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The National House of Prayer is a registered Canadian charitable society.  We are not sponsored by any particular denomination or agency.

If you wish to partner with this ministry, please click on the donate button.

Canopy of Prayer School will resume on

Thursday September 22, 2022

at 1pm ET

Please join us for a 10-week, in-depth study of the book of James.

To sign up for Canopy of Prayer, please click on the red button below.

If you are unable to attend live, a video recording of the training will be emailed to everyone on the Canopy of Prayer list.

Use the NHOP ZOOM link

Join Canopy of Prayer team


Every Tuesday

7am PT
8am MT
9am CT
10am ET
11am AT
11:30am NL

Use the NHOP ZOOM link

Every Wednesday 

Evening(starting Sept 7th)

4pm PT

 5pm MT

6pm CT

7pm ET

8pm AT

8:30pm NL

Use the NHOP ZOOM link

Meeting ID: 858 228 1726 
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u

If you are a member of the Conservative Party, don't forget to send in your ballots.   Before you vote, please be sure to research each candidate and seek the Lord as to how you will vote. Your ballots must be received by September 6, 2022 at 5pm EDT.

Coming this Fall! Listen for National House of Prayer on these radio stations.

National House of Prayer NHOP.ca
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