This Week in School and Campus Safety
Good morning,
This Weekly Update by the Illinois School and Campus Safety Program provides information on (and resources for) the Stop the Bleed campaign, highlights the ITTF's Stop the Bleed efforts in K-12 schools, and promotes upcoming classes.
Thank you for your interest in school and campus safety. However, if you wish to no longer receive our emails, just let me know and I will remove you from our contacts list.
Laura Black
Program Coordinator
Illinois School and Campus Safety Program
National Campus Safety Awareness Month - Stop the Bleed
As we continue through National Campus Safety Awareness Month, and with the Illinois Terrorism Task Force's emphasis on Stop the Bleed training and kits in K-12 schools, we would like to direct you to the Illinois School and Campus Safety Resource Center's webpage on
Stop the Bleed resources
. According to the
Ready Illinois website
, "STOP the Bleed is a national campaign intended to train, equip and empower bystanders to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives."
ITTF Promotes Statewide K-12 Stop the Bleed Training, Kit Distribution
As mentioned in the previous article, the Illinois Terrorism Task Force has put significant emphasis on Stop the Bleed training and kits for K-12 schools. According to the
Ready Illinois website, "following the recommendations of the
School Safety Working Group, more than 7,000 STOP the Bleed kits have been distributed to schools in Illinois ahead of the 2019-2020 school year." Additionally, "each school district is being asked to train a minimum of five teachers/staff in each building where children attend school. Upon completion of this training, the Illinois Terrorism Task Force, via the Regional Offices of Education, will distribute an additional five kits to the school."
Final Chance to Register: Student Behavioral Threat Assessment class in Litchfield on October 1st
The K-12 course "Student Behavioral Threat Assessment" is being held in Litchfield on October 1, 2019. The registration deadline is September 23rd. For more information or to register for the course, click
here or call 309-298-2646.
Final Chance to Register: Student Behavioral Threat Assessment class in Robinson on October 2nd
The K-12 course "Student Behavioral Threat Assessment" is being held in Robinson on October 2, 2019. The registration deadline has been extended to September 24th. For more information or to register for the course, click
here or call 309-298-2646.
Upcoming Forming a Campus Behavioral Threat Assessment Team class in Macomb on October 8th
The Illinois School and Campus Safety Program is pleased to announce a session of the Higher Ed course "Forming a Campus Behavioral Threat Assessment Team" is being held in Macomb on October 8, 2019. For more information or to register for the course, click
here or call 309-298-2646.
Upcoming Advanced Campus Behavioral Threat Assessment class in Macomb on October 9th
The Illinois School and Campus Safety Program is pleased to announce a session of the Higher Ed course "Advanced Campus Behavioral Threat Assessment" is being held in Macomb on October 9, 2019. For more information or to register for the course, click
here or call 309-298-2646.
K-12 Classes
Student Behavioral Threat Assessment
November 25, 2019 - Joliet
Advanced Student Behavioral Threat Assessment
Understanding & Planning for School Bomb Incidents and Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings
November 7, 2019 - Edwardsville
Higher Ed Classes
Forming a Campus Behavioral Threat Assessment Team
Advanced Campus Behavioral Threat Assessment
For more information on these and other upcoming classes, contact Laura Black at [email protected] or at 309-298-2646.
Upcoming Conferences in Illinois
Illinois School and Campus Safety Program www.ilschoolsafety.org