Miscellaneous - The Board approved the following miscellaneous items, licenses, and contracts.
- Approval of Meeting Minutes from August 6, 2024.
Announcement pertaining to review of the Board’s executive session meeting minutes from January 1, 2024, through July 31, 2024, for purposes of disclosure.
Promotion of Police Officer Jeffery Emmerso to the position of Sergeant.
Hire requestsTwo (2) Motor Equipment Operations II (LN3) and Two (2) Motor Equipment Repairpersons (LN6).
- Acceptance of a $5,000 grant from the Mass Emergency Management Agency.
Extra Work Order #4 related to contract PW/23-01 "School Grounds Maintenance" with M. Neves, Inc. in the amount of $11,872.00.
Transfer of an All Alcoholic Beverages License from Three Treasures Concept, Inc. d/b/a Xiang's Hunan Kitchen to Jumbo Seafood Brookline, Inc d/b/a Jumbo Seafood at 1032 Commonwealth Ave. Proposed manager will be Catherence Chan.
Following approvals for Jumbo Seafood Brookline at 1032 Comm Ave
- Common Victualler License - Operating hours Mon - Sun 11AM to 12AM. 44 seats
- Entertainment License Mon - Sun 11AM to 12AM
- Alternate Manager - Kenneth Leung
- Transfer of an All Alcoholic Beverages License from Bright Life View LLC d/b/a Sapporo Ramen to Togaru LLC d/b/a IRU at 238 Washington Street. Proposed manager will be Taiji Mineo.
Following approvals for Togaru LLC d/b/a IRU
- Common Victualler License - Operating house Mon – Sun 11AM - 11PM. The proposed seating is 24 seats.
- Entertainment License Mon - Sun 11AM - 11PM.
- Alternate Manager, Charles Harkins,
Following approvals for Dong Wook Kim d/b/a BeLL 86 at 308 Harvard St
- Common Victualler - Hours of operation will be Monday – Sunday 12:00PM – 12:00AM. Seating will consist of 52 inside seats.
- Entertainment 12:00PM – 12:00AM.
- Question of approving the application for a change in D/B/A from Seoul Society Inc d/b/a Fiya Chicken to Seoul Society Inc d/b/a Fiyahen at 1024 Commonwealth Ave.
The Board Interviewed and Appointed Margot Rosenbach to the Age-Friendly Cities Committee
The Board Interviewed Brooke Richard for the Preservation Commission
The Board Approved an entertainment license for Mad Hatter Experience LLC d/b/a Mad Hatter Experience at 1187 Beacon Street. Entertainment is an interactive experience that will be held from September 13, 2024 – January 5, 2025 including laser lights shows. Hours of operation Monday - Sunday 3:00PM–11:00PM. As of August 9, 2024, this application has been reviewed and approved by the Police Department and Building Department (and is no longer pending).
The Board discussed and approved a charging fee of $0.35/KWh, and an overstay fee of $10.00/hour after a 30-minute grace period following the completion of charging, at all Town-owned parks.
The Board reviewed and discussed a presentation by Public Health & Human Services Director Sigalle Reis on the human services gap analysis and recommendations.
The Board reviewed and discussed the Planning Department's FY25 work plan, including zoning warrant articles for Fall 2024 Special Town Meeting.
The Board reviewed and approved placing an Article on the Warrant
to accept a restrictive covenant in favor of the Town between the Town and Puddingstone at Chestnut Hill, LLC.
The Board reviewed and discussed the Select Board's Goals & Objectives.
The Board reappointed the following individuals to Boards and Commissions.
The Board appointed the following members to the Advisory Council of Public Health
- Voting member - Shira Fischer
- Non-voting members
- Mary Kassler
- Anthony Ishak