thanks to Jim Eberz ('64) and Don Gruber ('71) for all their hard work.
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Walt Quinn ('65) made the formal announcements and Joe Koch ('73) led the singing of the alma mater. | |
The Class of 1967 regained the attendance crown. | |
As always, a good time was had by all. Everyone enjoyed the food and the camaraderie. | |
Calling all Alumni! Join us for Homecoming on Friday, Oct. 11, 2024, at Lt. J.C. Stone Field in North Park.
The annual tailgate prior to the game will take start at 5:30PM at the Old Firehouse near the field. Join us for complimentary hot dogs, refreshments, and cold drinks. Come cheer on the Trojans as they take on Beaver Area. Game starts at 7PM
Additionally, we will recognize and thank all NC alumni who served in the military for the Annual Homecoming and Alumni Military Recognition Night. The pre-game ceremony will take place just before kick-off on Friday. The ceremony will feature the National Anthem performed by the North Catholic High School Marching Band and the reading of participants' names and military affiliations. Please RSVP to Amber at if you plan to attend.
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North Catholic Steelers Raffle Winner | |
Congratulations to Tom Markl (’66) for winning the 2024 Steelers Season Ticket Raffle! This is Tom’s first time winning the raffle after participating for several years. Although Tom lives in Seattle, he was happy to share the tickets with local family. Congratulations, Tom! Thank you to everybody who participated in this fun, annual contest!
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North Catholic Hall of Fame - Class of 2024 | |
Congratulations to the following alumni who have been elected to for the North Catholic Hall of Fame:
Joseph Hmel - longtime NC teacher
Joseph Kuhn - class of 1954
Katie Lewandowski - class of 2003
Edward Marinzel - class of 1968
Matthew Szykowny - class of 1959
They will be inducted at a dinner to be held later this year. Details will be forthcoming. Biographical information on the inductees will be in next month's edition.
All of You
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During the school year we feature alums who answer various questions about their time in the Halls of Troy. For the next two months, we want all of you to answer one of the questions. Last month's question was
What were your favorite memories of North?
Here are the responses we got from all of you...
"Playing basketball for Coach Graham, which inspired me to pursue teaching/coaching and a continued connection to a Marianist HS in Omaha (Gross Catholic HS) for the past 44yrs. I visited the new NC this past June, was greeted warmly by Amber Nicotra Morrison and toured the building with John Benzing which included The Don Graham court."... Jocko Ilcisin, class of 1965
"1) Stealing Central Catholic’s bell after they stole the clanger from North the year before and painted it purple and gold.
2) Building an 8 foot Trojan Horse that could hold 3 students for the football game against Central at Three Rivers Stadium and then after the game not knowing what to do with it. Decision: leave it in Frank Orga’s driveway for his family to find.
3) The first day with the Bishop Domenec girls on the school bus. It was overcrowded, but we survived by having the young ladies sit on our laps." ... Carl Apel, class of 1974
"The musicals, Guys and Dolls in 1980, The Music Man in 1981, and Camelot in 1982, made many friends and have great memories."... James Collins, class of 1982
"I would have to say hanging out with Joe Bunda! Joe was known to everyone, yet impossible to describe. I do believe he was on every class roster as a student at North. Remarkable."... Barry Hartman, class of 1973
"I remember fondly the Bro. Kuntz brothers. As a sophomore, Bro Kuntz taught us Biology, learned so many new things in a subject of which I had very little awareness. His older brother, Bro Kuntz taught us Algebra II, tough course (math), in our junior year. I don't remember their first names, and they may have passed on, but certainly memorable Brothers of Mary and teachers." ... Bill McDonough, class 0f 1947
"GRADUATION." ... Dan Straka, class of 1958
"My favorite memories were Jr and Sr prom; lunch in the cafeteria, meeting life long friends. The field trip to Coopers Rock, WV with Mr Hughes Earth Science class and North Catholic dances. Thanks for the opportunity to share these favorite memories." ... Joe Leone, class of 1973
"Without a doubt one of mine is our senior prank - we zip tied all the chairs together in each floor, and school was cancelled for the day. We also spelled out our class year with the cafeteria tables in the gym to make it clear it was senior prank.
If memory serves me correctly, a teacher showed up to the school for work that day and told local news sources that a pipe burst, and that’s why school was cancelled. Hearing our senior prank discussed on WDVE and Froggy that morning was absolutely priceless. Our class went into school that day, helped put everything back, and then many of us all grabbed a late lunch together." ... Evan Petrack, class of 2009
"I have a lot of good memories of my four years at North Catholic. As a freshman most of us looked forward to the end of the day and rushed to the front street to catch the trolley for the ride off Troy Hill and up East Ohio St to Federal Street. There was always a lot of excitement on a full trolley with a bunch of pent-up teenagers like myself.
Two rides in particular come to mind. One day in Sept. of 1952 we all decide to start rocking the trolley along East Ohio Street. Easy to do but we carried it a bit too far and the motorman stopped the trolley half way and stood on the curb in fear that the trolley would upset. Not sure who it was that got us to come to our senses but it felt a bit like West View Park Amusement Center ride for awhile. Not very good role models but a great way to let off steam.
The second comedy act which I wasn't a part of took place in the same year. It was a cold day and the heater wasn't working in the trolley so the guys ( not sure they were ever identified) decided to fill the stair well at the center doors with homework paper and set fire to get some heat. The next afternoon V.P. Brother Schick got on the school addressing system and wanted to know who it was the burnt down the center doors of the trolley. Well all of the classroom windows were open and the sound of his voice circled the building inside and out and prompted a laughter from the entire student body that could be heard as clearly as a game rally in the auditorium. That could have been the only time in his tenure that he ever got the entire student body in laughter. If you knew Bro Schick you would truly understand what I am saying." ... Jack Nieri, class of 1956
"Regarding my favorite memories, many of them had to be playing pinball at Sloops’ with my buddy Russ Sanders. There were many, many more, but Sloop’s seems to be the 1st thing that pops in my mind thinking of the “old days” at North."... Doug Swierczynski, class of 1974
"My favorite memory were the Friday night dances in the gym; all the St Benedict girls would be there since they were all separate at the time." ... Walt Mager, class of 1965
"My favorite memory was the Bell Ringing after beating Central Catholic at Three Rivers Stadium and completing the undefeated season in grand style. A hearty shout out to all the members of that team and all the Trojan faithful that packed the auditorium that night!" ... Dave Harrison, class of 1972
"GRADUATING!!!!!" ... John "Zeke" Capan, class of 1964
"Beating Central Catholic in 1970 at a brand new Three Rivers Stadium to complete an undefeated season. The Friday night dances at Lesniak Hall with all of those girls from the Catholic academies." ... John Murphy, class of 1973
"My favorite memories were of our Latin 2 class with Brother Anthony Victoria. He acted out and ad-libbed the Caesar's Conquests stories that we were translating -- very dramatic and very funny!" ... Tom Holzman, class of 1968
Thanks to all who shared their memories over the summer, and we hope that for all alums, these two questions were heart warming as you thought back to your time in the halls of Troy.
Next month we will return to alumni profiles, if you would like to be an alum who shares their story, you can let us know ...
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Transcript Information
Alums who need a high school transcript should note that the process has changed.
Alumni from 1939-2013 should contact Diocesan Archives at (412) 456-3158 for a copy of your transcript.
Alumni from 2014-present should go to under the Alumni tab and download the request form.
Memories Available
The alumni office has some past editions of the yearbooks. If you can't find yours from senior year, we may be able to help. Not all years are available and supply is limited. Contact us here for information. NOTE: while there is no charge for the yearbook, we do ask that you make a donation to the school.
Some people who have requested yearbooks in the past year have never followed up when informed that a book was available. Those books have gone back into the archives. If you were one of those people, you will have to ask us to pull it back out of the archives.
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Scroll down to learn more about the program and see the businesses taking part in this great opportunity!
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You can stay on top of what's going on at your alma mater by following North Catholic on Facebook -
Congratulations to Dave Scott ('06) and Alexandra Turocy on their recent wedding.
Congratulations to Alexis MacGregor ('13) and Matt Bologna on their recent wedding.
Congratulations to Matt Puwalowski ('09) and his wife on the birth of their daughter, Noelle Katie.
Rest in Peace
Anthony Ferderbar - class of 197959o
James Neely - class of 1954
Ronald Raehn - class of 1973
Thomas Halligan - class of 1972
William Appelt - class of 1953
William Niederst - class of 1959
William Demjan - class of 1950
Dan Russell - class of 1958
Bill LaLonde - class of 1978
Ray Braun - class of 1965
Larry Pilarski - class of 1971
Dave McNally - class of 1981
Joseph Winters - class of 1950
Ray Aiken - class of 1953
John "Meers" Wild - class of 1958
In trying to track down missing classmates for their 60th reunion, we were informed of the passing of four members of the class of 1965.
Jim Brunner - class of 1965
Steve Sipek - class of 1965
James McNally III - class of 1965
Joseph Wolkiewicz - class of 1965
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Request for Prayers
Continued prayers for the following alumni:
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Jay Attanucci ('91)
Denise Enzerra ('82)
Bob Rathke ('59)
Gary Tevis ('68)
Don Lewis ('57)
Fr. Bill Seifert ('57)
Harmer Weichel ('48)
Brooke Sturgis ('20)
William McDonough ('47) and his wife
Bruce Miller ('54)
Chuck Meharry ('88)
Kim Altman Girty ('88)
Santo Pino (59)
Alfred Camus ('57)
Edward Sommers ('64)
Jim ('61) & Rita Finn
Jim Hamm ('59)
Joe Chalovich ('70)
Jim Profozich ('59)
Vince Ranalli ('56)
Dick Turici ('59)
Ed Smith ('47)
James McMahon ('58)
Lori Sullivan ('80)
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Art Heiles ('64)
Stanley Lozowski ('53)
General Michael Hayden ('63)
James Brennan ('46)
Merl Bell ('52)
Dave Bauer ('57)
Francis "Fran" Janaszek ('56)
Dan Haefele ('76)
Richard Gross ('57)
Rich Bowers ('57)
Tom Neusch ('62)
Antonela Kasic ('15)
Art Costa ('60) & wife, Sandy
William Ward ('55)
Joe Fucci ('62)
Jennifer Mireles - daughter of James Peiffer ('61)
Bill Yoest ('69)
Bill Kraft ('56)
Don Donatelli ('58)
Peggy Bauer ('82)
Tom Loebig ('44)
Tim Rooney ('59)
Fred Slaney ('76)
Charles Hayes ('71)
Tom Cook ('59)
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Let us know of any alumni who should be included in our prayers by clicking here.
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The Marianist Women's Ministry would like to offer alumni and the entire North Catholic community a chance to pray for you and your intentions. The MWM gathers weekly to pray the rosary. Please click this link if you have a prayer request. While they would love to have a first name for each prayer request to make the prayers more personal, it's completely understood if you wish to keep them anonymous.
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Flashback Photo
Last Month's Flashback
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This is a picture from the 2014 yearbook. It was taken during a performance of "Children of Eden." What makes it significant is that it was the Spring musical performed in Lesniak Hall before the Troy Hill campus closed down.
We got a few responses to this flashback. Sarah Sterzinger ('14) identified the production and its significance. But then again, she should have since she played Eve in this final production. Mallory Florijan ('03) said, "The picture is from Children of Eden in the gymachurchatorium and it was the last spring musical before the school moved to Cranberry. Sets were by yours truly and were made of chicken wire and paper mache!"
This Month's Flashback
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So what's going on in this flashback photo? Can you name the people in the photo? What is this event? Send us what you know/guess about this photo.
Send your guesses to us here.
The display case just inside the entrance to the school houses memorabilia from the school's history. There is also North Catholic apparel available.
You can check out the NC gear in the spirit shop by clicking here.
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Class of 1956
Emil Beran and his wife, Alice pose for this picture as they celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary.
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Class of 1956
Three generations of Vogeley’s — W. Kirk ( NC '56); Kirk W. and Andrew K. — recently visited Butler, Pa. to pay respects to their ancestors, who were prominent in the community in the late 1800s.
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Class of 1962
Chuck Giger celebrates his 80th birthday with his sons by his side. From l-r: Chad (’98), “Gigz” (’83), Chuck, Chris (’88), and Craig (’91).
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Class of 1964
Classmates enjoyed lunch at Bellisario's. In the back (l-r): John Sharkady, Rob Weiss, Dennis Ranalli, Art Heiles, and Fran Meyers. That's Edward Sommers in the front.
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Jim Eberz poses with a WWII Jeep at the Vintage Grand Prix. | |
Class of 1965
Dan Wolovich and his grandson take in a session at Steelers training camp in Latrobe.
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Class of 1969
Here's the group photo from the recent reunion - their 55th. Thanks Joe Bradley for sharing it .
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Class of 1974
Some of the Dugan family made it to Ireland ... and survived to tell about it. They are (l-r): Evan Jensen, Colleen Dugan Billings ('74), Kelly Dugan, John Dugan ('75), Julie Dugan, Kerrianne Dugan Jensen, Amy Dugan Abma ('88), and Curtis Abma.
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Class of 1975
Another alumni newsletter gold from Medio Monti. Here he poses with his friend and former teacher Walt Quinn ('65).
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Class of 1978
Joyce Velardita Rouda, Debbie Kienast Gall and Linda Maloney Schindler stop for a photo while attending the wedding of Debbie's daughter.
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Class of 1981
Dale Mangold and his wailing sax give another great performance.
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Brian Burke and his wife enjoy another beach vacation. | |
Class of 1982
Jim Quatman and his wife celebrate their anniversary.
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During a day at the beach in Florida, it was Jim Mushinsky's turn to be the ice cream man. | |
Class of 1983
Congratulations to Jody Thorton Powell who was named assistant athletic director for girls sports at John Paul Catholic High School in Greenville, North Carolina.
Amy Larkin Palmer and her husband get their daughter, Gigi ('23) settled at Pitt.
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Class of 1984
Sue Popek Roethlein and Marcie Popek ('91) are ready for the Boss.
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Jack Adelesic sent us two photos. The first is a family vacation picture and the second is Jack sporting his kilt at a Kiwanis golf outing. | |
Class of 1990
Rob Carmody retired as head basketball coach at Mars High School. He had a record of 408-235 with two WPIAL titles and two trips to the state finals. He began his coaching career as an assistant to legendary coach Don Graham at North.
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Class of 1993
Andrea Weigl visits with Sandy Kozlowski during Sandy's family vacation.
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Class of 1994
Chris Riggle takes a selfie with his dog.
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Natalie Sargent Rodina and her family take one last beach photo before heading back for the start of school. | |
Sometime you just need a day at the beach, that's Tana Trimbur's thought. | |
Class of 1995
Rene Klaas Piatt and her husband enjoy a summer night in Pittsburgh.
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Bob Sobehart and his family strike a pose for this family portrait. | |
Class of 1997
Dave Small and his sister Amy ('94) chat during their families vacation.
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Class of 1998
Dan Barr and his wife get ready for a night on the town.
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Class of 1999
It's the Kutschbach sisters: Kristi, Katie Kutschbach, and Maggie ('04).
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Steve Tuite and his mom getting ready for a great time at the Casino at the Meadows. | |
Class of 2000
Brian Papinchak and his wife celebrate their daughter's achievements.
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Galyn Mitas and her family are ready for some Steeler football. | |
Class of 2003
Allison Conway Mercer and her husband take in the sights in Brugge.
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Joe Mravintz is either sitting in the club car on the Orient Express or living the life of a Chicago bootlegger from the 20's. Take your pick. | |
Class of 2004
Scott Hopkinson and his family pause for a family photo while on vacation.
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Kelly McGaughan stands by the noticeboard pointing out that her one woman show has sold out at the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland. | |
Class of 2005
Brian Bosiljevac gets ready to send his son off for the first day of school.
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Jessica Platek Clark and the Pirate Parrot help her little one enjoy a visit to PNC Park. | |
Class of 2006
Bryan Stillwagon and his daughter show off their colors as they get ready for some Premier League action at Acrisure Stdium.
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Liz Rettger Buckley powers up for another day. |
Class of 2008
Mary Kate McLaughlin Rivas and her family celebrate a little one's birthday.
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Class of 2009
Zack Feith instructs his son on the proper etiquette for eating a Capt'n Frank's Hot Dog so that they will be able to enjoy one together during next year's vacation.
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Class of 2010
Alex Kline works with players during PITT's summer camp.
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Tyler Feith and his wife enjoy their last vacation before parenthood. | |
Class of 2011
Martin Long relaxes with his children.
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Nothing says happy anniversary better than a round of golf with your spouse. Phil Jandrokovic and his wife seem to think so. | |
Class of 2012
Cassie Hollihan and her husband enjoy adult beverages, a concert, and a night without the children.
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Class of 2013
Sam Brophy's smile brightens up the sunflower while she is picking wild flowers.
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It's the newlyweds: Alexis MacGregor Balogna and her husband Matt. | |
Class of 2014
Nicolette Bilicic takes time out from vacation fun for some concert fun.
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Class of 2024
Ava McConnell is the newest member of the University of Dayton Marching Band.
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If you know an alum who doesn't get the newsletter and would like to receive it, send us their email address, and we will add them to the distribution list.
Thanks to Amy Dugan Abma ('88), Bill Murtha ('73), Emil Beran ('56), Kevin Colbert ('75), Dennis Ranalli ('64), Jack Adelesic ('84), Kirk Vogeley ('56), Medio Monti ('75), Joe Bradley ('69), Bob Colbert ('65), Carmen DiGiacomo ('59), and Jim Eberz ('64) for sending information and pictures to us.
If you have news/photos you want to share with classmates, send them to alumni news.
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ALL reunion updates will ALSO be available on the school's website, or by clicking here!
Want to make sure you get the details for your class reunion?
Update your contact information HERE!
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Reunion News
NC Class of 1958
Join Us! The annual class picnic is set for Saturday, September 14, 2024 at The North Park Cabin. Price is $23 per person. For details and information, contact Chuck Collins at
NC Class of 1964
The milestone 60th Class Reunion is planned for Friday, September 13, 2024, at the North Park Skating Rink and Saturday, September 14, 2024. Spouses are invited to attend the dinner on Saturday, which will start at 5pm, location to be determined. Transportation by an NC bus will be available for anyone wishing to attend the North Catholic football game at J.C. Stone Field on Friday. The class will be honored at the game, and our champion "63" football team members will be recognized. More details to be announced.
NC Class of 1965
Planning has begun on the 60th class reunion. Bob Colbert will be leading the committee. Like the 50th reunion, the party will be held at North Catholic on Saturday, June 7, 2025, which marks the date of graduation back in 65. Bob wants you to save that date and look for more information here as details become available. If you are interested in helping with any of the details, you can contact Bob at
NC Class of 1966
If you want a comprehensive resource organizing any reunion especially a 50th:
Go to YouTube on any browser
Put “North Catholic Reunion Book” on Search bar.
Slides are shown on a 7 second interval automatically or you can scan forward using the scanning bar on the lower left, Bob Gierl can help and is available at
Bob Gierl says the 60th class reunion will be October 15, 2025!
NC Class of 1974
The 50th class reunion is set for October 26, 2024. The location will be at North Catholic High School. The deadline to register for the reunion is October 1st.
Ed Ober has all the information. forms, websites that you will need by clicking here.
Additionally, Class of ‘74 Golf Event is planned for Saturday, July 27, 2024, 9AM, at North Park Golf Course. Golfers and non-golfers are welcome to participate. 18-hole scramble, $30 per person due at the course (for golfers and non-golfers). If you can’t join us on the course, stop by the golf course pavilion around 2pm for a beer and an opportunity to catch up with NC Classmates. Food and beverages can be purchased at the course concession (air-conditioned seating available). Response is needed by July 20th, 2024. Prizes will be handed out. Contact Tom for more or 412-680-1954 (call or text).
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NC Class of 1984
Plans are underway for the 40th reunion. Save the date for Saturday November 23, 2024, 7pm-10 pm in the North Catholic Cafeteria. For more information, contact John “Jack” Adlesic at (412) 290-3316 or by emailing
NC Class of 1994
Plans are in the works for a 30th reunion this fall. Stay tuned for more details.
NC Class of 1999
There may be plans in the works for a 25 year reunion. We will share details when we hear more.
As we move to 2024, the classes of 1994, 1999, and 2014 are ready for reunions. Don't forget to let us know if you have details that we can post.
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Military Legacy Scholarship
North Catholic has a Military Legacy Scholarship in honor of all alumni who have served in our nation’s military forces. The goal is to provide a $1,000.00 scholarship annually. To date, over $30,000 has been raised to fund this annual scholarship. The scholarship is awarded annually to the student provided certain benchmarks are met.
Every 4 years (or sooner) it is awarded to an incoming 9th grade student. This year’s recipient is freshman Gunner Kopriva.
If you wish, you may make a contribution in someone's honor/memory. Donations can be made by sending checks payable to North Catholic, write "North Catholic Military Scholarship" in the memo, and mail to:
North Catholic High School
1617 Route 228
Cranberry Township, PA 16066
ATTN: Development Office
A kiosk with the names of all alumni who have served in the military stands in the main hallway of the school. Thank you for your service.
The John Latulippe Memorial Scholarship
The John Latuilippe Memorial Scholarship has been awarded to Gabriel Grindstaff. Thank you to all who have donated.
Class of 1959 Scholarship
The NCHS Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund has awarded $5,200 Scholarships for the 2024-25 School Year to Mary Taggart-Snyder, Kennedy Brown, and Evan Stanton.
The Fund has awarded scholarships totaling $103,600 to twelve recipients since the inception of the Fund. Contributions to the Fund can be made at any time and should be sent to the North Catholic Foundation, North Catholic High School, ATTN: Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund, 1617 Route 228, Cranberry Township, PA 16066.
If you would like more information about the Fund, please contact Joe Blitzko(, Dick Halleran (, or Mike Conroy (
Class of 1965 Legacy Scholarship
The Legacy Scholarship was set up as part of our 50th class reunion by Dan Wolovich and Wayne Young and has been under the direction of Bob Colbert and Walt Quinn for the past few years. The fund now stands at about $50,000 and growing. As we prepare for out 60th reunion we are hoping to increase this amount twofold.
The scholarship has helped students with the ever increasing cost of Catholic education. When we were at North, almost all of the tuition was paid by our parishes (remember having to face your pastor as he reviewed your report card?) Now the cost of tuition has fallen completely on the parents. Tuition for the upcoming school year is $15,850.
In order to help parents provide the great education that we received all those years ago, we need more of our classmates to step up and help keep our legacy scholarship fund growing. No contribution is too small. Big Shout Out to classmate, DAN WOLOVICH for his recent contribution. Joe McKelvey and Bill Gubanic as well as many others continue to make contributions periodically through out the year. Other classmates have continued to make small monthly contributions by setting up a monthly credit card donation (read $10 to $25). The great thing about that is it's painless and adds to the scholarship fund which continues to grow. As of the beginning of May there is $50,000 in our endowment.
We are happy to announce that this year's Legacy Scholarships for this school year have been awarded to junior MADISON SERETTI. The first semester honor roll was recently posted. Madison is an honors roll student with a GPA of 3.9 and is the daughter of NC alum, Leslie Filip ('89). Senior DONNIE SCHUBERT is a basketball player and made the high honor roll with a 3.9 GPA.
As we begin planning for our 60th class reunion, we are looking for classmates to step up and make a contribution to the scholarship fund.
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Walt Quinn and Bob Colbert meet with NC Class of '65 scholarship recipient Donnie Schubert ('25). | | |
Walt Quinn and Bob Colbert meet with NC Class of '65 scholarship recipient Madison Seretti ('26). | | |
Consider making a donation to the fund today!
You can send your check to the school with a notation that it's for the '65 scholarship fund; or If you would like to contribute a small monthly amount via your credit card, contact Amber Nicotra Morrison to set it up.
If you have questions about our efforts, feel free to contact Bob Colbert ( or Walt Quinn (
Special Shoutout
John Mikulan is also donating 20% of the royalties from his book, The Bark of the Day to the fund.
Class of 1966 Scholarship
The Class of ’66, is proud to announce the selection of their third scholarship recipient, Maddie Stillwagon ('28), Dom Dixon ('27) and Andrew Scears ('26) were selected by the committee, under the leadership of Tom Balestreire. The committee is well on its way to funding its goal of $150,000 for the Class of ’66 Scholarship Fund. The Fund will be administered by the Class in conjunction with the school. We, Tom Maier, Jim Beran, Hank Marziale, Paul Ladish, and Bob Gierl have contacted many, but if you or someone you know is wishing to be included, contact Tommy, 404.358.4864, text or call.
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Hank Marziale (L) and Jim Beran (R) pose with Dom (C) earlier this year after presenting him with the scholarship. | | |
Kathy Monti Memorial Scholarship
Special thanks to all who donated to the Kathy Hickey Monti (’75) Award. Each year the award is presented to a young woman who possesses the same leadership qualities that Kathy demonstrated in her life. Congratulations to recipients Ava Walker (4.1 GPA), Sara Loughry (4.0 GPA) and Joleen Condle (4.7 GPA). If you'd like to donate, please click here or checks can be sent payable to North Catholic
with "Kathy Monti Scholarship Fund" in the Memo and mailed to North
Catholic High School, 1617 Route 228, Cranberry Township, PA 16066.
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NC Class of 1953 Scholarship
Thank you to all who have donated to the North Catholic Class of 1953 Scholarship Fund. More than $31,000 has been raised thus far.
The class is pleased to announce this year’s freshman recipient is Angelo Vissari. Angelo is the third recipient of the scholarship. He joins sophomore Gianna Fuller who was selected last year to receive the four-year scholarship. Good luck to both students as they begin this academic year.
The Fund was proposed by Reg Urschler in the Spring of 2021, and
an ad hoc committee was established, comprised of Reg, Charley Goetz, Bob Muth,
and Vince Brogan.
The ad hoc committee urges all classmates to make new or
continuing contributions to the Fund. Checks should be made payable to the
“NC Class of 1953 Scholarship Fund” and sent to the attention of: Amber
Morrison, North Catholic High School, 1617 Route 228, Cranberry
Township, Pa 16066.
How fortunate we were to have had the benefit of the education
afforded us. What a wonderful opportunity this provides to all of us and the
remaining families to "invest" in a "guaranteed return on that
investment" by providing a similar opportunity to current students'
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Thanks to many of you, our list of alumni who have served in our nation's military services has grown to almost 1,500. We thank all of you who have taken the time to help us with this endeavor. If you know of someone who should be on the list, please let us know. We will always appreciate your efforts to help us update this honor roll of our alumni.
To view our Military page on the school’s website, please click here.
Additionally, a kiosk listing the names of all alumni who have served in the military stands in the main hallway of the school.
Thank you to all of our alumni for their service to our country!
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The Robotics team competed at Fairmont State University in the West Virginia Robotics Extreme competition. This 26-hour endurance test is an all-night, lock-in tournament. By sleeping in shifts, the robot and drive team got stronger through the night and placed in the third overall rank alliance. | |
Sixteen North Catholic students along with three teachers had the opportunity to visit Europe this summer. Favorite stops included Buckingham Palace, the French Riviera, and the Vatican.
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The Seniors who buy a parking pass are permitted to make the space their own. They spend the day giving the space its own unique feel.
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As the school year began North Catholic welcomed the class of 2028. | |
Girls Soccer
This year the Trojanettes will be led by Simone Sharpless and Lauren Mealie. The Trojanettes defeated Dubois 2-1 in the opening round of the Indiana Tournament. North also defeated Karns City 3-0 in the second game of the tournament. The girls picked up their third win with an 8-0 shutout of Woodland Hills in which Lauren Mealie, Julia Siket, and Simone Sharpless each scored two goals. The Trojanettes begin September with a 4-0 record and are ranked #5 in Class 2A.
Girls Golf
The team is paced by the play of Riley Kontul who has led the team to two victories in their first three matches. This is the first year in the WPIAL for a North Catholic girls golf team.
Boys Soccer
This season, the Trojans will rely heavily on goalkeeper, Drew Schedlbauer as they contend for a shot at a WPIAL title. The Trojans participated in the Pine-Richland Tournament and lost 3-1 to North Allegheny. They faced Central Catholic in a second match in the tournament and handed the Vikings a 2-0 defeat. Overall the team stands at 2-2. Recently defeating Highlands 6-0 behind Angelo Amelio's hat trick.
The Trojans play in Class 3A, section 1 and are ranked as the #5 team by the Trib behind Central Valley, Imani Christian, Avonworth, and Elizabeth Forward. The PG ranks the Trojans as the #4 team ahead of Elizabeth Forward.
Week 0 featured the Trojans taking on Seton-LaSalle. While Joey Felisky threw for 242 yards and two touchdowns, the Trojans fell to the Rebels 23-12. In the season opener the Trojans traveled to Knoch and went down to the Knights 28-17. Once again Joey Felitsky provided the offense as he threw for 295 yards and a touchdown.
Girls Volleyball
The Trojanettes won the Mt Lebanon Tournament by defeating Pine Richland in the finals. The semifinals was a rematch of last year's WPIAL 3A title game as the Trojanettes defeated Hampton 25-20.
As the school year begins there is limited scores and news about the fall sports teams. More information and scores will be avaliable in the coming months.
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Planned Giving
Planned giving is a wonderful way to prepare for the day we depart this life and enter into God's kingdom. By planning ahead, you can provide opportunities to young men and women by supporting North Catholic. Planned giving allows us to help continue the work of Christ and pass on our traditions and Catholic Marianist values. Gifts can be specified in one's will as either a dollar amount of a stated percentage of one's estate. A growing number of alumni have taken this step and discovered a great sense of joy and satisfaction that they are helping families. If you are interested in finding out more, please click here or contact Amber Nicotra Morrison in the Development Office at
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Luke 12:34
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Online giving to North Catholic is fast, secure and easy!
Because tuition alone does not fully cover the cost of educating our students, we are grateful for every gift made to the Annual Fund, Capital Campaign, Scholarships and various fundraisers. Every gift benefits our students and stays at North Catholic.
Please accept our deepest gratitude on behalf of the young men and women who will benefit most from your generosity.
EVERY gift stays at North Catholic.
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Taxpayers can opt to have 90% of their tax liability given to North Catholic High School or the private school of their choice through the EITC (Educational Improvement Tax Credit) Program. Funds directed to North Catholic from this program directly support scholarships for students.
The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) are two programs that can make it possible for many students to receive a Catholic education.
Interested in more information?
Contact Amber Morrison at or
by calling (412) 321-4823.
Watch this short video to learn more how easy it really is!
Click here to watch the short video!
Many thanks to our generous EITC contributors:
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With over 14,000 graduates world-wide, we strive to spread as much news as we can! If you have personal news, accomplishments, ideas about topics, articles, stories or alumni profiles for our newsletter, please reach out to Newsletter Editor Walter Quinn, NC '65 at or share them with us at
North Catholic High School
1617 Route 228
Cranberry Township, PA 16066
Thank you for your continued support!
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