The new school year is under way!  We hope you'll take a minute and catch up on our news.
In this Newsletter:
I Am Wilmington

A core belief of the Wilmington City School District is that all students should be prepared to work in a diverse world. We hope you'll join us as we begin the school year with a celebration of cultural diversity in  our schools and our community. 

Our theme for the night is "I am Wilmington"
September 20, 2018 from 6-8 p.m.
WHS Auditeria, 300 Richardson Pl

You're invited to come and experience:
  • Cultural presentations and interactive booths
  • A variety of food, arts, crafts, music, puppets, and more
  • Students, staff, and community performances through song and music
Keynote Speaker: Scott Fortune, Fortune International Seminars
Raised in Wilmington, Scott Fortune has served in the United States Army for over 28 years, and continues to serve as a Senior Army non-commissioned officer .

This event is free and open to the public.

We encourage you to visit our   WCS Diversity Committee page to learn more about our committee, our mission, and our work.

Homecoming 2018!
It's hard to believe, but Homecoming weekend is just around the corner. Homecoming weekend at WCS is a great time for honoring tradition and building community, whether you come to the annual chili supper or visit friends in the stands as we cheer on  the home team.

We hope you'll join us!

Homecoming Parade 9/27
When:   Thursday, Sep 27 beginning at 6pm from the WHS parking lot
Where:  Route begins on Thorne Ave, runs up W Locust St, across Farquhar, down W Main St, across Mulberry St, and up W Locust back to the football field

Pep Rally 9/27
The Pep Rally will held at Alumni Field, after the parade returns (approximately 7:15).  Join us as we recognize our fall teams, present our Homecoming Court, announce the Homecoming King and Queen, and recognize our Grand Marshall.

62nd Annual Chili Supper 9/28
When: Friday, Sep 28, 2018
Time: 4:00 pm - 6:30pm at WHS prior to the Homecoming Football Game
Where: WHS Auditeria
Tickets:  Tickets go on sale 2 weeks before the Chili Supper. Tickets are $7 and can be purchased at the door or in advance from any Band member or at the High School. 

Homecoming Football Game 9/28
Who: WCS vs New Richmond
When: Friday, 9/28 at 7:00pm, Gates open at 5:30
Tickets: Tickets are $6.  Passes can be purchased at the HS between 7 and 2:30.  Student passes are $25 and Adult Passes are $125 and are good for all home MS and HS events all year.

Homecoming Dance 9/29
When: Saturday, Sep 29 from 9-11pm
Where: WHS Auditeria - We ask that students remember to have the   Dance Expectations form signed before purchasing a ticket. Students must arrive between 8 and 8:30, and may not leave before 10:00pm without permission.

Let's have an exciting and safe Homecoming Weekend! Go Cane!

link to

Attendance Awareness Month
Every child counts, and has the right to a quality education. Every parent and guardian has a legal responsibility to make sure their child attends school on time and every day. September is National Attendance Awareness Month. At WCS we promote strong attendance every month!

Know the Benefits
  • Keep from falling behind in school
  • Stay on track for graduation
  • Improve early reading skills
  • Build self-confidence
  • Develop healthy life habits
Know the Numbers
Ohio Bill 410 changed the way that schools track attendance. We now count hours as opposed to days. Time missed when students are tardy or absent can add up quickly and students miss valuable learning time by missing even a small part of a school day.

Know the Warning Signs
Learn more about the new WCS attendance policy in your student's school handbook, and read our flyer and FAQ's for more information on our attendance expectations.

some things change
Communications 2018-2019
Some things change, and our way of communicating with parents is certainly among them. We thought we would take a minute and highlight a number of ways in which we communicate with parents and the community. 

We send out a monthly email from the District, in addition to emails and inf orm ation sent from each building. According to Constant Contact,  only an average of 35% of our parents and community members open our emails.  We are hoping you can help us to encourage other parents and community members to stay on top of our news by doing the following: 
  • Keep opening our emails like you did today! (Thank you, by the way!)
  • Share the newsletters using the "Forward this email to a friend" button at the end of the newsletter.
  • Let us know if there is information you would like to see in our newsletters. We're always looking for ways to improve. Just email us at

District Website
If you haven't visited our site lately, you'll notice some big changes!  Just visit and explore.  

  • Be sure to check out the very top of the website for handy shortcuts to calendars, District News, Transportation, Progress Book, and PaySchools.  They will always be at the very top no matter which page of the site you are on, if you're viewing the site from a desktop or laptop!
  • Subscribe to our news feed so that you'll know when we post news on the site.  We have a district news feed, as well as one for each school and Athletics. Just visit the individual pages to subscribe.

If you're checking the website from your mobile device or tablet, you'll see our mobile version with most requested information:  Calendar, Attendance hotline, news, contact/directions, ProgressBook, Transportatin, Athletics, and Food Services.  You can set your building preferences, and you can always select the option to view the full site if you're looking for more.

This method sends a recorded message to parent phone numbers on file for students.  Generally, the messages that are sent through One-Call are related to school schedule changes (late arrivals, snow days, etc) or urgent informatio n for parents. It's important for parents to keep their phone number(s) updated with the schools so that they receive these messages.

TIP:  The numbers on our One-Call list come from your child's contact information. If you have additional family or community members that also want to receive calls (ie grandparents, babysitter, etc) they can add their own contact information to the one-call list in our Parent Portal.  They just create an account (user name and password), then they can add their own phone number and/or email address to our list. They can also update their preferences when they no longer wish to receive notifications.

Social Media
  • Find your child's school on Social Media and follow them for student celebrations and school happenings. You'll find them all linked in the Calendar of Events at the bottom of this email. Once you find the page, invite other parents/friends to follow the page.  (They can also be found on our website Communications page)
  • If you already follow our schools on social media, you can help spread our messages by reacting, commenting, and sharing our news.

ClassDojo (Elementary Students) and Progress Book (all grades)
  • Talk to your child's teacher about utilizing ClassDojo for elementary students. Make sure they have your correct email address on file. See Class Dojo - Parent FAQs for more information
  • Make sure you are set up on ProgressBook so that you can track student attendance, homework, and grades throughout the year. Our How to Create a ProgressBook Account document walks you through the process.

Newspaper:  The local newspaper will announce our Board meetings, in addition to feature articles on happenings around the District, including academic achievements, athletics, program highlights, and District announcements.

Mailers/postcards:  We typically don't do mass mailings very often, due to postage costs, but there will be occasions when we mail District news pieces.

And last but not least:  Your child's backpack!
Sometimes we still do things a little old-school and send papers home with your child, so take a peek in the pack when they get home.

link to district communications page
As we move forward, we want to ask for you r help in sharing this information, and in helping us to improve the reach of our District and School communications. 

link to transportation page
Transportation Update

Did you know that we transport more than 1500 children in a 161 square mile area every school day at WCS? So far this year our ridership has increased more than 100 students.  While the majority of our 22 routes are running smoothly and on time, we are working on a permanent solution to alleviate some issues on 7 to 8 routes that are not meeting expectations. 

Please see our transportation update on our website for details on our permanent and intermediate solutions, notification information, and our recent report to the Board on our  Transportation Department page.

link to our district communications web page
School News:  
Stay Connected

Each building has their own web page , calendar, and social media channel for your convenience.

*Please double check each building's calendar for changes as an event approaches.

D istrict Highlights:
WCS District:  Website  Like us on Facebook    Follow us on Twitter
9/3   Labor Day - no school
9/13 All-Elementary PTO 7pm at Holmes
9/17 Interim Reports
9/20 Cultural Diversity Event, WHS 6-8pm
9/24 No school -Teacher Professional Dev.               
        BOE mtg at East End 7pm
9/27 Homecoming Parade 6pm
9/28 62nd Annual Chili Supper 4-6:30pm
        Homecoming Football game 7pm

Additional Building Highlights:
Holmes:   Website      Like us on Facebook
Every Monday on Facebook: Story Time 7pm
9/3   Labor Day - no school
9/13 Fundraiser kick off

        All-Elementary PTO 7pm at Holmes
9/17 Interim Reports
9/19 Picture day
9/20 Cultural Diversity Event, WHS 6-8pm
9/24 No school -Teacher Professional Dev.
        BOE mtg at East End 7pm
9/27 Homecoming Parade 6pm
9/28 62nd Annual Chili Supper 4-6:30pm
        Homecoming Football game 7pm

Denver:   Website     Like us on Facebook   
9/3   Labor Day - no school
9/13 Fundraiser kick off

        All-Elementary PTO 7pm at Holmes
9/17 Interim Reports
9/18 Picture Day
9/20 Cultural Diversity Event, WHS 6-8pm
9/24 No school -Teacher Professional Dev.               
        BOE mtg at East End 7pm
9/27 Homecoming Parade 6pm
9/28 62nd Annual Chili Supper 4-6:30pm
        Homecoming Football game 7pm

East End :   Website      Like us on Facebook   
9/3   Labor Day - no school
9/13 Fundraiser kick off

        All-Elementary PTO 7pm at Holmes
9/17 Interims
9/20 Cultural Diversity Event, WHS 6-8pm
9/24 No school -Teacher Professional Dev.               
        BOE mtg at East End 7pm
9/27 Homecoming Parade 6pm
9/28 62nd Annual Chili Supper 4-6:30pm
        Homecoming Football game 7pm

WMS:   Website     Follow us on Twitter   Like us on Facebook   View on Instagram
9/3   Labor Day - no school
9/7   Middle school dance from 5:30-7:30
9/20 Cultural Diversity Event, WHS 6-8pm
9/24 No school -Teacher Professional Dev.               
        BOE mtg at East End 7pm
9/27 Homecoming Parade 6pm
9/28 62nd Annual Chili Supper 4-6:30pm
        Homecoming Football game 7pm

WHS:      Website    Like us on Facebook    Follow us on Twitter    View on Instagram  
9/3   Labor Day - no school
9/17 Interim Reports
9/19 SOTM Pizza with the Principal
9/21 Senior Meeting 9:30, Class Ring info 10am
9/20 Cultural Diversity Event, WHS 6-8pm
9/24 No school -Teacher Professional Dev.               
        BOE mtg at East End 7pm
9/27 Homecoming Parade 6pm
9/28 62nd Annual Chili Supper 4-6:30pm
        Homecoming Football game 7pm
9/29 Homecoming Dance 8-11pm