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Mentoring and Multiplying Leaders

Come alongside people to help them achieve personal and strategic goals. By Trisha Welstad

Focal Point | Light+Life Magazine We recently moved, causing our family to shuffle our belongings across the city while releasing many of them to friends, neighbors, and local nonprofits. Though we had less stuff, we did not have many ways to organize in our new home.

After a visit to Ikea and some online shopping, we began the process of rebuilding, literally. We needed shelves and cupboards, a dresser and a desk. As the boxes of “ready to build” items started to arrive, I felt a bit overwhelmed. But then my 7-year-old — who had proclaimed, “God made me a builder,” at 4 years of age — began to get excited. We pulled out our adult and kid-sized tools and began to set up our space.

My kids were so into building that they would grab the hammer and just start hitting screws, bolts, nails. Then I would stop them and invite them to watch me, then set up the nails for them, and eventually they were nailing the back to the bookshelf without me. My son noted that his nails looked old once he had pounded them in while mine still looked new. We talked through the grip on a hammer and how to hold a nail to not smash your thumb. It became a fun process where I had the joy of seeing them learn something new that helped our whole family.

This is mentoring.

Click here to read more

We are pleased to be able to partner with MIssionInsite

(ACS Technologies).

A demographic and geographic strategy support site. They enable churches to know who they are and who their neighbors are so they can provide greater ministry outreach. 

Pastoral care requires teams to navigate the increasingly difficult challenges of your member’s physical, mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual needs. MissionInsite is a technology that allows you to identify these needs for your members and your whole community.

MissionInsite was designed by church leaders for church work. It is simple to use and is faithful to its purpose of serving the church. Other products identify market groups but are designed for businesses. MissionInsite takes into consideration things that the church considers and serves the church better than any other system.

If you would like to sign up for MissionInsite, please contact the conference office at gatewayfmcusa@gmail.com. MissionInsite is offered courtesy of Gateway Conference for our churches.

Click here to contact the conference office if you would like to receive the handbook: How to Find More People To Know, Love and Serve.

New Board of Bishops

Assignments for Conferences and World Areas

The new Board of Bishops has met, and completed the task of assigning Annual Conferences and World Areas for which they will provide leadership and oversight. 

Here are their regional assignments:

Bishop Keith Cowart

  • Acts 12:24
  • Gateway
  • New South
  • Reach
  • Southeast Region
  • Wabash
  • UK/Ireland
  • Europe
  • Middle East

Bishop Kaye Kolde

  • Central Region
  • East Michigan
  • Genesis
  • The Harvest
  • Keystone
  • North Michigan
  • Ohio
  • Southern Michigan
  • Asia
  • Latin America

Bishop Kenny Martin

  • North Central
  • Oregon
  • Pacific Coast Japanese
  • Pacific Northwest
  • The River
  • The Network of Undeniable Blessing
  • Southern California
  • Africa

“History & Polity of the Free Methodist Church”

Friday, October 13, 7PM - Saturday, October 14, 5PM

Greenville. IL

- Specific location depends on class size TBD

Cost: $75 per person

Lodging: TBD - Hotels, and possibly help GFMC.

Meals: Light Breakfast Sat.; Lunch Sat. on the Conference; Dinner Sat. on your own


Want to register or have more questions? Contact:

Rev. Dr. Tyler Boyer tyboyer@gmail.com

Gateway Conference Office  gatewayfmcusa@gmail.com

Encounter (Church Planter Mentorship)

Friday, November 10-Saturday, November 11

Durley Camp & Retreat Center

ENCOUNTER is an in-person worship, prayer and training experience that teaches the strategies for multiplication. You will be equipped to plant a church and start a movement of churches in creative spaces and places. Encounter is followed by a coaching and mentoring journey designed to guide you in the five strategies for planting churches.

Registration is free. The cost to cover meals and lodging is $50, made payable to Gateway Conference, 1501 Chicago Drive, Greenville, IL 62246.

Click here to register

October is Pastor Appreciation Month

October 13-14-History & Polity Course, Greenville, IL

November 10-11-Encounter (Church Planter Mentorship), Durley Camp & Retreat Center

December 2-Gateway Conference Christmas Luncheon (for Pastors and Gateway Board and Committee Members). Invitations will be mailed in early November.

Looking Ahead:

Leadership Summit, Saturday, April 20, Greenville FMC

Click here for more information

The word MINISTRY written in vintage letterpress type

Superintendent's Schedule:

September 10-Chris Benton Installation Service, Bethany, IL

September 14-Confirmation Meeting

September 21-GEMA Meeting

September 26-MEGA Meeting

October 10-12-SLT Meetings in Indianapolis

October 13-14 FMCUSA BOA Meetings in Indianapolis

November 1-IL Faith & Recovery Collaborative Advisory Groups

November 10-11-Encounter (Church Planter Mentorship), Greenville, IL

December 2-Gateway Conference Christmas Luncheon (for Pastors and Gateway Board and Committee Members)

December 5-7-Supt.'s Meetings with Bishop Cowart

Our Mission:




Gateway Conference - FMCUSA
1501 Chicago Drive, Greenville, IL 62246
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