September 1, 2019
Community Connections
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Leadership Priorities
Jim Waechter, Moderator

The entire leadership of the NACCC, including the Leadership Council , the Growth , Mission & Outreach and Vitality Ministry Councils, the Board of Directors , the Board of Governors of the Congregational Foundation and the NACCC staff physically met together on Thursday, June 20, 2019 prior to the opening of the Annual Meeting in Cleveland. The purpose of the meeting was to generate fresh ideas for four important programs of the NACCC. These are: the Congregational Foundation for Theological Studies , and the Lay Ministry , Ambassador and Year Round Delegate Programs. The idea generation portion of the meeting focused on what can be done to make these existing programs truly successful. The more successful these programs become, the healthier the NACCC and our member churches will become. I will keep you apprised as to how things are going. Please keep the NACCC and our churches in your prayers.
NACCC Board of Directors
Rev. Dr. Cindy Bacon Hammer, Chair, Board of Directors
Your Board of Directors is preparing for the 2019-2020 year. Financial sustainability, budgeting, wise stewardship of our resources and prayer are our tasks, all for the purpose of serving you, the local church. Now that the Oak Creek facility has been updated and is in good condition, we can turn our full attention to the specific business of working well with both the Board of Governors in caring for our financial resources and the Leadership Council in striving to better serve our churches. We take these responsibilities seriously and consider them prayerfully, always seeking to give our best for you, our churches. We pray that God will bless our work.
Send us your news & photos!
Submissions for the October issue are due by September 10, 2019
National Association of Congregational Christian Churches
8473 S. Howell Avenue, P.O. Box 288
Oak Creek, WI 53154
800-262-1620 ext. 1610