Volume 89 | September 15th, 2021
Reuniting Clients with Family and Friends
"Diversion" continues to be fastest, most affordable means to end homelessness
Every day we meet people who are new to homelessness. With a quick set of questions we assess if a “diversion” or reunification with family is a viable option that will truly end someone’s homelessness.

For example, after suffering a stroke and losing his employment, then going through a divorce, James felt like he had hit rock bottom and didn't know where to turn. He recently came to the Brian Garcia Welcome Center seeking assistance. James stated he was also dealing with some mental health issues, and his ultimate goal was to get to Louisiana to be with his mother so he could get back on his feet. HSC staff connected James with Community Bridges (CBI) to get his mental health “under control.” CBI helped James stabilize his medication. He returned to the Welcome Center three months later, mentally ready to travel to Louisiana. HSC Staff confirmed that James' mother would welcome him to stay with her, and he was provided a bus ticket home. James arrived safely in Louisiana and is now living happily with his mother.

These connections back to family, friends and support networks are one of the most kind and dignified ways that we help people to find their way from street to home. And, this is one of the most cost effective means we have to move people from street to home with the same success rate as other housing interventions.
Molina Healthcare Grant Supports New HSC Programs
Molina Healthcare has awarded a $60,000 grant to the HSC in support of an expansion of hours at the Brian Garcia Welcome Center to be open 24/7, as well as our recently launched Multi-Disciplinary Street Outreach Program. Both of these efforts allow HSC to connect with more individuals from a client-centric approach, meeting people where they are and offering what they need.

“Molina Healthcare is relatively new to the Valley. They quickly reached out to see and understand the HSC. And they generously reached out with this critical investment that will improve many lives,” said Amy Schwabenlender, HSC Executive Director.
Episode 17 of
The McQuaid Mission
on the
For many experiencing homelessness, the path to housing is not always a quick or easy journey. What are some of the roadblocks and how can we make the process better? We sit down with one expert to talk about strategy as well as opportunities. Plus, we go inside the organization “ELAINE” for a look at how lives are being changed one ride at a time.

In the latest edition of McQuaid Mission Mythbusters, Amy Schwabenlender and the panel discuss the myth that people who are homeless should just go out and get a job and they won’t be homeless anymore.

Special guests include Michelle Miguel, Single Adults Coordinated Entry Compliance Coordinator, Human Services Campus; Eric Barr, Executive Director, ELAINE; and Shana Ellis, Executive Director, ASU Action Nexus.

Episode 18 will air on Monday, September 27th! Click Here to View All Episodes.
Human Services Campus | 204 S. 12th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85007 | 602.282.0853 | www.hsc-az.org