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 News from the Transfiguration Spirituality Center
Week of September 3, 2017
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It isn't every year an eclipse crosses our path. One of the joys of the extraordinary is that it can bring folks together for conversation as we share the wonder of the event. This was true here at 495 Albion Avenue on the day of the eclipse. Although we didn't experience 'totality', we did have a chance to witness the sun covered by the moon [90.7%]. The staffs of the Convent, TSC, Bethany School and Convent guests joined in an 'Eclipse Party', using a variety of innovative and not-so-innovative methods to protect our eyes, yet see the wonder of creation unfold.

Photos by Faith Lang

Seeing our life experience with 'new eyes' is what getting away for a retreat is all about. In August we had groups on campus who bring folks in recovery from addictions and other life challenges. While on these retreats, a new outlook on life, a renewed hope in the possible, and an experience of wonder infuses their spirits.  It is our pleasure to host these groups, and our hope that the offerings outlined below for individuals will provide you with the chance to renew your spirit, and to try a new way of being for a few days.

Looking at the world from one foot off the ground is our resident canine,  Emmy. Many of our guests have seen her on their visits here at TSC. Emmy has been here since she was adopted by Toni in February 2013. Since then, she has been a 'working' dog. Even when Toni is away from home without Emmy, the TSC staff join forces to enable her to come to work. Emmy tells us that she loves people, welcomes the stranger -- even though she lets us know when one is approaching. And she especially loves to have her tummy rubbed. One thing Emmy wants us to know is that although she looks like she wants scraps from the table, she knows that is NOT allowed!

Photo by Faith Lang

Emmy is seen here where she is often found, on her blanket on the sofa in the TSC office.
CREATION AND CLIMATE: Just Living or Living Justly?
The Rt. Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori will lead a retreat September 29-October 1

Registration is open for this retreat:
Overnight registration is $250 per person and Commuter registration is $150 respectively. 

The draft schedule includes 5 topical sessions led by Bishop Katharine:
Session 1: Discovering our Connections and place in this sacred circle of life
Session 2: Stories and theologies of creation
Session 3: Experiential Opportunity-the universe and our place in it. This includes Sabbath time.
Session 4: the state of the planetary system-lament and hope
Session 5: Living Justly: responses and commitments

Bishop Katharine will also be preaching at the 7.30 a.m. Sunday Eucharist in the Chapel.

For overnight registration simply go to our  website and sign up! Commuters can register by calling TSC at 513.771.2171, or email

Tuesday, October 24, 2017
9.30 am to 3.30 pm
"Deepening your relationship with your higher power"
Daytime Retreat led by Marilyn Kaiser
$30 fee includes lunch

Are you tired of struggling to love yourself, others and your Higher Power? Do you want a life bursting with joy? Do you want to change from feeling like you are skating through life with your skates on backwards to wanting to do handsprings down the street? Join Marilyn Kaiser and learn ways to love others more.

Marilyn has helped hundreds of individuals as a spiritual director and counselor for over sixteen years.

You can register at the link above, or call or email the staff at 513.771.2171 or ctretreats@gmail.com.
Retreat for Women Clergy

Mark your calendar for Wednesday, December 13

A self-directed Advent Quiet Day will be available at TSC for $25 on December 13. On-line registration is available here.

          Photo by Faith Lang...Light from the Eclipse as seen through the trees

Light is an amazing gift. This season as we experienced the eclipse and begin to notice the daylight dwindle, may we become aware of the power we have to shine our light into the universe, and bring joy and delight to a hurting world.
(The Rev.) Anne Reed
Director of Engagement
Transfiguration Spirituality Center
A Place Of Outrageous Hope and Extravagant Hospitality
Thistle Farms -- new line of Bath & Body items
Heal. Empower. Employ.
This Farms is a Nashville-based, globally minded social enterprise led by women survivors of trafficking, prostitution, and addiction. Every purchase of handcrafted, natural body & home products directly benefits women who make them.

Please visit our 'boutique' in the vestibule by the upper St. Mary's door.