Special Metal Element Treatment, One-on-One Treatments and Clinic Update!

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Special Fall Metal Treatment Offering!
Anne Louise Smallen, Lic. Ac.

Constitutional Metal Element Treatment
Friday, September 21st, 4-6am
Limited spots available
Cost is $35, or one off treatment package

The Metal element will be at its height on September 21 between 3 am. and 7 am. In acupuncture the Lung and the Large Intestine meridians represent the Metal element. Treating these meridians with metal points at the highest time of year for that element helps bring and keep them in balance.

Imbalance in the Metal element can manifest with respiratory diseases: asthma, allergies, bronchitis, COPD, sinusitis … It can also manifest in elimination diseases: constipation, IBS, diverticulitis …or in skin and immune system disorders such as psoriasis and eczema and many auto-immune diseases.

The Metal element is the most exterior element and protects us from invasions by viruses and bacteria. It keeps us healthy when we are surrounded by contagious people.

The Metal element also addresses emotions.

The overarching emotion for the metal element is sadness . It reflects that time of the year where much of nature dies. The leaves fall and the plentiful gardens of late summer are no more. Sadness is a normal and healthy part of life as we all experience loss but can become imbalanced when it leads to depression and low self-esteem . Or when it leads to compulsive and obsessive behavior , difficulty in letting go, prejudices, problems with authority or intimacy, etc..

We will open the clinic in the very early morning on Friday, September 21st at 4 am and treat until 6 am. If you have problems with any of the physical or emotional symptoms listed above, or if you simply want to tune up your healthy Metal, you can sign up online by going to our website, or can call the clinic at 413-586-8251 to request a treatment. A single treatment costs $35 or you can use one from your package. People who are not clients and have not done an initial visit are welcome to sign up for that special treatment.
Change is (Back) in the Air!
With the onset of fall, we are revisiting our hopes and dreams here at NCA to move the clinic to a larger, accessible space!

As one step towards making this happen, we will begin adding private, or One-on-One treatments, this month with Rachel. We will start with limited availability, working around our regular clinic hours. We do not currently accept insurance, but are again looking into this as part of our expansion and growth plans over the next year. See below for more information about one-on-one treatments!

Do you have ideas to share, are passionate about making (and keeping!) traditional medicines like acupuncture affordable and accessible?

Do you have skills such as website building, fundraising, marketing, etc, and would enjoy teaming up with us to grow this small-scale, but big-hearted, healing practice together??

PLEASE reach out if you would like to be a part of this effort, in however small or big a way, we NEED You!

And most importantly, we THANK YOU for continuing to support the clinic's mission of providing excellent, affordable and effective acupuncture in the valley!

Stay tuned for updates!
Now Offering One-on-One Treatments!
Beginning September 10th, we will be offering a limited number of private, or one-on-one treatments on Mondays and Tuesdays with Rachel. Please check the online scheduling system for availability, or call the clinic or email Rachel .

Who would benefit from a One-on-One Treatment?

*You have a number of issues you would like addressed, and feel you would benefit from having the extra time and privacy to discuss and/or treat your concerns

*You are new to acupuncture and would appreciate the extra time, privacy, etc, with your practitioner as you get familiar with the process

*You would like to have a longer, more intensive treatment, that might include multiple steps, such as treating front AND back

*You would like to receive cupping in addition to the needles

*Your practitioner recommends it for specific reasons

*You have gotten acupuncture for years, and may enjoy a private session on occasion, along with your community acupuncture treatments

Not sure? Ask us! We are happy to answer your questions or discuss in more detail.

One on One Treatments:

Initial Visit (1.5 hours) $100
Follow Up Visit (1 hour) $75
Limited Openings on Mondays and Tuesdays
Online booking available!

Northampton Community Acupuncture 413-586-8251 nohocommunityacupuncture.com