Note from the Chief
This year's hurricane season has allowed several program investigators to demonstrate potential applications of our global ocean observing system platforms towards extreme event monitoring and forecasting. The first article highlights one such case whereby surface drifters were deployed in advance of Hurricane Michael. We note that there were also Argo floats and gliders in the same vicinity. NOAA leadership seems quite pleased with these demonstrations and we are now regularly reporting such deployments to them. We are also seeking feedback from the NWS, NHC, Navy, and others on the impacts of these additional data on analyses and forecasts. There are a number of similar efforts (e.g. including Alamo floats) targeting ocean storms that we may want to consider assessing more robustly as we consider our strategic priorities.
We welcome aboard Jessica Mkitarian, our first full-time Communications Specialist who will lead our efforts to communicate more broadly about our program mission and achievements. She is also reaching out to PIs to encourage and coordinate more public-facing stories about our work.
I had the opportunity to go on a real vacation for a few weeks in New England and greatly enjoyed the time away from the office (and email). The natural beauty in the northeast is truly stunning. Thanks to my colleagues in OOMD for carrying on our important work in my absence (and for those who sent me email during that absence...I'm trying to catch up!). Finally, the proposed organizational change described in the previous newsletter is still awaiting final approval. We will remain OOMD until that approval is granted. We will advertise our name change when it becomes effective.
David Legler, Chief - Ocean Observing and Monitoring Division
Upcoming Meetings & Important Dates
IV International Conference on El Niño Southern Oscillation: ENSO in a Warmer Climate
October 16-18, 2018 in
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Fall AGU Meeting
Dec. 10-14, Washington, D.C.
**Special Argo 2 millionth profile celebration Dec 10th at NOAA booth**
OceanPredict '19
May 6-10, 2019 in Halifax, Canada
Abstract submissions open in October!
OceanObs '19
Sept 16-20, 2019 Honolulu, HI
For more check out the
GOMO Community Calendar on our website!
 Program Updates
We are happy to welcome our program's first Communications Specialist, Jessica Mkitarian! Jessica has a background in environmental communications and education. She earned a Master's in Environmental Science and Management from UC Santa Barbara, where she specialized in coastal marine resource management and eco-entrepreneurship. After graduating, she cofounded a nonprofit that creates educational media to teach kids science and inspire environmental stewardship. Jessica worked in marketing, outreach, and education for the City of Santa Barbara's Water Conservation Program during the most recent drought. Jessica grew up by the beach in Santa Monica, California, and is passionate about ocean conservation and environmental sustainability. In her free time, she enjoys bike riding, improv and comedy shows, and traveling.
 Global Drifters Help with Hurricane Forecasts
On September 13th, PI Luca
Centurioni of Scripps was featured on local ABC News discussing how the Global Drifter Program helped track Hurricane Florence. Now, as Hurricane Michael moves through the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, 10 global drifters are tracking the hurricane's path and intensity. The drifters are also using new sensors to track wave height, and have observed a maximum significant height of almost 9 meters. To view live data,
click here.
 Four Saildrones Launched for TPOS 2018 Mission
Four saildrones departed from Hawaii on October 3rd on the second mission to the equator and back in an effort to improve the Tropical Pacific Observing System (TPOS). This year, the saildrones were outfitted with larger sails to help combat the strong westerly currents and low winds encountered last year to hopefully minimize any navigational difficulties. This mission will focus on
the ability of the saildrones to make observations along the equator, and will involve data comparisons with various TAO moorings. The
drones will survey ocean and atmospheric data, including changes in ocean temperature and ocean carbon dioxide concentrations.
The TPOS missions will test whether the Saildrone can provide measurements at the quality that matches research ships and proven mooring technology. If this is the case, Saildrones will become a powerful tool for providing key observations for long-term weather forecasts. Follow along with PMEL's
TPOS Saildrone blog.
The final research flight block of this summer's
Arctic Heat Project
field campaign concluded September 15, 2018. PI Kevin Wood reports that the NOAA 56 successfully deployed 30 AXBTs for Arctic Heat, and 22 AXCTD / CPs for ONR SIZRS, 21 atmospheric dropsondes (3 AH and 18 SIZRS experimental), 3 ALAMO floats (combined with SODA and Environment Canada ~18 floats currently active), and 2 GliderSonde deployment test models for SIZRS. In addition, the 3 ALAMO floats were deployed using test model zero plastic (biodegradable) parachutes. The data from this field campaign will measure atmospheric and oceanic heat flux, sea-surface temperature, and help researchers better understand and be able to predict future conditions and patterns in the Arctic. Read more about the Arctic Heat Project.
 Arctic Research Featured in Washington Post Article
Arctic Research Program PI Jackie Grebmeier was featured in the
Washington Post
discussing her research on the warming trend in the Arctic and the appearance of marine life much further north than previously observed. "We're starting to see changes that we've never seen in the decades we've been studying this area," said Grebmeier, who has been studying the Arctic for more than 30 years. "The way things are accelerating, these changes are going to keep marching up from the south," Grebmeier continued, stating, "I didn't think this would happen in my lifetime." Read the full article.
 Postdoc Opportunity with TPOS Saildrone Project
This is a recruitment for one 12-month, full-time (100% FTE) appointment, renewable for a second year, subject to approval, satisfactory performance, and availability of funding. The workplace is NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, a federal laboratory located about 3 miles from the UW. For this reason, only U.S. citizens or permanent residents will be considered. Applicants must provide proof of the PhD conferral prior to start. A late 2018/ early 2019 start date is anticipated.
For more information and to apply click here.
NOPP Broad Agency Announcement: Call for Proposals
In the 2019 BAA, the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) partners have identified seven ocean research and technology topics of mutual and emerging interest. The Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing Program is supporting the following topics in the 2019 NOPP BAA:
1) Topic 4: Autonomous Profiling Floats for Investigating Tropical Pacific Ocean Biogeochemistry
2) Topic 5: Improving Arctic Operational Forecasts Arctic Observing System Simulation Experiments using Year of Polar Prediction data (Arctic OSSE)
Letters of Intent are due November 2, 2018. For more information click here.
 Two Positions in Ocean Modeling and Forecasting
CIMAS at the University of Miami is hiring a
Sr. Research Associate and
Post Doctoral Associate, both positions will be working
in Ocean Modeling and Data Assimilation for Improving Ocean Observation Strategies.
The closing date for applicants is November 3rd.
Learn more and apply here.
 Recent Publications
New Frontiers in Operational Oceanography edited by Eric P. Chassignet, Ananda Pascual, Joaquin Tintoré, and Jacques Verron and published by GODAE OceanView.
As always, for the OOMD community, by the OOMD community,
Emily A. Smith