Issue: 298                           
 September 14, 2017 
In This Issue

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Administrative Information
Thank You for Your Donations!

Your generous donations of over $70,000 last year made this wonderful intern program possible. Click here to read about this year's fundraising efforts. 
Early Release Bus Stop Times

Please find bus stop times for our first Early Release day below. This information has also been updated in the  2017-18 Bussing Handbook. *Our first early release is Wednesday, September 20. On these days, school gets out at 12:45pm and pick up is from 12:45-1:00pm.

Remember to fill out a  Daily Dismissal Form if your students will have a change in their normal after-school transportation on Early Dismissal days!

BLUE BUS (North Route)
N1: Colleen Avenue & James Avenue
N2: Lincoln Drive & County Road C West
N3: 29th and McKinley
N4: Mckinley St NE & Lowry Ave NE
N5: Ione Street & Pleasant Street
Twin Cities German Immersion

YELLOW BUS (Central Route) 
C1: Prosperity Ave & Rose Avenue E
C2: Bidwell St & Stevens St W
C3: Saint Clair Ave & Erie Street
C4: Summit Avenue & Avon Street S
C5: Portland Ave & Hamline Ave
C6: Sargent Ave & Wheeler Street S
C7: Portland Ave & Wheeler Street N
C8: Dayton Ave & Wheeler Street N
C9: Fairview Ave N & Lafond Ave
Twin Cities German Immersion School

RED BUS (South Bus)
S1: 28th Ave S & Minnehaha Pkwy E
S2: Minnehaha Ave & 45th Street E
S3: 36th Avenue S & 34th Street E
S4: 31st Avenue S & 24th Street E
S5: Franklin Ave SE & Seymour Ave SE
Twin Cities German Immersion School

Student Pick Up Reminders

If you are picking up students in a personal vehicle, please follow these important safety expectations:
  • Do NOT cut in front of other cars in the line. Pull up to the back of the line, and move forward only as other vehicles depart the line. Do not idle in one spot; continue to move up as you wait for your student(s).
  • WATCH and SLOW DOWN for pedestrians! We have a lot of students and families coming and going on bikes and on feet at the end of the day.
  • Please use your GREEN CARDS in your windows to help with pick up
You may park your vehicle on neighborhood streets and walk to the school to pick up children, if you wish. Please do  NOT park on VanSlyke or in areas immediately adjacent to bus/vehicle drop-off/pick up zones (see  Arrival/Dismissal Map for more information).

Order Window for School Lunches/Milk, Bus Seat and Kinderclub Care is Opening Friday, September 15!

Please log on to our online store website  Boonli now and place your child(ren)'s Bus, Kinderclub and School Lunch/Milk order for  October.
All orders are due by Midnight on Friday, September 22.

If your family is new to our online store, please  click here for more information on the  Boonli website, how to "Register" for an account and how to navigate the site. Please note the school password needed during the registration process is  TCGIS1.

If you are a returning family, please use the same username/password information that you have used with your orderlunches account. If you need assistance with your account login, please email us at  ordering@tcgis.org.
New Calendar/Event Room Reservation Request Form

If you have an upcoming event and need to request space in our school, please use the  Calendar Event/Room Reservation Request Form . This new procedure will help ensure the safety of all those in the building as well as help best meet the needs of our students and other groups. The office will review your request, confirming locations based on available space. Thanks for your cooperation!
Last Chance to Register for After School Activities!

Registration for session one of after school activities is now open! Please find the attached activity schedule, descriptions of activities, and registration form

Please note that no late registrations will be accepted, nor will registration be accepted without payment (cash or check). Classes will fill up and participation is on a first-come, first-served basis. Cooking & Food Fun is full.
TCGIS String Group

Achtung - All String Players!  The String Group is here again with a new format.   It is open to all grades - one year experience advised.   Herbert and Elena will ready the group for performances   including Martinstag at the Landmark.  Hope to see you Fridays at  4:30pm  .
Call  651-773-9525 or email  infoviennarts@gmail.com today!
PTO Announcements
PTO Announcements

Regional Picnics - Sept 16 from 5-7pm  
Join TCGIS families who live in YOUR area for a potluck.  Find a bus buddy, carpool partner, or babysitting connection. Three location options
North: Columbia Park (800 Columbia Pkwy, Minneapolis)
Como Area: Lexington Park (2131 Lexington Ave North, St. Paul)
South: Longfellow Park (3435 36th Ave. S. Minneapolis)  

Davanni's Pizza- Sept 19 4-8pm
Join the PTO at the St Paul location for dinner with a TCGIS ticket and help the PTO raise funds. Watch your student's backpack for more information.

Follow this link to the PTO website learn more about:
  • Kaffeeklatsch- Sept 28
  • S'mores outings for different grade levels
  • HerbstFest- Oct 7th
  • Herberger's coupon book fundraiser
  • Community Auction is now collecting donations
GAI Announcements
GAI Announcements

Saturday morning classes for kids, preteen and Teens
Courses are offered for the following ages & levels
  • Fun with German (all levels) Preschool, age 4-5 yrs
  • German for Kids, age 6-8 yrs
    • Beginner 
    • Advanced
  • German for Preteen (all levels), age 9-12 yrs
  • German for Teens, age 13+
    • Beginner
    • Intermediate
Check our website for more information and to register.

The 2017 GAI Fall camp program for children will take place during HERBSTFERIEN Oct. 16 - Oct. 20, 2017, onsite at the GAI. Options are available for full week & partial week enrollment (afternoon care until 5:30pm)

The camp will consist of structured programming in the morning from 9am to noon and afternoon care until 5:30pm. Camp activities will be conducted in German and will consist of a mix of learning, arts & crafts, music, play and free time. The kids may also go on short excursions through the Summit Hill neighborhood. Click here for more info!

Multiple positions available

Current openings for Membership Coordinator and Volunteer and Events Coordinator. Check our website for more details & information.