September, 2019
For us at Modern Martial Arts Academy, September marks a back to programs, YMCA classes at our various locations in and around London, and in our main studio. Add in gradings and fundraisers, and we are right there with many of you regarding stress.
Sometimes all you can do is breathe through it, but so is keeping the lines of communication open and positive. When dealing with kids who are stressed, parents need to take the time to really listen, then offer to talk through the problems a child may be having. It doesn’t matter if we understand or mirror the child’s concerns. What matters is that the child feels heard. Depending on the level of anxiety, it might be a good idea to meet with the teacher early on, so the teacher is aware of any issues a child might be facing. Building sustainable daily routines is vital to maintaining a semblance of calm and organization. Yes, life gets in the way, but by pre-planning we can do a lot to help de-stress situations before they begin. Same goes for work. As closely as possible, maintain routines, delegate where you can or have to, and build your support system. Oh, and laugh. Sing, dance, talk, take a walk, come to your karate classes, exercise, eat right, and get lots of sleep. Stress is always going to be with us and our family members, so try not to be too hard on yourself and each other.

Loujayn Nehdi                                     Oliver Jiang
Aidan Chamberlain                            Isabel Insley-Klaric
Jennifer Tran                                        Connor Kaempf
Dylan Bovingdon                                Jordan McRoberts
Maria Klassen                                      Elbra Dawood                  
Paige Deacon                                        Julia Adcock
Ava Muscedere                                    Charlie Barnes
Viviana DiCicco                                  Joe Theriault
Daner Ali                                               Rachael Brydges
Jake Bennett                                        Nora Hao
Avyn Lauzon

Hey, did you know that birthday parties at MMA are open to the public, NOT just members? For more information, or to book your child's next birthday party, contact Melanie at , or call 519-438-5425 today!

We’re so excited to be hosting another Make-A-Wish Foundation of South Western Ontario fundraiser at our Black Belt Grading September 27 th -29 th ! As most of you know, MAW is an incredibly important community project that we’re honoured to be a part of, and that so many of you have shown tremendous support for. During the Extravaganza on Sunday, September 29th we’ll have staff on-site to collect donations from those wishing to contribute. If you can’t be there but want to donate, or would like additional information, please contact Melanie at 519-438-5425, or stop in at our main studio at 1444 Glenora Drive, London.
Merchandise for sale through Modern Martial Arts Academy

NEW! Mat Sox - $24.99/pr
*All merchandise can be ordered through our website , instructors, or main studio, and delivered to YMCA locations by instructors
When you don't want to go barefoot, but you want that grounded feeling, our new Mat Sox might be your solution!

September 27 – 29 th , 2019
Hilton by Double Tree Hotel, London, Ontario
Extravaganza: Open to the public at 2:30 pm – everyone welcome!
Call 519-438-5425 for more information

Saturday, September 14 th , 2019 @ 3:00 pm
Tiger/Dragon/Beginners/Intermediate/Adv I, II, III
Saturday, September 28 th , 2019 @ 3:00 pm
Tiger/Dragon/Beginners/Intermediate/Adv I, II, III
Wednesday, September 18th, 2019 @ 8:00 pm

Saturday, September 21 st @ 11:00 am

SPARRING WEEK:    September 16th – 21 st

  NBBC Class Schedule

September 7th          Focus Pad Drills                         Sensei Tony

September 14th        Kicking Combinations             Sensei Holly

September 21st        Mass Attacks Self Defense     Sensei Steve

September 28th        Self Defense Techniques         Sensei Jacob
Transitions are challenging for so many reasons. At MMA our goal is to help students connect with their own inner strength, calm, confidence, and focus. These skills can and do spill over into other areas of life, so when stress and anxiety threaten, the mind and body know how to channel those feelings in a much more positive direction. Parents, I urge you to keep talking to your kids about what’s going on in their lives, so you can stay on top of problem areas as they arise, and remember to look after yourself as well. After all, you are the bedrock of your family’s health and wellness.
Commitment and follow-through makes the accomplishment a reality .” Sensei Steve

Melanie Stewart
Steve Stewart