September 15, 2024
The Select Board will hold a work session in the Ouimet Room at the Brookline Golf Course this Tuesday, September 17 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The agenda is included below. A summary of the Board's September 10 meeting is also included.
As with last week's update, I have included the Board and Commission meetings that will take place this week.
Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.
Warmest Regards,
Paul Warren
Please note that this email is being sent by me as an individual and not as an official action on behalf of the Board. The content is created by me and any errors or omissions are solely my responsibility.
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Brookline is conducting a survey to help prioritize the allocation of housing and community development funding that we receive from the Federal Government. Please take a few minutes to complete this important survey.
Comprehensive Plan - Save the Date! Brookline will hold a formal kickoff of its Comprehensive Plan on October 9th from 7:00 - 9:00 PM at Brookline High School, 22 Tappan Street. A second, virtual kickoff will be held on October 10th via Zoom (time to be announced).
The Town Administrator's Newsletter for September is now available.
The Select Board approved the Warrant for the November Special Town Meeting. The Warrant and Article Explanations can be found on the Town Meeting Website.
Murphy Playground Re-Opening Saturday, September 21 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM - Join the Department of Public Works and Brookline Recreation to celebrate the newly renovated Murphy playground! There will be music, light refreshments, and free family activities and entertainment. Admission is free, but visitors are encouraged to bring one or more non-perishable goods that will donate to the local food pantry.
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This Week's Meetings and Events | |
Monday, September 16
Tuesday, September 17
Wednesday, September 18
Thursday, September 19
Saturday, September 21
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9:00 AM - Select Board Arrival and Breakfast
9:30 AM - Opening Remarks / Purpose of Workshop - Following any announcements from Select Board members, the Chair will lay out the agenda and timing of the rest of the meeting.
9:45 AM - Miscellaneous - Approval of miscellaneous items, licenses, and contracts.
Petition from National Grid to install up to 150 feet of 4-inch plastic main extending from the existing 4-inch Bare Steel main in Marion St, Brookline. Install approximately 100 ft of 2-inch Plastic service extending from the existing newly proposed 4" Plastic main extension.
Petition from NSTAR to construct a line of conduits and manholes under Harvard Street - Southeasterly then southwesterly from manhole 3672, at Columbia Street, to private property at 454 Harvard Street, install approximately 96 feet of conduit.
Petition from NSTAR to construct a line of conduits and manholes under Stedman Street - Southwesterly then southeasterly from manhole 12337, approximately 144 feet northeast of Harvard Street, to Pole 137/2, install approximately 21 feet of conduit.
Petition from NSTAR to construct a line of conduits and manholes under the Goddard Avenue -Northeasterly from Pole 71/37, approximately 565’ north of Meadowbrook Road, to new EV Cabinet, install approximately 183 feet of conduit.
Application for an All Alcoholic Beverages License and Alternate Manager for Cobble, LLC d/b/a Bartlette at 318 Harvard Street.
Application for an All Alcoholic Beverages License, Manager, and Alternate Manager for Bell 86, LLC d/b/a Bell 86 at 308 Harvard Street. Proposed manager will be Dong Wook.
Entertainment license for Flowers and Opera at SS Pierce Alley. September 28, 2024 from 3:00pm - 6:00pm.
Application for a change in the alternate manager to Sheila Straight as the Senior Human Resource Manager of NETA located at 160 Washington St. Brookline, MA.
Grant in the amount of $26,500 from the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA)-U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Retail Flexible Funding Model (RFFM) Grant Program.
Appropriation transfer request from the Building Department: From: Personnel $22,777.28 To: Utilities $22,777.28
Appropriation transfer request from the Fire Department as follows: From: Personnel $46,227.64, Services $1,705.45, Supplies $3,125.91, and Other $1,263.21 to Utilities $52,322.21
Change Order 14, with Miller Dyer Spears, in the amount of $22,687.50 for additional Geotech services along School Street to explore existing conditions.
Change order #40 with Gilbane Building Company in the amount of ($19,800.00) credit for additional window testing at Driscoll School.
10:00 AM - Hire request for the Council on Aging Director.
10:15 AM Review and possible vote on a draft policy prohibiting boards and commissions from co-sponsoring events with outside entities.
10:30 AM - FY26 Goals and Objectives - Discussion, refinement, and possible vote of the Select Board's Fiscal Year 2026 Goals & Objectives.
11:00 AM - Fiscal Policies and Procedures - Continued discussion from the Select Board's Summer Work Session regarding the Town's revenue position and fiscal policies (Free Cash, Reserves, Capital Improvement Plan, Unfunded Liabilities).
12:15 PM - Lunch
1:15 PM - Vision Plan - Discussion and possible vote to issue a Request for Proposals to facilitate and create a Vision Plan.
2:00 PM - Discussion with representatives of the Park & Recreation Commission regarding Select Board guidance on proposed or potential capital projects, including but not limited to replacement of the skating rink at Larz Anderson Park and additional aquatics facilities.
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Previous Select Board Meeting - September 10, 2024
Agenda, Meeting Packet, and Full Meeting Video
Miscellaneous - The Board approved the following miscellaneous items, licenses, and contracts.
- Meeting Minutes from August 20, 2024.
Proclamation recognizing September 2024 as National Preparedness Month in Brookline.
- Police Commissioners Advisory Committee Annual Report
Hire request from the DPW Commissioner for a Conservation and Sustainability Assistant (C-8).
Hire requests from the Town Librarian for:
- Librarian II - Youth Services (K7)
- Librarian II - Circulation (K02)
- Librarian I - Teen Services (K06)
Hire request from the Chief of Police for a Public Safety Dispatcher.
Contract with Enterprise Equipment Co., for "Main Library HVAC System" in the amount of $914,400.00.
Amendment #1 to contract PW/23-08 "Water Service Line Inventory" with Weston & Sampson Engineers in the amount of $30,300.
Award from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) grant program, distributed through the Metro Boston Homeland Security Region (MBHSR) and the City of Boston Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management in the amount of $227,000.
NETA - The Board discussed and approved the Department of Transportation to work with NETA to amend the cannabis retailer's Transportation Demand Management Plan to eliminate the requirement that the NETA rent six off-site parking spaces for adult-use customers across Route 9 on the Eastbound side.
Restaurant 1AM and 2AM Closing Times - The Board discussed and approved the four designated districts that would allow restaurants and bars to apply for an expedited process for 1am closing times for common victualler, entertainment, and liquor licenses. 2am closing requests will need to come before the Select Board for a public hearing.
Boards and Commissions Interviews - The Board interviewed the following candidates:
2024 Fall Special Town Meeting Warrant - The Board approved the Moderator's request for a hybrid Special Town Meeting on Tuesday, November 19, 2024 and the Warrant for the November 19, 2024 Special Town Meeting.
Warrant Articles Review and Possible Vote - The Board voted "No Action" on Warrant Article 1 - Approval of unpaid bills of a prior fiscal year (Select Board). There are no-unpaid bills that will be brought before Town Meeting.
Town Meeting Outcomes - The Board discussed and voted to authorize the Town Administrator to negotiate and execute a Memorandum of Agreement regarding responsibilities for circulating information on outcomes from Town Meeting.
Boards and Commissions Reappointments - The Board approved the following appointments:
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