Generating Excitement for the
Sport of Snowmobiling

September 2013 Newsletter

Contact Us

1600 E Century Ave, Ste. 3

Bismarck, ND 58503


701-328-5363 Fax

Upcoming Events:     

October 25-26: Show n Shine - Bismarck, ND

October 25-26 Dakota Outdoors Open House - Grand Forks, ND

November 1-3: Saskatchewan Snow Show - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

December 6-7: SND Annual Convention - Grand Forks, ND (Online registration made available in October)

January 10-11, 2014: 5th Annual Pink Ribbon Riders ND Snow Run - Bottineau, ND

February 8, 2014: State Ride - Walhalla, ND

February 15, 2014: International Ride

February 15, 2014: SnowJam - Mapleton, ND

The September 2013 e-newsletter includes information on the following:  membership renewals, Sled'N Snap and the Take a Friend Snowmobiling Contest.


Membership Renewals

The club membership renewal packets were mailed at the beginning of September.  Please remember membership renewals are due by December 1st to ensure members don't miss an issue of the Sno-Dak News.  The individual/family membership fee is $20 and the associate/business membership fee is $31.  Memberships and fees can be processed online using Member Access or by completing the required membership forms found at  The forms were included in the membership renewal packet provided to the clubs.

Recreational Trail Program

Thanks to all of you who submitted letters to the Honorable Governor Dalrymple regarding opting in to the Recreational Trail Program for 2014.  Your letters were received and your message was loud and clear.  North Dakota has officially opted in for 2014.  Keep up the great work snowmobilers!



Sled'N Snap

If you haven't done so yet, please visit and learn more about Flaman Group of Companies online photo contest Sled'N Snap.  Sled'N Snap is entering its third successful year with Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan and is now being offered to North Dakota registered snowmobilers and non-residents that have purchased a trail pass for the 2013-2014 season.  All you have to do is visit, sign up and enter a photo for your chance to win a trailer!  Only residents of Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba and North Dakota are eligible to win the trailer prizes.  Prizes for the following categories include and are brought to you by: 

Photo contest categories include: 

  1.  Trail/Scenery/Wildlife Shots
  2.  Action!
  3.  Club Rides/Events
  4.  Buried! (Got the Powder Blues)
  5.  Shelters/Trailers
  6.  Youth/Family

Please remember in order to be eligible for the excellent prizes; the participant has to have a valid North Dakota snowmobile registration or non-resident trail pass. Click here to Get Registered! 


Take a Friend Snowmobiling Campaign

The members of the International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association (Arctic Cat, BRP,

Polaris, and Yamaha) join the organized snowmobile community in announcing the Take a Friend

Snowmobiling Contest for 2014. State and provincial snowmobile association members of the

American Council of Snowmobile Association (ACSA) and the Canadian Council of Snowmobile

Organizations (CCSO) are eligible to win a $5,000.00 cash prize by sponsoring Take a Friend

Snowmobiling activities throughout their states and provinces. Contest events can be held any


To encourage participation from snowmobile clubs belonging to SND; a $1,000 prize will be awarded to one lucky club that participates in the Take a Friend Snowmobiling contest.  To be eligible for the $1,000 prize, please submit the Take a Friend Snowmobiling contest form to SND by April 30th (please remember to still submit the form to ISMA as well.)  The SND Board of Directors, Awards and Nominations Committee will review the contest forms and select a winner.  SND's raffle ticket fundraiser has made this prize possible for the ND snowmobile clubs.  Please contact SND or a Board member if you are interested in purchasing or selling tickets.



  1. SND Membership renewal is from September 1st to December 1st
  2. Local clubs can request SND Promotional Bags for events; all request must be received 2 weeks in advance  of the event date
  3. Land leases and updates are due November 1st
  4. Sno-Dak News Space & Materials Deadlines for additional issues:
    1. November 2013:  October 1, 2013
    2. December 2013:  November 1, 2013
    3. January 2014:  December 1, 2013
    4. February 2014:  January 1, 2014
    5. March 2014:  February 1, 2014
This message is brought to you by Snowmobile North Dakota and our international partners.