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In This Issue
Child Food Allergies

Food allergies are on the rise in the United States and continue to be a public health concern. Over 12 million Americans have food allergies, or more than 4 percent of the population. The incidence of food allergies is highest among children. One in 17 children under the age of three suffer from food allergies, and roughly 3 million children in the U.S. have food allergies. Scientists and Doctors don't know why the numbers are rising so quickly, but they do know that it is a serious problem. Food allergies are serious and common enough that all childcare providers need to have some basic education on the topic. 

Ninety percent of all food allergic reactions in the United States are caused by what are known as the eight major food allergens. The eight major food allergens are milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews, etc.), wheat, soy, fish, and shellfish. While most allergic reactions cause discomfort with symptoms such as hives, swelling, itching, nausea and difficulty breathing, some reactions can be deadly serious. Peanut allergies, for example, can cause anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a sudden, life-threatening allergic reaction. A person's blood pressure can drop, breathing tubes can narrow, and the tongue can swell. Furthermore, you never know when a serious reaction will strike. A child's first allergic reaction is often more mild than the next one, and it's extremely important to be prepared as a childcare provider for when that next reaction occurs.

Food Allergies in Schools
Article Courtesy of
Food allergies are a growing food safety and public health concern that affect an estimated 4%-6% of children in the United States.Allergic reactions can be life threatening and have far-reaching effects on children and their families, as well as on the schools or early care and education (ECE) programs they attend. Staff who work in schools and ECE programs should develop plans for preventing an allergic reaction and responding to a food allergy emergency.
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Food Allergies in Children
Article Courtesy of

With a food allergy, the body reacts as though that particular food product is harmful. As a result, the body's immune system creates antibodies to fight the food allergen, the substance in the food that triggers the allergy. The next time a person comes in contact with that food by touching or eating it or inhaling its particles, the body releases chemicals, including one called histamine, to "protect" itself. These chemicals trigger allergic symptoms that can affect the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, skin, or cardiovascular system. View Article  
This Month's Trial Course: Food Allergies in Early Care 
CCEI offers CCEI119: Food Allergies in the Early Care Setting as an online no-cost trial child care training course to new CCEI users during the month of September.

Food allergies are on the rise in the United States and continue to be a public health concern. More than 3 million children in the U.S have food allergies, a number that has doubled since 2002. This course provides an overview of food allergies and basic food allergy safety principles to employ in the early care setting. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to identify the center's responsibility to provide a safe environment for children and staff who suffer from food allergies, identify the eight major food allergens, list the theories associated with the rise in food allergies, and identify the importance of food labeling and packaging.  
Alumni Profile   
Elizabeth Ocampo
Auburn, WA   
Congratulations to Elizabeth for successfully completing the Online Self-Study Child Development Associate (CDA) Certificate Program of Study!

Elizabeth began her career in child care in high school while working at a nearby childcare center. She loves spending the entire day with the children in her care, while the kids like outdoor time, and they love art time! Elizabeth is motivated by seeing her children happy and smiling every day, and knowing she is a part of their learning environment.
In her spare time, Elizabeth enjoys spending time with her daughter, and going for hikes or walks in the park. In the future, she plans to work in a bilingual classroom, and teach young children for the rest of her life. Elizabeth is currently working toward obtaining her CDA Credential from the Council of Professional Recognition. She recommends CCEI to everyone and says, "I am working on becoming a language teacher for the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. I am working with students in early childhood education. I love what I am doing!"

Congratulations, Elizabeth! CCEI is proud to call you a graduate!   

Contact Admissions at 1.800.499.9907, or visit for more information or to enroll online.


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