September 1, 2022
Community Connections
Planning & Action Committee
Rev. Arthur Ritter, Moderator
At the pre-meetings which took place before the recent Annual Meeting and Conference, the Leadership Team was introduced with a report from the Planning and Action Committee. Our Boards and Councils were asked to review their goals for the coming year and beyond from the perspective of the following objectives:
- Increase professionalism
- Expand visibility of NACCC
- Foster collaboration
These objectives are designed to set a foundation that directs our decision-making and action. It is our hope that as we consider future action, we will weigh our choices upon the scale of these important considerations. We thank our Planning and Action team Rich Miller-Todd, Jodee Lord, Bob Smith, Katie Kribbs, Patrick Hunt, and Ashley Cleere, and Laura Wright from the staff for their work!
Special Thanks
Beth Bingham, Board of Directors
I want to introduce and celebrate our wonderful National Association staff. As the chair of the Personnel and Administration Committee, I know firsthand how hard they work. Without these professionals, our NACCC would flounder—their wisdom, their experience, and more than anything their commitment to our churches keep us vibrant and relevant.
Here they are, deserving our prayers of gratitude:
Tracy Bernhardt: Development & Communications Assistant, Ashley Cleere: Executive Director, Carrie Dahm: Assistant to ED & Meeting Planner, Debby Fulton: Director of Development & Communications, Marianne King: Editor for The Congregationalist, Cheryl Milnes: CFO, Charles Packer: Dean of CFTS, Julie Roble: Missions Coordinator, and Laura Wright: CCL Assistant and Pastoral Services Coordinator. Please call or write and give them hearty thanks. They deserve it!
The Congregational Foundation at Work: A Sampler
Laura Hamby, Congregational Foundation Board of Governors
The Congregational Foundation supports the NACCC, its ministries, and programs, through a commitment to current donors and the development of prospective donors. What does that look like? Here are a few recent examples:
The Board established “The Member Church Endowment Service”, a unique giving opportunity available to churches and their members. Through its donors, the Foundation distributed $176,915 to the NACCC to further their work, projects of the Ministry Councils, financial support to churches and ministers, The Congregationalist, and more. We acknowledged donors with a Thanksgiving thank-you mailing and Donors Reception; and presented the workshop: Faith and Finance at the Annual Meeting.
Thank you for your generosity and faithful contributions!
Register by September 6th
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In August, the Listening Tour took Executive Director Ashley Cleere, to Michigan, New York, New Jersey (pictured, left), and Wisconsin.
Follow along to see where she's been, and where she's headed next!
Send us your news & photos!
Submissions for the October issue are due by September 20, 2022
National Association of Congregational Christian Churches
8473 S. Howell Avenue, P.O. Box 288
Oak Creek, WI 53154
800-262-1620 ext. 1610