"Inspiring students to love God, their Catholic faith and learning"

Intro video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0f1sqS0P8E&list=PLgCGT7nNXGY44m_6vFR7g2C-IpexTWKvq&index=2

Holy Moment Prompts

Important VIRTUS information that applies to ALL: Many of you need to update your VIRTUS training. If our records indicate that you are not in compliance, you have or you will receive an email prompt. Please be sure to follow directions thoroughly and make this a priority. This includes all parents/guardians and anyone listed as a pick up, and/or emergency contact for your child. Anyone that comes on campus must be VIRTUS compliant.

Your child brought home the Annual Income Survey form. If you have not turned yours in yet, please do so ASAP. This survey is used to calculate funding given to the school from the government program called E-rate. The E-rate program allows schools to receive funds to cover things in technology like updates and improvements. The more forms we receive, the better our funding is from the E-rate program. This form must be turned in for us to get the maximum amount of funding available to our school! Thank you for helping us support our students to grow with technology.

Hello! My name is Sara Garner and I am blessed to be the School Counselor here at St. Peter School. This is my 23rd year as a School Counselor, with 7 of those years being here. I earned my Bachelor of Science from the University of Maryland University College, and I earned my M.Ed in Counseling from Lincoln University. I am a parishioner of St. Peter and have had generations of family members as parishioners here since the 1850’s.

My husband Cody and I have 3 children: Jonathan, Sady and Sabella. Jonathan is a Helias graduate and is now an Electronic Technician in the Navy and is currently stationed in Hawaii. Sady is a Senior at Helias and enjoys practicing Aerial Silks and working at Strikers as a cook. Sabella is an 8th grader here at St. Peter and enjoys music and sports.

We are a retired Navy family, as my husband spent 20 years traveling the world. We have lived in Everett WA, Norfolk, VA and Fort Leonard Wood, and have been able to travel many places including our favorite: Ireland. In my spare time, I enjoy hanging out with my family whether it is traveling, watching movies, landscaping, crafting or scrapbooking. 

This summer we took a cruise to Cozumel, Roatan Honduras, Belize City, and Costa Maya.

Parent Lunch Day is coming up Tuesday, September 17th for last names F-K.

Parents/Guardian lunches cost is $3.75. Please bring cash to pay the cashier at the time of your lunch. Thank you!

The Cole County Health Department is hosting another flu clinic at school this year. Permission forms went home on Tuesday (9/3) with each student. If you want your child to participate by receiving a flu shot at school, please fill out the form and have it returned on or before Monday, September 16.

Free vision screening for PRESCHOOL and KINDERGARTEN is being offered on Tuesday, September 17 at 9AM by Kidsight. Vision screening consent forms are required for students to participate. Please note if your Preschooler comes on M/W/F, parents are welcome to bring their child at 9AM to their classroom to participate in the vision screening. 

Big Bucks 2025: February 28th! 

The votes are in and we're excited to announce that this year's event will have a Mardi Gras theme. Thank you to everyone for your participation and support. 

Next Big Bucks virtual meeting: September 19th at 5:30. 

Please email Abby Borberg (Borberg.abby@gmail.com) or Brad Shimmens (bssdn2@gmail.com) if you would like to help. We are looking for more parents to join our team! 

Church News

Mass Schedule

Saturday - 4:30 PM (Saturday Vigil)

Sunday - 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM (en Espanol)

Monday - 12:03 PM ONLY

Tuesday - 8 AM and 12:03 PM

Wednesday- 8 AM and 12:03 PM

Thursday- 12:03 PM ONLY

Friday- 8 AM and 12:03 PM

The Diocese of Jefferson City is sharing a new four-part podcast series designed to help us deepen our understanding of the spirituality of stewardship as we approach the October Catholic Stewardship Renewal.

The first episode is now available, focusing on hospitality. In this series, we will hear from clergy and lay people from across our diocese about what it means to be stewards of God’s gifts. Click here to listen now!

Quick Reference Guide to the Diocese of Jefferson City Stewardship Model

Catholic Stewardship Renewal/Time and Talent Form


  • To Pray: that is, attend Mass faithfully in the parish on weekends and Holy Days.
  • To Participate: that is, to use one’s time and talents to strengthen the parish community and advance the Gospel.
  • To Sacrificially Give: that is, pledge and remain current on a tithe of financial first fruits to support the life and ministries of the parish. The goal is 8% to the parish and 2% to other worthy charities.

Important Dates

Friday, September 13, A Day Mid Qtrs Go Home

Monday, September 16, B Day

Tuesday, September 17, C Day Parent Lunch Day F-K

Wednesday, September 18, A Day

Thursday, September 19, B Day

Friday, September 20, C Day St. Peter Church Block Party 5-9PM


Click on the link to see the attachment:

September Menu

Sign Up For Text Alerts

Scrip Order Form

St. Peter Catholic School Webpage

For questions, concerns or comments related to school, please see below for contact information.

If it relates to general classroom instruction, homework, schedules please talk to the classroom teacher.

If it relates to attendance: attendance@stpeterjc.org

If it relates to general school information such as calendar items, school uniform, fees, lunch, etc: kbezler@stpeterjc.org or chayes@stpeterjc.org

If you need the school nurse: egarnett@stpeterjc.org or jhummel@stpeterjc.org

If it relates to policy, safety, &/or discipline: mveit@stpeterjc.org

If it relates to administration: gtrachsel@stpeterjc.org 

If it relates to enrollment or counseling: sgarner@stpeterjc.orgpwekenborg@stpeterjc.org or gtrachsel@stpeterjc.org

If it relates to athletics: kbell@stpeterjc.org

Gerard Rockers

St. Peter Catholic School

314 West High Street

Jefferson City, MO 65101