SEPTEMBER 2015 Newsletter




 We are dedicated to a single purpose:


Empowering veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. We accomplish this by ensuring that veterans and their families can access the full range of benefits available to them; fighting for the interests of America's injured heroes on Capitol Hill; and educating the public about the great sacrifices and needs of veterans transitioning back to civilian life.  


Nationally, DAV was formed in 1920 by WWI veterans.  DAV Chapter 10 in Arlington-Fairfax was chartered in 1950 by several WWII veterans.  


DAV Arlington-Fairfax Chapter 10 has over 3100 members and is the largest chapter in the State of Virginia.  DAV Department of Virginia has over 40,000 Members.






 Chapter 10 Meets the 3rd Saturday of every month at 10 am at:



American Legion Post 177

3939 Oak St.

    Fairfax, VA  22030 



Chapter 10 Links
DAV National and Dept Links 

 Employment Resources

Legislative Resources





DAV Auxiliary Unit 10 Meets the 3rd Saturday of every month at 10 am at:


American Legion Post 177

3939 Oak St.

    Fairfax, VA  22030     


 Relatives of veterans are eligble to join the DAV Auxiliary.  To learn more about the DAV Auxilliary please click this link.




Local Places of Interest 





VA Resources & Links

(click the Icon)

Welcome to the September issue of the Chapter 10 Newsletter. This issue covers several topics:  DAV and AAFMAA MSO, Remembering 9/11, Chapter 10's Annual Picnic, Women Veterans Campaign, Legisaltive Alerts, Desert Storm Veteran Changes His Life, and New Regulation Regarding Service Animals at the VA.        

For upcoming events check out the information below. 
September 3, 2015 ,   hiring expo for service members, veterans, and military spouses at Nationals Park in Washington, D.C.  For more information, Click Here!

September 11, 2015, the US Air Force Band Patriot's Day Remembrance and Air Force Birthday Concert at the Air Force Memorial.
September 12, 2015, CSO/DSO Training in Chesapeake. 
September 14, 2015, the National Museum of the Marine Corps is hosting the VA Resources Fair.  VA employees from the Washington DC Medical Center, Benefits Administration, and National Cemetery will be available.  
September 18, 2015, USMC Quantico Hiring Event is open to Transitioning Service Members, Active Duty, Retirees, and Spouses.  To learn more, Click Here!
September 19, 2015, Chapter 10 will be hosting the DAV MSO with AAFMAA.  For more information, please see the article below.
September 26, 2015, is the Annual Chapter 10 Picnic.  See the article below for more information.   
September 27, 2015, Gold Star Mother's Day Observance at Arlington National Cemetery.  To learn more Click Here! 
September 29, 2015, Women Veterans Campaign at the Washington DC VA Medical Center.  See the article below for more details.
Chapter Commander Sam Denham
Welcome to our September Issue of Chapter 10's electronic newsletter!
The recent DAV National Convention provided so much new information and seminars.  To view those seminars and events, Click Here!

We look forward to our upcoming Mobile Service Office visit at AAFMAA and our Annual Chapter Picnic.  Please check out the articles below!

I am pleased to inform you that the Resolution passed by Chapter 10 for Property Tax Exemption for one vehicle for 100% permanent and total veterans, was presented to our State Legislators by the DAV Department of Virginia.  They sent an email alert to all 140 Legislators on August 26, 2015.  Over 60 of them have read our information.  We will keep you updated on the progress.  A copy of the notice can be found on our Facebook Page and our Twitter feed, or just  Click Here! 
September is National Suicide Prevention Month. If you or any veteran you know is in need of help or assistance, Click Here!  You are not alone and remember, the Power of One; One Simple Act Can Make a All the Difffernece!  Please reach out today!
AAFMA & Chapter 10 Host 5th Annual Event
DAV Mobile Service Office in Reston on September 19, 2015  
AAFMAA (American Armed Forces Mutual Aid Association), the country's longest standing not-for-profit organization expressly serving the American Armed Forces community, announced that it will host its 5th Annual Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Mobile Service Office at its Reston, Va. campus on Saturday, September 19th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The address is 1856 Old Reston Ave, Reston, VA 20190.  To visit the AAFMAA website, Click Here!  To read their press release for the event, Click Here!   

AAFMAA will host DAV National Service Officers (NSO) from Washington D.C., Maryland and Virginia at its historic Manor House to meet with all interested veterans. AAFMAA membership is not required and there are no time limits for individual sessions. DAV is the longest-standing Veterans Service Organization (VSO) in the country, and its NSOs are rigorously trained and ready to answer any questions about Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) entitlements, benefits, and claims. 
"While National Service Officers go out to serve veterans with the Mobile Service Office regularly, this event is special because of its size and availability to all military members of the local community," said Jodee Neumann, Team Leader of VA Benefits Coordination with AAFMAA Member and Survivor Benefits, LLC. "Any veteran is encouraged to attend the event to discuss any form of VA Benefits, including educational assistance, VA healthcare, disability claims and survivor claims, among others." 
AAFMAA and DAV at the 2014 MSO Event in Reston
At every Chapter 10 Meeting, DAV Service Officers are available to provide assistance with VA benefits and claims. Chapter 10 will not be meeting in September, as the 3rd Saturday in September is the AAFMAA MSO Event!
If need immediate assistance, please contact the DAV National Service Office in Roanoke, Washington DC, or Baltimore. For all of their contact information or to send them an email, Click Here! 
Roanoke DAV NSO Office:  540-597-1731
Washington DC DAV NSO Office:  202-530-9260
Baltimore DAV NSO Office:  410-230-4440 
Chapter 10 Annual Picnic
Join us and Meet the DAV Chapter 10 Family!

Chapter 10 is hosting its annual picnic on Saturday, September 26, 2015.  It will be held at Nottoway Park, Fairfax County, 9537 Courthouse Road, Vienna, VA 22181. 


Every year we host veterans from the Washington DC VAMC Long Term Care Center.  If you have not attended a Chapter 10 event yet, this is a great opportunity to bring your family and meet the DAV Chapter 10 family.  All members are invited to come and join us in the camaraderie! 


Again, the picnic is open to everyone.  If you are planning on attending, please R.S.V.P. by September 23, 2015.  To send us your R.S.V.P. and the number in your party, Click Here!

National Women Veterans  Campaign
The Washington DC VAMC is hosting the Event on September 29, 2015
The Center for Women Veterans is leading a Women Veterans Campaign.  The Campaign consists of forums, sessions, and workshop events in the five VA Districts, from June through September.  Events will showcase benefits and services for women Veterans.  To learn more about the Center for Women Veterans visit their website, Click Here!
On September 29, 2015, the Washington DC VAMC, is hosting one of the 5 events planned nation wide.  The event will consist of Free VA Health and Benefits Information, Community  Resources, Wellness and Preventative Care information, Healthy bag lunch, and Resiliency Recognition Ceremony.   

Community resource information will be available at 9 am. The formal program and information will start at 10am.  Please register for the vent by September 15, 2015.  To learn more about the event and to register, Click Here!

To learn more about DAV's issues, concerns, and legislative issues for women veterans, please watch the DAV Women Veterans Seminar conducted at the DAV National Convention in August.  See the video below:

Legislative Alert!  Contact Congress Today!
100% Permanent and Total Veterans to Travel on Military Aircraft
On May 12, 2015, Representative Gus Bilirakis of Florida introduced H.R. 2264 to permit veterans who have service-connected, total and permanent disabilities to travel on military aircraft in the same manner and to the same extent as retired members of the armed forces are entitled to such travel. 
This bill would amend title 10, United States Code, to afford priority to totally disabled veterans for transportation on scheduled and unscheduled military flights within the continental United States and on scheduled overseas flights operated by the Air Mobility Command, on a space-available basis.

Military Sexual Trauma

Senator Jon Tester (MT) and Representative Chellie Pingree (ME) introduced companion bills (H.R. 1607 and S. 865) that would improve the disability compensation evaluation procedure of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for veterans with mental health conditions related to military sexual trauma.
The bills would add authority to presume trauma occurred on the basis of new criteria that connects sexual trauma and subsequent mental health challenges, enabling these veterans to receive appropriate benefits. These bills are important because so many survivors of military sexual trauma historically were disproportionately denied any recognition by VA of their injuries during military service.

To contact your U.S. Representative and Senators and send them an email, Click Here!
Chapter 10 Donates to NSF at Convention
"The Greatest Chapter in the Known Universe!"
At the DAV National Convention in Denver, Sr. Vice Commander Erwin Schultze presented the $1000.00 donation to the DAV National Service Foundation.  To learn more about the DAV National Service Foundation, Click Here! 
To watch Sr. Vice Commander Schultze's presentation, click the video link below.  It is loaded to start prior to his remarks.  Directly after Sr. Vice Commander Erwin Schultze is Chapter 10 Treasurer and Past Department Commander Jim Procunier also making a donation. 

To borrow a phrase from Chapter Adjutant John Maki, "Chapter 10 is the Greatest Chapter in the Known Universe!"
Desert Storm Veteran Transforms His Life
John Robinson a Registered Nurse at the Washington DC VAMC
Television audiences nationwide were amazed to see a Washington DC VA Medical Center nurse shrink from 531 pounds to an astounding 316 pounds. The local Army Veteran shared his story and life-changing transformation August 11 on the ABC's Extreme Weight Loss television show, season 5.

John Robinson, before and after his amazing weight loss
He was contacted by the producers of Extreme Weight Loss and he took a leave of absence from his nursing job in the medical center's Surgical Intensive Care Unit and attended a 90-day boot camp in Colorado.  The camp was very hard for him.  The potential contestants would often work out up to four and a half hours a day.  "I have bad knees and a bad back, so I couldn't run and do a lot of the exercises," Robinson said.

By the time his 90 days were up, Robinson had managed to lose an amazing 125 pounds. Sadly, the boot camp participants are not guaranteed a spot on the show and in spite of his initial weight loss success; he was not selected to continue with the show. The show producers did not think he had the motivation to continue with the program.

He proved them wrong.  "I was bummed, but I was determined to lose the weight on my own," Robinson said.  So with no glaring lights, no cameras rolling and no trainers barking encouragement, he found an inner strength he didn't know he had and continued the weight loss on his own.

The producers followed up and were so impressed with his motivation and progress, he was told to pack his bags as he was given a spot on the Extreme Weight Loss show, season 5.

His is a story of perseverance and transformation.  He is now looking forward to returning to the DC Metropolitan area as a nurse, a weight loss coach and a leader for those who require life-changing motivation.  To read more, Click Here! 
Chapter 10 and DAV Membership
Veterans Helping Veterans and Member Benefits    

As a DAV Member, in addition to our programs and free services, you are entitled to a Member Benefits Package, which gives you access to a variety of important programs, products and services.   

Did You Know About  DAV Member Benefits?

USAA has joined forces with Disabled American Veterans to help support the DAV mission to honor and empower injured veterans.

When you join USAA, you become part of an extended military-based family and support system that can be passed down from generation to generation. USAA offers superior insurance and financial products with competitive rates and legendary customer service. 

USAA Bank is the exclusive credit card provider to DAV. DAV members can show their support with The DAV USAA Rewards™ Credit Card, available in both American Express® Card and MasterCard®. USAA will make a contribution to DAV with every opened account and each eligible purchase.   To learn more, have your membership number available and Click Here!  

Being a member of the DAV adds your voice to Keeping the Promises to the Men and Women Who Served!  DAV has a professional Legislative Staff in Washington DC.  On Capital Hill, they are one of the most respected voices and Veterans Service Organizations.  By being a member, you help all us!  If you are not a member or know someone who is interested being a DAV Life Member,  Click Here!  
New VA Rules Regarding Service Animals 
On August 17, 2015, the VA Announced the Rule Change
The updated regulation will ensure VA practices remain consistent with applicable federal law. It will also assist individuals entering VA facilities in developing a clear and consistent understanding of the criteria governing facility access for service animals.
Under the revised regulation, only dogs that are individually trained to perform work or tasks on behalf of an individual with a disability will be considered service animals.  Other animals will not be permitted in VA facilities, unless expressly allowed as an exception under the regulation for activities such as animal-assisted therapy or for other reasons such as law enforcement purposes.

The regulation further confirms that service animals may access VA property subject to the same terms that govern the admission of the public to VA property, and  may be restricted from certain areas on VA properties to ensure that patient care, patient safety, and infection control standards are not compromised.  To read the VA's August 17th News Release, Click Here! 
Chapter 10 Member Appointed to Committee
Jim Procunier Appointed to DAV National Legislative Committee
National Commander Moses McIntosh recently appointed our very own Jim Procunier to the DAV National Interim Legislative Committee. 

Mr. Procunier is the Immediate Past Department Commander, Past Chapter 10 Commander, and currently our Chapter Treasurer.  While serving as Department Commander, Jim was very active with our US Officials attending various meetings and hearings.  Jim has met with our Virginia officials on Capital Hill on several occasions.  Jim is also the Advisor to the Department Social Media Committee and assisted in the recent email to all of the State of Virginia Elected Officials.

We congratulate Jim and know he will represent Chapter 10 and the Department of Virginia well! 
DAV Meets with Congressman Wittman
On August 27, 2015, Chapter 58 Hosted the Congressman
DAV Chapter 58 in Gloucester Hosted US Representative Rob Wittman.  Chapter 10's Judge Advocate, Shane Liermann was in attendance.  He was able to articulate DAV's Legislative Priorities and clarify several issues concerning veterans benefits.  The DAV Department of Virginia September newsletter will have an expanded article on this event.   
Remembering 9/11 at Arlington and Pentagon
Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery
The Victims of Terrorist Attack on the
Pentagon Memorial is a pentagonal granite marker 4.5 feet (1.4 m) high. On five sides of the memorial along the top are inscribed the words "Victims of Terrorist Attack on the Pentagon September 11, 2001". Aluminum plaques, painted black, are inscribed with the names of the 184 victims of the terrorist attack. There are five plaques, one for each side of the marker. The names of those aboard Flight 77 are marked with a diamond in front of their name. The names of those for whom no remains could be identified are marked with a star in front of their name.

Pentagon Memorial

To commemorate the anniversary each year, an American flag is hung on the section of the Pentagon hit by Flight 77. At night, this section of the building is lit up in blue lights.

The Arlington Police/Fire/Sheriff 5K Race is held on Saturdays, around the anniversary, with the course going through part of Crystal City and through the Pentagon grounds.  Memorial services are held on the anniversary of 9/11 at the Pentagon, with one service in an auditorium at the Pentagon for employees. A smaller service is held at the memorial site for family and friends of victims killed at the Pentagon on 9/11.

Let us never forget the sacrifces and bravery shown during and after 9/11. "One of the worst days in America's history saw some of the bravest acts in Americans' history. We'll always honor the heroes of 9/11. And here at this hallowed place, we pledge that we will never forget their sacrifice."
-President George W. Bush at the Pentagon in 2008.
"Even the smallest act of service, the simplest act of kindness, is a way to honor those we lost, a way to reclaim that spirit of unity that followed 9/11."
-President Obama in 2011.

Chapter Adjutant John Maki

The DAV Department of Virginia recently was awarded the Local Veterans Assistance Program (LVAP) award for National DAV Division 1.  Over 187,000 volunteer hours for all DAV Chapters in Virginia.  Chapter 10 reports its LVAP hours at the first of each month.  Please ensure that everyone that is performing LVAP is reporting those to me timely each month.  To learn more about volunteering, Click Here!

We have two members attending the DAV Chapters Service Officer Training on September 12, 2015,  Mrs. Kathleen Schultze and Mr. Richard Woodruff.  The next training session will be in June 2016.  If you are interested in helping your fellow veterans with disability claims and benefits consider attending the training in June 2016.   

The Department Fall Conference will be scheduled in November this year.  Preliminary information can be found on the Department of Virginia website, Click Here!

In you are in need of VA claims assistance, or you know someone who is, do not forget about our event on September 19, 2015, at the AAFMAA Reston Campus as noted above.   We will not be meeting at the American Legion Post on the 19th as we will be in Reston. 

We look forward to seeing everyone at our Annual Chapter Picinc on September 26, 2015.  Come One, Come All!



John Maki

DAV Chapter 10 Adjutant

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