In This Issue
PowerLender Go-Live: Day One Feedback
Delegated lenders began making reservations in PowerLender yesterday, September 14, 2020. Several common themes presented themselves throughout the day:

Lenders imported the 3.2 file multiple times.

When importing the 3.2 file, lenders need to select the file, click the upload button one time. There will be a spinning motion in the browser tab until the import is complete. Once complete, a message will appear that the import was successful with PowerLender file id for that loan. Lenders can then click on the link to that loan and open it in PowerLender to complete the reservation process.


Lock Desk Access did not appear.
If you are able to import the loan and launch PowerLender but unable to see any screens under the Application and Disclosure stage, email Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) staff will adjust your settings to correct the issue.


Trouble completing loan reservation due to missing census tract data.
The census tract data should auto-populate using the property address but there were a few instances yesterday where that did not happen, which prevented the reservation from being complete. KHC and PowerLender have made that field a non-required field until we sort out the issue. Lenders may skip over that field if it remains blank after inputting the full property address.


Company reluctance to use Internet Explorer (IE) 11.
KHC is aware of the issue with IE11. PowerLender is coming out with a newer version that will allow all browsers with their system but that is not expected to roll out until 2021. Below is some guidance from PowerLender to use Mozilla Firefox as an alternative:


Mozilla Firefox Version: 52.9.0 ESR (32-bit version for Windows) which can be downloaded from Mozilla.

Note: This is an older version and will automatically update so auto-updates need to be disabled. Your company will also need to reinstall Java once Firefox is installed.


KHC will continue researching alternatives to the issues that have arose during the first phase of rollout. Please continue providing feedback and contacting KHC at if you have any issues today.

DO NOT REPLY-This is an unmonitored email address. 
To change your eGram preferences or sign up for an eGram list, please visit KHC's website and click on the eGram icon under Quick Links, or click on the "e" at the top of each page on KHC's website.