Philadelphia Chapter Newsletter  
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  Send Marion Blow
 your recommendations for new activities.

For Member-only events, you must be logged into your TTN account.


Evelyn Beddow
Mary Canter
Debra Fickler
Katherine Handin
Judith Kurnick
Dianne Lazer
Ilene McCaffrey
Mary Novak
Susan Schrand
Lynne Schwartz
Bonnie Wettersten
Maureen Isakov
Barbara Kaufman
Barbara Sands


See a friend's name on the list?  Contact them via
Get Involved in TTN!
Looking for a different way to get more involved in TTN?

Love making new connections with a terrific group of women and feeling like you're a part of something bigger than yourself?

Participate in a project or get involved in a committee - we have lots of opportunities  for you.

All our committees need enthusiastic volunteers, but w e  have urgent needs in 
Caring Collaborative, Communications, Events and Membership.

Learn more:
Jane Siegel
Pam Rudman 
Peer Groups are small groups where TTN women connect - face to face - to explore what's next together.

Questions?  Contact Marcia Goldstein at

Find complete list of SIGs and let us know ideas for new groups.

Do you know about TTN's 
"Help Insurance"?


*The Transition Network - National


*TTN Mission Statement and Core Values


*TTN Resource Center 


*Contact Us

Check out our TTN National website to

Connect  with diverse and interesting women

Discover new perspectives and opportunities

Impact your life and community


Our chapter continues to grow! We now have over 400 members in the Philadelphia area, thanks to you - you tell your friends about how TTN has enriched your life, you bring them to events and you welcome our new members. Thank you!

Fall often feels like a new start after the long hot summer, with new energy. What will you do with your renewed energy? We have so many wonderful opportunities coming for the rest of this year for you to continue your connections, make new discoveries and impact your life and community.

Consider joining us at our first Mingle in West Chester to welcome our members and friends there. 

Are you going through or anticipating a transition? Our Women in Transition Workshop will help you understand the transition process and enhance your skills for successfully navigation change.

Maybe now is the time to try a new Special Interest Group or to join a Peer Group, or consider being a part of our chapter leadership. 

And don't forget to check our Events Calendar - there are so many fun things to do!

Like us on FacebookWarm Regards,                      
Chair, TTN Philadelphia  
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Keeping You Safe:   TTN women are savvy and smart but not immune from scams targeted to our demographic from tricky fraudsters.   The landscape of frauds keeps changing (got any strange text messages lately complimenting you?) and it's time to carve out 90 minutes for a 2018 update from a trusted source, the Philadelphia Office of the PA Attorney General.  
Click here to attend the Protecting Yourself from Senior Scams and Fraud session September 27, 2018, 3:00 pm, in Center City.  

Keeping You Inspired:  The Programs Committee is pleased to conduct TTN's Signature Program, the Women in Transition Workshop, on Wednesday, October 17th from 3pm - 7:30pm in Old City Philadelphia. Members and prospective members are invited to attend.

If you are exploring new career or volunteer possibilities, anticipating or suddenly faced with retirement or dealing with a difficult life transition, this experiential workshop will engage you with meaningful questions and conversations to expand your horizons and provide support wherever you are in your transition journey. 

The goals of this workshop are to:
  • Engage and connect with other women age 50+ in transition
  • Understand the transition process
  • Enhance skills for successfully navigating change
  • Expand your possibilities and options
  • Learn how to create a more meaningful life
  • Create a "next steps" action plan
Join us in this informative session with like-minded women who are considering what's next for them. This workshop will be facilitated by local experts from the Philadelphia Chapter. All materials and a light meal will be provided.  Click HERE for more information and to register.  

Please contact Marsha at if you have additional questions about these sessions or ideas for other TTN Programs.
The Special Interest Groups are getting down to business now that Summer is waning. Two Newly Forming Groups are holding organizational meetings in early September to hammer out the details of where and when they will meet.
On September 7th, Suburban Readers will meet in Bryn Mawr to set the ground rules for this book group to be based in the 'burbs.   Although the organizational meeting is being held in Bryn Mawr, this does not necessarily mean that future gatherings will be there. If you are looking for a book group outside of the city, contact SIG chairperson, Joanne Bowes, at for more information.

Still Working, a group devoted to planning activities on weekends and evenings for those members who still in the work world, will meet on September 12th. Let SIG Chairperson, Joanne Bowes (, know if you are interested in attending and she'll fill you in on the details.  

Meanwhile, our current SIGS continue to enjoy all our area has to offer. 

Below,  A Moveable Lunch enjoys a meal at Heng Zeng Restaurant in Little Cambodia. Pictured from left to right are Eileen Goldstein, Sherry Shapiro, Owner/Chef Anthony, Cheryl Benavides, Carol Greco and Cate Silver.

Contact Joanne Bowes  at if you have SIG questions or suggestions for new groups.  Join us!

SIGs are a benefit of TTN membership.
Giving Circle: Wrapping Up and Kicking Off
The Grants Committee has spent the summer responding to many of the suggestions made by our members at the June wrap up meeting as well as planning the program for our October 11th Kickoff Event. We were proud to receive a thank you letter from our new grantee, Turning Points for Children, citing our support as "critical in completing our second year and adding additional staff to deliver important care to this vulnerable group of youth".
For our 2019 grant-giving cycle we have improved the voting process as well as modified the criteria for grant applications. We feel that these changes will help streamline our meetings and more accurately represent the values of the Giving Circle community.
Plans for our October 11th Kickoff Event are nearly complete. This yearly event provides an opportunity for all interested TTN members to meet with current Giving Circle members to learn about our work and why we find it so rewarding and inspirational.
There will be a presentation by our 2018 grantee Turning Points for Children describing their innovative approach to helping youth aging out of foster care transition into successful adulthood; a video highlighting the seven year history of our philanthropy and much more.
Mark your calendars for October 11th and register here for the Giving Circle 2018 Kickoff Event. We look forward to seeing you there.

Not only is it hot outside but things are also heating up with our Transition Peer Groups this Fall. During August we held two orientations for women interested in learning more about the peer group experience. There are now 20+ women interested in joining a peer group this Fall. When asked what they are looking for, the answers range from stimulating conversation to learning from other women's approach to life to meeting new people, and more.
Peer Groups can provide all of the above and more. Many groups continue to share other experiences together. One group volunteers at Ronald McDonald House, another group is having an evening Italian cooking class with an experienced chef. 

And the group pictured here had a painting party in August and collected school supplies to donate to the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK).

If you are interested in learning more about Transition Peer groups contact Marcia Goldstein, Orientations are held 3 times a year. Join a group this fall!  

Transition Peer Groups are a benefit of TTN membership.