September 12, 2023

In this edition of ENews:

  • Board of Trustees and Standing Committee meet for Joint Retreat
  • Bishop Megan visits St. Michaels Anderson
  • St. Matthews to mark 80 years this Sunday – Join in the Celebration!
  • Be Disaster Ready Expo is this Saturday – Don't miss it!
  • Trinity Cathedral Faith Formation Classes begin this week
  • Opportunities for Sacred Ground Workshops

Around the Diocese

Board of Trustees and Standing Committee meet for Joint Retreat at St. Johns Roseville

Front Row – Left to right: Donnie Wallace, Leta Parks. Middle Row – Left to right: Anne Seed, Adrienne Collom, Margie Harrison-Smith, Bishop Megan Traquair, Bob Hall, The Rev. Aidan Rontani, The Rev. Seth Kellerman. Back Row – Left to right: The Rev. Rod McAulay, Diane Curtis Page, The Rev. Karen Freeman, Canon Julie Wakelee, The Very Rev. Tammy Smith Firestone, The Rev. Jim Richardson, The Very Rev. Matthew Woodward

This is a short synopsis of what happened at the most recent Board of Trustees meeting. While this is not a full report of our meeting, it does share some of the highlights of our work.

Last weekend, members of the Board of Trustees and the Standing Committee had a joint retreat in Roseville. This gathering is our yearly opportunity to have both governing boards in the same room at the same time. This retreat offered both informal fellowship times, study time and time to work together on the issues facing our diocese. Our thanks to St. John’s Roseville for letting us use their facility for our retreat! Both groups appreciated being able to see everyone in person and agreed it was a nice change of pace from our usual zoom gatherings.

The Board of Trustees and the Standing Committee spent a great deal of time discussing strategic planning. We reviewed the strategic plan that was drafted in January, heard progress updates on various goals, and received feedback from the members of the Standing Committee.

During the business meeting portion of the retreat, the Board of Trustees heard reports from the Center at St. Matthew’s and the Commission on the Environment on the ambitious work undertaken this summer on the energy audits. In addition, the Board accepted the report from Gilbert CPA regarding the audit of our finances. We also adopted the 2024 budget and approved the 2024 Congregation Range Sheet.

We also walked around St. John’s campus to see where different components of the Fearless Faith Revival would be held in April, 2024. 

– Margie Harrison-Smith, Vice President

Bishop Megan Visits St. Michael's Anderson

Last Sunday, Bishop Megan visited with the parishioners of St. Michael's Anderson. Assisted by Senior Warden Al Bowbridge, Bishop Megan led worship, preached and celebrated the Eucharist. After the service, she dedicated a new bell, a new cross, a new bench, and wrought iron enclosure for a new statue of the Virgin Mary. Members of the Tapia family, who crafted the additions were present. Many thanks to the folks at St. Michael's for their hospitality and faithfulness.

St. Matthew's to mark 80 years this Sunday

Founded in 1943, St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church has served the Arden Arcade community of Sacramento County for eighty years. In 2016, the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California established the Center at St. Matthew’s as a diocesan community service center and outreach ministry. On our campus, we host Highlands Community Charter School (an adult school offering English language and literacy classes to more than 300 hundred refugees and immigrants every weekday) and River City Food Bank (a large food bank serving more than 3000 people households per week). Beyond our campus, the Center helps to lead Arden Arcade HART (Homeless Assistance Resource Team). The spiritual heart of the diocesan Center is the Mission at St. Matthew's, the worshipping congregation that has faithfully served this community for eight decades. You are cordially invited to join us as we celebrate!

80th Anniversary Celebration

The Feast of St. Matthew

Sunday, September 17, 2023

10:00 am Worship with the Rt. Rev. Megan Traquair

11:30 am Potluck

1:00 pm Open House with Tour of the Center at St. Matthew’s

2300 Edison Avenue (at Bell St), Sacramento CA 95821

To RSVP, email or call 916-927-0115.

Please feel free to download the poster and invite a friend or two!

St. Augustine, Rocklin to host Diocese Daughters' of the King Fall Assembly.

Daughters' of the King Fall Assembly 

Saturday, October 7, 2023 | 9 am - 2:30 pm

St. Augustine Episcopal Church | Mother Teresa Chapter         

1800 Wildcat Boulevard | Rocklin, CA

The guest speaker will be The Rev. Betsy McElroy. Her topic will be 'A Cloud of Witnesses" referencing Hebrews 12:1-2.  RSVP by September 22 by emailing Sharon Mershon, Chapter Treasurer and Parish Administrator at St. Augustine Church 

Missioner for Disaster Resilience

There is such a thing as a free lunch!

In partnership with Episcopal Relief & Development, the diocese has provided the opportunity for our church leaders to attend free training to help make our congregations safer places for the people of God.

Please join us for the first Be Disaster Ready Expo at St. John’s, Roseville (click for directions to the church, it’s closer than you think).  

  • Let the Salvation Army feed you lunch for free
  • Learn your evacuation zone and take home a reminder
  • Learn about how to prepare yourself, your family, and your congregation to either stay in safety or evacuate when the time comes
  • Learn why you can buy 100-piece First Aid Kits so cheap, and if they will do what is needed (hint: 90 cotton swabs aren’t very helpful)
  • Learn the skills to help your family, friends, and congregants stay safe during an earthquake (even if they have mobility restrictions)

There’s still time to register for the classes! Walk in registration is welcome!

Come, be a part of history, and listen when Jesus asks Peter if he is loved: Tend my sheep. (John 21:16)

We’ll see you there!

Saturday, September 16 | 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

St. John's Church | Roseville | FREE

Register Here

Office of the Bishop

This exciting program is designed to meet the professional needs of leaders of nonprofit and public organizations. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will receive a Certificate in Nonprofit Management from the ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation.

This is a six-month program with classes held one weekend a month on Friday night (6:00pm – 9:00pm) and Saturday morning (9:00am – 12:00pm.). There are 6 courses that will consist of 2 classes per course (Fri & Sat).

Learn More


Trinity Cathedral

Trinity Cathedral Faith Formation Classes Begin this Thursday

Starting September 14, Trinity Cathedral is offering two very different faith formation classes on Thursday nights. These are offered hybrid (in-person and on Zoom) and are open to the whole Diocese. 

The Way of Love Bible Challenge

September 14 – November 16 | 6:30 pm | Zoom

Being offered by Vicki Cromwell-Slakey. The Way of Love Bible Challenge pairs each of the 7 practices of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's Way of Love Rule of Life with a passage of scripture as well as reflections, questions, and prayers written by a variety of faith leaders. Explore how you practice your faith in your daily life. Course meets weekly except November 2 for All Souls Day.

Let us Kiss: Song of Songs

September 14 – October 26 | 6:30 pm | Zoom

Being offered by Morey Lloyd. A Seven-week course on the most unused & abused book of the Hebrew Scriptures - Song of Songs. Explore the books' themes of eroticism, the human body, love, pleasure, & longing. Explore its complexities of gender. And perhaps find God in a book that has no mention of a deity, no reliance on morality, and all with no need to justify its existence. Heaven help us! 

For more information and/or a zoom link, contact Rev. Alex Leach, Director of Formation

Partners in Ministries of Health

Commission for Intercultural Ministries

I Will With God's Help:

Journey Toward Racial Healing and Justice

This workshop is rooted in our baptismal identity and the promises we make in baptism. It focuses on how we can more fully live into our promise to be more loving toward our neighbors. During the workshop we follow the path of the Becoming Beloved Community labyrinth.

The workshops are open to anyone in the diocese. Workshops meet the requirement for licensing for Lay Eucharistic Ministers and Visitors Only. Other lay licensed ministries need to take Sacred Ground to meet Diocesan licensing requirements.


SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 | 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Zoom Only

Register here:

Questions? Contact Miriam Casey:

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7 | 9:30am - 4:30pm

St. Mary's Episcopal Church | 1917 3rd Street | Napa

Register here:

Cost: $25 (includes lunch) | Deadline to register: September 30

Questions? Contact Miriam Casey:

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 | 9:30am - 4:30pm

St. John's Episcopal Church | 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd | Roseville

Register here:

Cost: $25 (includes lunch) | Deadline to register: October 21

Questions? Contact Jo Ann Williams:

It’s All About Love: Festival Thursdays

Join a monthly Zoom for the best presentations you missed at It’s All About Love. Second Thursday of the month, join a free, 60-minute offering for the whole church to keep the revival flames going in Evangelism, Racial Reconciliation, and Creation Care.

The first webinar:

Olufemi Gonsalves, doctoral student in public theology at Fuller Seminary

"Jane Crow, and Public Discourse: Womanist Public Theology and the Contributions of Pauli Murray"

Thursday, September 14

12:00 pm (Pacific) | Zoom

Register Here

Examining Pauli Murray’s most powerful proclamation, "When my brothers try to draw a circle to exclude me, I will draw an even larger circle to include them," this webinar will discuss Murray’s contributions to womanist public theology. It considers Murray’s influence on the present and future understandings of womanism and approaches to theology in the public sphere while celebrating Murray's essays, sermons, poetry, and political efforts.

Registration provides access to the Zoom link that will be used for each session.

Upcoming Workshops are scheduled for October 12, November 9, and December 14. 

Commission on the Environment

From the Diocese of California:

Sacred Earth: Growing Beloved Community through Environmental Justice, with Peggy Sheppard

Wednesday, September 13 | 6:00 pm (Pacific)

Register HERE

Join us to honor the Season of Creation on September 13 at Sacred Earth: Growing Beloved Community, our video webcast series exploring the intersections of faith, ecology, justice, and spirituality. Bishop Marc Andrus and Dr. Paloma Pavel will interview Peggy Sheppard, Co-Founder and Executive Director of WE ACT for Environmental Justice, the first Environmental Justice organization that empowered communities of color in the fight for environmental health and justice.

Our guest musician is jazz phenomenon Ben Flint, Director of Music at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church in Oakland. Ben traveled the world as keyboardist for Isaac Hayes and has appeared with Mr. Hayes on shows such as Good Morning America, the Today show and Late Night with David Letterman. He teaches jazz choir and jazz combo at Diablo Valley College and has been the Artistic Director for the Oakland Jazz Choir for the past 8 years.

For more information and to see past recordings, click here

Co-sponsored by the Center for Climate Justice and Faith at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, a graduate school of California Lutheran University and member of the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA. The PLTS Center for Climate Justice and Faith equips leaders to cultivate the moral, spiritual, and practical power to be effective advocates for climate justice. Through certificate programs, community organizing trainings, and a concentration in climate justice and faith for MDiv students, the center has prepared 124 people from 26 countries to address the climate crisis while simultaneously advancing racial and economic justice. Sign-up for the monthly newsletter to receive updates on application deadlines and events.

— Miriam Casey | Commission on the Environment |

Diocesan Convention

Mark your calendar!

Deanery Convocation is Saturday, September 30

9 am – 11 am

Not Registered Yet?

Register Now

Missioner for Church Life

Resources for Hispanic Heritage Month Available Here.

Diocesan Book Study Starts September 26

Join Bishop Megan, Canon Julie, and Missioner Mack in a diocesan-wide discussion of Dr. Catherine Meeks’ The Night is Long, but Light Comes in the Morning: Meditations for Racial Healing 

Order your copy now from your local bookshop or online (consider ordering from Underground Books in Sacramento, named one of the top-ten African-American bookstores in the United States).

Tuesdays at 6:00 pm

September 26 – November 14 

Zoom link

For our first gathering, read through page 34. 

United Thank Offering invites 2024 annual grant applicants

The United Thank Offering Board is pleased to announce the availability of its 2024 UTO Annual Grants, with a focus on projects that welcome and include “the stranger.” Application deadline is January 19, 2024. 


More information—including criteria for applicants, sample budgets and timelines, and helpful hints—as well as application and other forms are available online in English and Spanish. Instructional videos created by the UTO grants committee will be posted online.


In addition, informational webinars will be held throughout the fall, as well as monthly open office hours for staff to work directly with applicants on their materials. See dates and registration links.


This is the second of a three-year United Thank Offering grant focus on those whom society has left out and behind, in the spirit of Matthew 25:36. The 2023 grants—recently approved—support 22 projects related to the worldwide incarceration crisis. The 2024 grants will fund projects that welcome people with differences that cause isolation and that encourage truth-telling, acknowledging historic trauma, and establishing a path toward healing.


Applications may be submitted in advance of the deadlines for review and feedback. View timeline of important dates.


Learn more about the United Thank Offering, a ministry of The Episcopal Church.

La Ofrenda Unida de Gracias invita a solicitantes 

de subvenciones anuales de 2024

La Junta Directiva de la Ofrenda Unida de [Acción de] Gracias (UTO por su sigla en inglés) se complace en anunciar que las subvenciones anuales de la UTO para 2024, que se centran en proyectos que acogen e incluyen «al forastero», se encuentran actualmente disponibles para optar por ellas. Las fechas límite de solicitud son el 1 de diciembre para los socios de la Comunión Anglicana y el 19 de enero para las diócesis de la Iglesia Episcopal.


Más información —incluidos los criterios para los solicitantes, ejemplos de presupuestos y cronogramas, y consejos útiles— así como solicitudes y otros formularios  se pueden obtener en línea en inglés y en español.  Los videos didácticos creados por el comité de subvenciones de la UTO también se publican en línea.


Además, seminarios informativos en la red tendrán lugar durante todo el otoño, así como horarios de oficina mensuales para que el personal trabaje directamente con los solicitantes en sus materiales. Véanse fechas y enlaces de inscripción.


Esta es la segunda de una subvención de tres años de la Ofrenda Unida de [Acción de] Gracias que se centra en aquellos a quienes la sociedad ha marginado y dejado a la zaga, en el espíritu de Mateo 25:36. Las subvenciones de 2023, aprobadas recientemente, apoyan 22 proyectos relacionados con la crisis mundial de encarcelamiento. Las subvenciones de 2024 financiarán proyectos que acojan a personas con diferencias que provocan aislamiento y alienten a decir la verdad, reconocer traumas históricos y establecer una vía hacia la recuperación.


Las solicitudes pueden enviarse antes de las fechas límite para su revisión y comentarios. Véase el cronograma de fechas importantes. 


Infórmese más acerca de la Ofrenda Unida de Gracias, un ministerio de la Iglesia Episcopal.

Mark Your Calendars

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 | 9:00 am on Zoom

Regional Discernment Group Training

Contact The Rev. Anny Genato at if you are interested in joining in this holy work.


Healing Prayer Bible Study and Fellowship | Order of St. Luke

New Book Study: The Grace Outpouring: Becoming a People of Blessing.

For more information call Elba White at 916 684 4015.

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 | 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

Encore Living Retreat | Led by Rev. Sam Shafer | Church of Our Savior Placerville

Register by sending an email to 

with “ Encore Retreat” in subject line. 

Clergy Openings in The Diocese

All Saints Church | Sacramento seeks a Full-time Rector. View job description here. |

St. Clements |Rancho Cordova is seeking a Full-time Rector.

View Job Description here.

St. Luke's |Woodland is seeking a Full-time Interim Rector.

View Job Description here.

Job Opportunities in The Diocese

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral | Sacramento is seeking a new Director of Cathedral Choristers (Children’s choir). Read the Job Announcement Here.

Saint Paul’s | Sacramento is seeking a Director for Hope's Spacea healing ministry funded through donations and a grant from the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California. Read the Position Description Here.

For job descriptions or questions, please contact or call Cn. Julie at 916.442.6918 x 214

The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
To submit news/events, please email by Wednesday of the prior week
Submit a Calendar Event

The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ

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