In this edition of ENews:
- St. Matthews, Sacramento Celebrates 80 years
- Inaugural Be Disaster Ready Expo
- Bishop's Disaster Fund Needs Your Support
- CDSP to host Panel Discussion on Open Communion
- Save the Date! Thirty-sixth Annual Diocesan Choir Festival
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St. Matthew's Celebrates 80 years | |
1. The campus was decorated for Bishop Megan's visit and the open house 2. Bishop Megan preaches
3,4. Bishop Megan blessing new bibles and a new contemplative prayer corner of the sanctuary
5. The Worship Team: The Rev Grant Bakewell, The Rev. Babs Haggenjos, Bishop Megan, The Rev. Kathy Hopner, CeCe Coleman 6. Bishop Megan with The Rev, John Schively, former rector of St. Matthews, and the Rev. Kathy Hopner, Vicar. 7. Bishop Megan and Rev. Kathy cutting their respective cakes at the reception/potluck
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This past Sunday, on the Feast of St. Matthew, the church hosted an 80th birthday celebration, including a visit by Bishop Megan, a potluck lunch, and an open house for the Center at St. Matthews. At worship, Bishop Megan preached and celebrated the Eucharist, assisted by Deacon Rev. Babs Haggenjos. Also participating were the newly appointed vicar, the Rev. Kathy Hopner, and the Rev. Grant Bakewell. During the service, the Bishop also blessed new bibles, a new contemplative prayer corner featuring the Virgin Mary and Our Lady of Guadalupe, and a watercolor painting of the church by the Rev. Peter Rodgers.
After worship, the steeple bell was rung 80 times, then all gathered for a potluck. The day continued with an open house of the Center at St. Matthews, with tours led by Jim Schaal, Executive Director of the Center. In all, it was a beautiful celebration of a small but vibrant congregation with a rich history of service to the community.
The need for support at the Center at St. Matthews is great. Please consider making a gift today. Click here to give.
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Inaugural Be Disaster Ready Expo is a hit | |
1. Aerial view of the Expo before it opened 2,3: Expo Director Mark Dibelka and Bishop Megan with the CHP Crew 4.Tim Tribble, Mission for Disaster Resilience Volunteer, Sean McDonnell from Episcopal Relief and Development, Catherine Maloney, Project Restart coordinator and Diocese Representative to Episcopal Relief and Development, and Sherry Wallmark, Project Restart coordinator 5. Vulcan Vents demonstrated their products in a live-file exercise 6. The CHP helicpter was a huge draw 7. Larry Masterman teaches participants how to Stop the Bleed. | |
Saturday, September 16 was a bright, beautiful day for the inaugural Be Disaster Ready Expo, the final offering of our Congregational Leadership Conferences for 2023. Hosted by St. John's Roseville, the Expo was designed to bring valuable training and resources to congregations and the wider community on how to prepare for a disaster. Classes included Stop the Bleed, Earthquake Preparedness, How to build an Emergency Kit, and how to build a first aid kit you can actually use.
In addition to classes, the Salvation Army served lunch from their Cantina trailer, and The California Highway Patrol flew their heliopter in from Auburn. Representatives from Episcopal Relief and Development, the Red Cross, Roseville Fire Department, California National Guard, and many others were there to share resources. Many thanks to the folks at St. John's Roseville for hosting the event, and to all who came out to participate.
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St. Augustine, Rocklin to host Diocese Daughters' of the King Fall Assembly.
Daughters' of the King Fall Assembly
Saturday, October 7, 2023 | 9 am - 2:30 pm
St. Augustine Episcopal Church | Mother Teresa Chapter
1800 Wildcat Boulevard | Rocklin, CA
The guest speaker will be The Rev. Betsy McElroy. Her topic will be 'A Cloud of Witnesses" referencing Hebrews 12:1-2. RSVP by September 22 by emailing Sharon Mershon, Chapter Treasurer and Parish Administrator at St. Augustine Church
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Missioner for Disaster Resilience | |
Disaster Support Fund Needs your Help
Recently, we have seen epic disasters around the world – catastrophic fires in Oregon, Washington, Hawaii and Canada, deadly flooding in Libya, massive earthquakes in Turkey and Morocco.
During a relatively quiet fire season, we have been able to focus on relief and recovery of earthquakes, flooding, and smaller fires, as well as providing training and funding for survivors who are still living into recovery from fires that happened in years past.
The Mission for Disaster Resilience is the first of its kind in the Episcopal Church, and our model is starting to be copied in other dioceses around the nation. For this we can be excited and thankful.
Our goal is to prepare for disaster in the “blue skies” (when there is nothing to cause us to worry), and assist congregations in respondier to their local communities in need.
To carry out this mission, we rely upon the Bishop’s Disaster Fund to:
- Bolster discretionary funds
- Provide immediate assistance to survivors
- Establish emergency data and voice communications
- Transport the diocesan generator for emergency utility use
- Provide training so we can all be better prepared
- Purchase equipment to support congregations during disaster
Unfortunately, the Bishop’s Disaster Fund is nearing a historic low. With the funds currently available, the diocese will not be able to serve our congregations in time of disaster in 2024.
Please, we need your help. Gifts to the Disaster Fund are vital! Consider not just an individual gift, but also taking a special collection in your congregation to help the fund. Also adding a pass-through line on stewardship pledges is an amazing way to multiply small donations.
Donate now by clicking here.
Both Mark Dibelka and Mack Olsen can help your congregation with group donations to the Disaster Fund.
Help us now, so we can help you in the future.
Mark Dibelka | Missioner for Disaster Resilience
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This exciting program is designed to meet the professional needs of leaders of nonprofit and public organizations. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will receive a Certificate in Nonprofit Management from the ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation.
This is a six-month program with classes held one weekend a month on Friday night (6:00pm – 9:00pm) and Saturday morning (9:00am – 12:00pm.). There are 6 courses that will consist of 2 classes per course (Fri & Sat).
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On October 9, 2023, CDSP will partner with the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California to host an event revisiting recent controversy about the role and relationship of sacraments in the Episcopal Church.
In the lead up to the the 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, the legislative committees of the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies considered a resolution put forward by the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California. Titled “All Are Welcome at the Table,” this resolution (C028) petitioned the General Convention to “repeal CANON I.17.7 of the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church …, which states: ‘No unbaptized person shall be eligible to receive Holy Communion in this Church.’”
While the proposal never made it out of committee for the consideration of either of the convention’s houses, its appearance on the legislative docket created a firestorm of controversy in print and social media in the period leading up to the meeting. Proponents of the measure framed repeal of the canon as a matter of justice and hospitality. Opponents worried that repealing the canon would imperil the theological, liturgical, and formational connection between the rites of baptism and eucharist.
What too often seemed to be missing from the contest between these competing goods was a spirit of charity. Those on one side of the debate frequently failed to inquire into what was felt to be at stake by those on the other, and vice versa. Little attempt was made to identify areas of possible convergence, where sincerely held commitments could be maintained while taking action that addressed the concerns of others. In the rush to take sides, many seemed to forget that we are all actually on the same side, as loyal members of the Episcopal Church and disciples of Jesus Christ.
The four participants in this panel discussion are convinced there is a lesson to be learned from this. All are prominent members of the diocese that put the initial resolution forward. The Rt. Rev. Megan Traquair is bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California. The Rev. Br. Simeon (Lewis) Powell, CG, is deacon in residence at St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church in Rocklin and was chair of the Northern California deputation to the 80th General Convention. The Rev. James Richardson previously served as interim dean at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Sacramento, and was the first clergy alternate of the Northern California deputation to the 80th General Convention. And the Rev. Stephen R. Shaver, PhD, is rector of the Episcopal Church of the Incarnation, Santa Rosa, and a liturgical theologian. Each one has their own perspective on the resolution. At the same time, each is able to appreciate the commitments of the others and believes there is common ground they share and might act upon together.
After introductory remarks from Mr. Martin Heatlie, who proposed the resolution to the Northern California diocesan convention, the panelists will make brief presentations of their perspectives on the controversy over this important issue, the principles at stake in it, and what the church can learn from it about how to disagree charitably, productively, and lovingly. After interacting with one another, the floor will be opened for an extended period of conversation, as they respond to questions posed by those in the room and those attending by livestream.
The event will begin at 4:00 pm Pacific Time and is open to the public both onsite at CDSP and online. Use this link to register to attend in person, attend online, or receive a recording after the event.
Contact Dr. Scott MacDougall with inquiries about this event.
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Save the Date!
Thirty-sixth Annual Diocesan Choir Festival
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All choral singers are invited to join us for our Thirty-sixth Annual Diocesan Choir Festival, to be held at Trinity Cathedral on Saturday, January 27, 2024!
We are pleased to welcome Mr. Nigel Groome, Director of Music at St Matthew’s Church Westminster, London, England. He was for many years the Director of Music at Beckenham Parish Church, and the south-west regional advisor to the Royal School of Church Music. Nigel is an old friend of the Trinity Cathedral Choir, having conducted previous Diocesan Choir Festivals, and accompanying the Cathedral Choir on three of their English Cathedral pilgrimages.
Participants will rehearse with Mr. Groome in the morning and afternoon, and the day will finish with a service of Choral Evensong at 4:00 pm, to which the public is invited! Registration information will be available soon, but be sure to mark the date on your calendar!
For more information, feel free to contact David Link, Canon Precentor & Director of Music:
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Mr. Nigel Groome
Director of Music at St Matthew’s Church Westminster, London, England.
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Partners in Ministries of Health | |
Commission for Intercultural Ministries | |
I Will With God's Help:
Journey Toward Racial Healing and Justice
This workshop is rooted in our baptismal identity and the promises we make in baptism. It focuses on how we can more fully live into our promise to be more loving toward our neighbors. During the workshop we follow the path of the Becoming Beloved Community labyrinth.
The workshops are open to anyone in the diocese. Workshops meet the requirement for licensing for Lay Eucharistic Ministers and Visitors Only. Other lay licensed ministries need to take Sacred Ground to meet Diocesan licensing requirements.
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Mark your calendar!
Deanery Convocation is Saturday, September 30
9 am – 11 am
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Missioner for Church Life | |
Resources for Hispanic Heritage Month Available Here. | |
Diocesan Book Study Starts next Week! | |
Join Bishop Megan, Canon Julie, and Missioner Mack in a diocesan-wide discussion of Dr. Catherine Meeks’ The Night is Long, but Light Comes in the Morning: Meditations for Racial Healing
Order your copy now from your local bookshop or online (consider ordering from Underground Books in Sacramento, named one of the top-ten African-American bookstores in the United States).
Tuesdays at 6:00 pm
September 26 – November 14
Zoom link
For our first gathering, read through page 34.
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SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 | 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Encore Living Retreat | Led by Rev. Sam Shafer | Church of Our Savior Placerville
Register by sending an email to
with “ Encore Retreat” in subject line.
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Clergy Openings in The Diocese | |
Job Opportunities in The Diocese | |
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral | Sacramento is seeking a new Director of Cathedral Choristers (Children’s choir). Read the Job Announcement Here. | |
The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California
Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ
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