CRP Banner
In This Issue
Keya Gift Shop Online: SEPTEMBER SPECIAL!
Volunteer with CRYP
CRYP's Sponsor Enrichment Activities
Sponsor a Birthday Cake at The Main
Meet Our Board of Directors
Support CRYP with Amazon Smile, GoodSearch & GoodShop, and Capital One
Check Out Our Needs List
Our Mission
Six Lakota Culture Camps at CRYP This Fall
CRYP Releases "RedCan Perspectives"
68 Teens Complete Summer Internships
CRYP is a Member of Special Bush Foundation Cohort
Eco-Friendly Focus & Educational Opportunities at Keya Cafe
Hall of Fame: Mya Cloud Eagle
Quick Links
Select items from CRYP's Keya (Turtle) Gift Shop are now available online, and proceeds benefit the nonprofit organization's youth programming and family services.


Throughout the month of September, CRYP is selling its RedCan 2018 T-shirts for $12.50 each (normally $20)! 
See above photo; available in sizes S, M, L, XL.

By supporting the Keya Gift Shop, you're also supporting  local artists and craftspeople; our youth artists, who are learning how their creative passions might translate to possible career opportunities; and our teen interns, who work in our gift shop every day, developing valuable skills in customer service, financial literacy and business management.


CRYP is actively seeking volunteers to work at our Eagle Butte campus. 


If you are interested in applying for our volunteer program, please click here to learn more!



Sponsor Enrichment Activities for CRYP Youth


The Main youth center and Cokata Wiconi teen center are looking for sponsors to support art and athletic enrichment activities for our after-school and summer programs. 


We are actively looking for people willing to make monetary or in-kind donations to fulfill these needs. You can donate online by clicking the link below or by mailing donations to the Cheyenne River Youth Project, P.O. Box 410, Eagle Butte, SD 57625.  


If you'd like to see a Needs List for our enrichment programs, please contact us at (605) 964-8200 or send us an email at






Sponsor a Birthday Cake at The Main!
Main Birthday Party 1
Few days in a child's life are as precious as his or her birthday. Unfortunately, for far too many underprivileged children, that day passes with little celebration - if any at all. CRYP wants to make sure that the young children who attend The Main youth center have the birthday festivities they deserve.

Each month, The Main hosts a birthday party for the children whose birthdays fall during that month. To offset the cost of each party, CRYP seeks monthly sponsors to contribute $40 for the birthday cake. Please consider sponsoring a birthday cake this year! Every dollar makes such a difference in the lives of Cheyenne River's children.

Meet Our
Board of Directors
Jeremy Patterson

Karla Abbott

Jeffrey Meyer

Kibbe Conti
Peggy Gallipo
Lonnie Heier

For more info and bios, click here!

Support CRYP When You Shop Online!
What if CRYP earned a donation every time you searched the Internet or made an online purchase?

Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase price to CRYP when you shop at To make shopping even easier, you can add the AmazonSmile 1 Button to your web browser.

Then there are GoodSearch and GoodShop. is a Yahoo-powered search engine that donates half its advertising revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. Use it just as you would any search engine, get quality search results from Yahoo, and watch the donations add up. is an online shopping mall that donates up to 30% of each purchase to your favorite cause. Hundreds of great stores have teamed up with GoodShop so that every time you place an order, you'll be supporting your favorite cause.

And, if you download the
"GoodSearch - Cheyenne River Youth Project - CRYP toolbar," our cause will earn money every time you shop and search online EVEN if you forget to go to the GoodShop or GoodSearch sites first! Click here to add the toolbar.

While you're online, you even can make a secure donation with your Capital One credit card. Simply click here. You even can add an easy-to-use widget for future contributions.

Needs List
Three girls

CRYP relies on in-kind donations as well as funding to continue our mission. If you'd like to help, please check out our Needs List. You also may contact us at (605) 964-8200 if you'd like a copy of our most up-to-date list and price quotes for particular needs. Thank you for your support!
Our Mission

Spanish Class at The Main
The Cheyenne River Youth Project is dedicated to providing the youth of the Cheyenne River reservation with access to a vibrant and secure future through a variety of culturally sensitive and enduring programs, projects and facilities, ensuring strong, self-sufficient families and communities.
Join Our Mailing List
September 2018 News
Local artist Ray Dupris works with teens in Cokata Wiconi's dedicated art studio.

CRYP Will Offer Six Lakota Culture Camps in October and November

This fall, CRYP will host six Lakota Culture Camps at its Cokata Wiconi (Center of Life) teen center. Scheduled for October and November, the 15-hour camps were made possible by a NEA ArtWorks grant for folk/traditional arts, and the ArtPlace America Creative Placemaking Fund.

The six camps are part of CRYP's Waniyetu Wowapi (Winter Count) Lakota Youth Arts & Culture Institute. We formally established Waniyetu Wowapi in 2016, seeking to give the community's young people a wide variety of opportunities to learn contemporary and traditional arts, explore their creative interests, and express themselves in positive, healthy ways.

Through these 15-hour camps, teens will have the opportunity to make star-quilt-design pillows, hand-drum sticks, storytelling paintings, moccasins, medicine pouches and ribbon skirts. 

"There is no word for art in Lakota," says Jerica Widow, youth programs director. "Art is life. By engaging our children through the arts, we're helping them strengthen their connections to their culture - to who they are. Through these camps, we're also hoping to gauge the teens' interest in future Art Internships here at Cokata Wiconi, and possibly even in a nine-month Lakota Arts Fellowship."

To support CRYP's youth programming, please consider making a contribution. Every dollar makes a difference in the lives of our children!

Frank Waln - RedCan Perspectives
Frank Waln - RedCan Perspectives

CRYP Releases "RedCan Perspectives" on its YouTube Channel 

This month, CRYP released three special new clips from this year's RedCan invitational graffiti jam. Titled "RedCan Perspectives," these short videos share the thoughts of artists Frank Waln, East Foster and Cyfi regarding the role of art in indigenous culture, how RedCan has evolved over the years, and the spirit of the event itself.

To view the other two RedCan Perspectives and additional content from 2018 RedCan, please visit our

A full-length RedCan 2018 documentary is currently in production. Stay tuned for release details!

68 Teens Complete Summer Internships; CRYP Graduates 560 Teens in Five Years

This summer, 68 Lakota teens completed CRYP internships: 22 in Social Enterprise, 26 in Native Food Sovereignty, 15 in Native Wellness, and five in Indigenous Cooking. It was a busy summer for the innovative internship program, and now teens are converging on CRYP's Cokata Wiconi (Center of Life) for fall internships in Native Wellness and Art.

The nonprofit youth organization's ground-breaking teen internship program, which now offers all five tracks on a regular basis, gives teens valuable opportunities to learn job and life skills that will serve them well all their lives. And, as they gain significant hands-on experience, they'll also continue to grow as creators, mentors, and youth leaders for their community.  

"In 2013, the first year of the teen internship program, we graduated 10 interns," says Julie Garreau, CRYP's executive director. "To date, our teens have completed 560 internships, and interest continues to grow. We were so pleased to see how many kids wanted to be involved during the summer months."

Learn more here!

CRYP is a Member of Bush Foundation's 2nd Community Creativity Cohort

CRYP has been selected as a member of the Bush Foundation's second Community Creativity Cohort. "We are excited to support the amazing work of CRYP to help make our region better for everyone," says Bush Foundation Community Creativity Portfolio Director Erik Takeshita.

"We are deeply honored to be part of the Bush Foundation's second Community Creativity Cohort," says Julie Garreau, CRYP's executive director. "We think this experience will be invaluable in helping address the issues that are most important to our community."

Each member of the cohort will receive a general operating support grant of $100,000 over a three-year period, and access to other funds to help them improve their work and strengthen their organizations. Cohort members were selected from a pool of more than 100 applicants from across the region. The program officially will kick off this November, at the cohort's first convening in the Twin Cities. 

Eco-Friendly Focus & Educational Opportunities at the Keya Cafe

The Keya (Turtle) Cafe and Coffeehouse has been a mainstay of CRYP's social enterprise initiatives since it opened in 2011. In recent years, it also has led the charge as the nonprofit youth organization seeks to become more environmentally friendly. 

In today's Keya Cafe, customers will find biodegradable to-go boxes in all sizes, as well as biodegradable cups for both hot and cold drinks. The cafe already uses biodegradable trash bags, and as soon as CRYP staff can secure a supplier, it will make the transition to using biodegradable to-go bags as well.

"Here at our campus, we want to be as friendly to Mother Earth as possible," says Julie Garreau, CRYP's executive director. "We're operating a farm-to-table restaurant, so in addition to serving fresh produce in our meals, we're also processing and dehydrating various food items to use in the cafe or sell in our Keya Gift Shop. And, we compost everything we can, so food waste goes right back into our Winyan Toka Win (Leading Lady) Garden to nourish our crops."

Learn more here!

September Hall of Fame:
Mya Cloud Eagle

We love getting to know our youngest CRYPers at what we've come to call, affectionately, "the little Main." These 4- to 12-year-olds are enthusiastic about everything they do here, and we get a kick out of watching them discover their passions and interests as they have fun, socialize with friends, and enjoy quality time with staff, mentors and volunteers.

Eight-year-old Mya Cloud Eagle has been coming to The Main since she was 5. She says she learned about CRYP through her auntie, and she decided she needed to check it out. Why?

"Because it's cool," Mya says.

In the beginning, toys were the primary attraction. Mya and the other kids could come to The Main after school and on Saturdays to play, either in the outdoor playground or in the youth center's main indoor gathering area, which is ground zero for arts-and-crafts activities, meals and snacks, games, and often spirited sessions of dress-up and make-believe.

As time went on, however, Mya discovered a few interests that are particularly special to her.
Thank you so much for your interest in our youth project, and for your ongoing support as we pursue our mission in the community.

To learn more about CRYP and its programs, call (605) 964-8200 or visit And, to stay up to date on the latest CRYP news and events, follow the youth project on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

All of us at the
Cheyenne River Youth Project