September 2017

Programs, Events,

Autumn Equinox
Thursday, September 21, 2017 - 6:30-8:00pm
Join us for our first Equinox Fall Event.
Experience a ritual, followed by shared finger-food snacks.
No registration necessary.

Dream Group - Full
2nd Tuesday of each month,  1-3pm
Maximum 8, Donation appreciated
Learn the language of dreams and together explore what your dreams are wanting to tell you.

Women's Spirituality Circle
2nd Thursday of each month,  1-3pm
Maximum 8, Donation appreciated
Reflect together on a selected book and enjoy companionship and insights on your spiritual journey.

3-Day Silent Retreats
October 10-12, November 7-9
Come experience the gifts of silence waiting for you.
Retreats begin with a meal and opening ritual. 
Times to meet with a spiritual director will be arranged with each retreatant.

For more details, or to book a private retreat, visit
Season of Creation ...
Join others around the world by taking steps of action to care for the earth during this Season of Creation   from Sep 1 - Oct 4. Let us continue to pray for and protect this beautiful gift of creation in all its forms.

Maryholme Library...
Our library at Loretto Maryholme continues to inspire our many guests, both during their stay here and as they finish the last chapters at home. 

Thank you to all of you who return our books by mail, by delivery and by hand. We are putting out a call for any books still needing returned, so that our coming guests can be as blessed by them as you were... thanks so much!

Our mailing address:
Loretto Maryholme Spirituality Centre
P.O. Box 1131, Roches Point, ON  L0E 1P0
New at Maryholme...
The barbecue at Blackbird Cabin is now on the extended deck off the kitchen - handy for those grilling during their stay!

Thanks, Carl, for who you are 
and for all that you do at Maryholme!

The spectacular view from the screened-in porch of Blackbird Cabin was improved by trimming some trees and bushes - the beauty from this spot continues to amaze...

Thank you, Forest Glenn, 
for your continued tree service at Maryholme!

Thoughts to Ponder...

"The miracle... is to walk on the green Earth,
dwelling deeply in the present moment
and feeling truly alive."
Thich Nhat Hanh

"Go outside.. . somewhere quiet,
alone with the heavens, nature and God.
Because only then does one feel all is as it should be."
Anne Frank

"The Sun, with all those planets revolving around it
and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes
as if it had nothing else in the universe to do."
Galileo Galilei

At  Maryholme...

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For accommodation details, visit
L oretto Maryholme Spirituality Centre
is a sacred space  of peace and beauty on Lake Simcoe for those seeking to restore energies needed for personal and communal transformation.

The Centre is available for use by individuals and groups whose activities 
reflect  the Centre's mission. Facilitation of a workshop, a day of reflection, 
or an opportunity for spiritual direction can be arranged.

For accommodation arrangements, please email 
"Find your centre at our Centre"
Come and see ...