September 2019
New Staff - Ready for the Next Decade
Spurred on by the organizational assessment conducted last Fall, Ashby Village revised its staffing this year to ensure efficiency and oversight of the different component parts. 
From left to right: Andy, Pat with Lola, Su-Yin, Erik, Kate

Following a rigorous six months of recruitment our final hire, Su-Yin Bickner, has just arrived. We have assembled a high performance team of new and familiar faces bringing an exemplary assortment of skills in programming, communications, social care, systems development, technology, and analysis. 

CLICK HERE to review staff bios
and a description of their roles.

Each staff member has a deep, personal commitment to serving older adults, and is dedicated to providing Ashby Village members leading-edge programs and services. Please come meet them at our upcoming Ashby Village Forum.
Ashby Village Forum
Our Village at 10 - Strengthening Community

 Saturday, October 5, 1:00-4:00pm
This gathering of our dynamic community will celebrate our first 10 years and strengthen our connections and communication for the next 10.  There will be a mix of information sharing and lively dialogue. You will have the opportunity to share your unique perspective and to learn about one another and Ashby Village. 

Come meet our new full staff, learn more about how the Village is organized, and influence the decisions that matter most to you! 

This event is hosted by the Program Leadership Team (PLT), a group of volunteers and members who work with staff to develop, manage and coordinate programs and advise on policy and vision. For more information about the PLT click  HERE .
Pre-Happy Hour Event
September 6, 3:00-4:00 pm
Ashby Village, 1821 Catalina Avenue, Berkeley

John Boe, PhD, will read from and discuss his new book, a collection of oral histories from eminent Shakespearean directors, actors, and scholars in England and America. 
John Boe received his PhD from the University of California at Berkeley in 1974. He taught at UC Davis for thirty years, most summers teaching Shakespeare in London for American college students. He has won prizes for writing and teaching, is a professional storyteller, and has been a member of Ashby Village from its beginning.
Picnic in the Park

Join Us at the Annual Ashby Village Picnic !
Saturday, September 21, 12:00 to 3:00 pm
The tradition continues... the picnic is back! Bring a friend or invite a member you haven’t gotten to know yet! Ashby Village has reserved tables at Arlington Park and will provide ice, water, plates, and utensils.
Fun and games at the 2017 picnic
Where : Arlington Park, 1120 Arlington Blvd., El Cerrito - by the Clubhouse.
Bring : A dish to share with 6-8 people and something to drink. Please note El Cerrito parks have a no alcohol policy. (Optional: hat, sunscreen, folding chair, or blanket)
Who : Ashby Village members, volunteers, and their guests.    

If you need a ride to or from the picnic site, please contact Ashby Village by September 11.
The number 7 bus stops right by the park.

Park regulations:  
NO alcohol
Dogs are ok, but need to be on leash.
Living Room Chats

 Invite a friend to join our Living Room Chat. They'll have the opportunity to hear what Ashby Village offers to our members and volunteers, how it enhances their quality of life, and why it helps them develop peace of mind about the future.
Sunday, September 15, 2:00-4:00 pm
BERKELEY - RSVP for location

Saturday, September 28, 2:00-4:00 pm
RICHMOND - RSVP for location
Upcoming Hearts N' Hands Events
Window Washing Caravan
Wednesday, September 11,
10:00-2:30pm RSVP

Garden Project: Clearing an overgrown vine
Wednesday, September 25,
9:30am-2:00pm RSVP

Come and join us! Light lunch provided.
The Hearts N' Hands  program provides volunteer assistance to Ashby Village Members when they need a hand.
Volunteers gather for a half day to complete multiple jobs at once. 
Hearts N' Hands
Thank you!

Dear HNH Team, "Window washing day" was a joyful day for me. The crew of five who washed my many windows was fun to be around. They did a beautiful job! I thank you all profusely. AV Member~Margie Pezzaglia
Who says window washing is NO FUN?

Thanks to our HNH volunteers Peggy, Bob, Gordon and hardw orking apprentices Javi, Mark and Sero.
Check out this short video
Interested in building "Tiny Houses" for Homeless Youth?

Join Ashby Village Volunteers on Saturday, September 7th 9-4pm
to find out more
10 Mile Urban Hike

Let's  PLAY-it-FORWARD volunteers!
Celebrate our 10 years
with 10 miles 

Join us and make the most of San Francisco's unique geography by going on a 10 mile urban hike with other AV volunteers. 

WHEN: Saturday, October 12, 2019
TIME: 9:30-4:30pm FIND OUT MORE

Healthier Aging
Get Ready for an Active Autumn!
After a short summer break, all of our Healthier Aging Classes started again during the week of August 26th! All classes are held at Ashby Village except where noted.

Stretch, Strength, and Dance
Time: 10-11:30 AM, August 28 - January 22, 2020
Fee: Increased to $70.00 per semester * (to Berkeley Adult School)
*If subsidy needed, email [email protected]

Balance, Flexibility and Strength, Personal Training with Pam Mckernan (limited to 10 people)
Time: 12:30PM-1:30PM
Fee: $10.00 per class

Yoga with Ada Lusardi
Time: 10-11:30 AM
Location: The Yoga Room, 2530 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley 94702
Exercise Your Memory
Time: 10 AM-12 Noon, August 30 - January 24, 2020
Fee: $35.00 per semester (to Berkeley Adult School)
Tai Chi Chih (Class Full, Wait List Only)
Time: 10 - 11AM
Location: Epworth Church, Berkeley 510-499-2841

*NEW Tai Chi Class at Ashby Village!*
The Tai Chi has been oversubscribed for a year. Given the great interest in Tai Chi which promotes good balance and flexibility, this year we are offering a class at Ashby Village.
Tuesday mornings 10:30-11:30 AM.

The instructor is Lydia Shiozaki, an experienced Tai Chi Instructor. Watch for her Bio in the October newsletter.

An introduction to this class will be held on Tuesday, October 1st, 10:30-11:30 AM. The fee for the semester (10 classes) will be $30.00.
For more info and to register email Roberta Pressman, Healthier Aging Coordinator,  [email protected]
Note About Member Solicitation of Drivers

As we form friendships with others in the Ashby Village community (after all, that's why we're here!), many situations arise -- especially at Ashby Village activities -- where people naturally are comfortable directly asking each other for a ride to/from the event. For insurance purposes, Ashby Village has developed the following written policy so that members better understand Ashby Village's responsibility in those situations: 

Many times there are informal situations where a member needs a ride and it may seem easiest to ask another member or volunteer directly rather than submitting a service request through the Ashby Village office. Please note that any coverage, as applicable, that is offered through Ashby Village's insurance will not be available for rides that a member has personally arranged without the involvement of Ashby Village.
Inquire about our amazing
Connections Team!

The Connection Team Volunteers provide on-going friendly visits for Ashby Village members who, for a variety of reasons, may be feeling socially isolated.

  • Are you having mobility problems that keep you at home?
  • Wanting a walking companion?
  • Want someone to share a cup of coffee or tea on a regular basis?

If so, please call Ellen Newman at 510-204-9200 for more information.
WANTED: Your Speaker and Performance Recommendations!
Some of Ashby Village's most successful events have come to the us by way of member and volunteer recommendations and offers - in other words, they came from you!

Are you interested in sharing your subject matter expertise, or artistic and musical talents, or do you know someone who may be willing to share theirs?

Contact Sigrid, our Volunteer Events Coordinator, with the info!
Plan Ahead to Submit Articles to This Newsletter
Would you like your event or notice to appear in the Village Voices Newsletter? Use this simple form to submit your material. 

It takes us time to prepare each issue! Remember that the DEADLINE for each newsletter is the 15th of the previous month. Late submissions are not guaranteed placement in the next newsletter.
Tech Tips
October Technology Workshops

Two exciting technology workshops are scheduled for October! Co-sponsored by Ashby Village and the UC Berkeley Retirement Centers, these workshops are  open to UC retirees/emeriti and Ashby Village members. 
iPhone Photography Workshop (Part One)

Offered twice to accommodate as many as possible!

Date: Thursday, October 24, 2019
Time: 10 am-12pm OR 1-3pm
Where: Ashby Village, 1821 Catalina, Berkeley

Ashby Village Tech volunteers Bill Graham and Celie Placzek will facilitate a hands-on iPhone photography workshop. Come learn how to use the native camera feature on your iPhone, organize your photos, and share your photos. 

R equired: iPhone (models 6-10) with 10-12 recent photos 

To register for ONE of the two time slots (10-12 or 1-3), contact Celie .

NOTE:  There will be a more advanced Part Two workshop at a later date!
Summoning Help in an Emergency: Devices and Emerging Trends

Presenter: Richard Caro, PhD
Tuesday October 29, 2019  10 am-12 noon
UC Berkeley, University Hall Room 150 (corner of Oxford St. & University Ave.)

Your ability to summon help in an emergency is an important part of the safety net needed for aging in place. But what resources are available? In this talk, Dr. Richard Caro will address two important questions about medical alert technologies. 
(1) If you need a medical alert device, how do you sift through competing claims and decide which product is right for you? Dr. Caro will describe a procedure to guide you to a product that is the best match to your specific life circumstance. 
(2) With accelerating advances in “wearables”, and “voice-enabled assistants,” are there better options to conventional medical alert devices? Dr. Caro will provide an overview of emerging trends. 
The material in this talk is based on extensive hands-on testing by Tech-enhanced Life and the “Longevity Explorers,” a unique sharing, evaluation, and ideation community made up of older adults and their friends, families, and caregivers. The research is independent and objective, and is not directed or funded by any product vendors. Click  here to learn more!

To learn more about
Dr. Caro click here!
If you need assistance with registration, call the Ashby Village office at (510) 204-9200.
Would you like personal assistance from Technology & Electronics Volunteers?

Volunteers can help you with a wide range of devices - GIVE US A CALL!

To request service, please email [email protected] or call 510-204-9200.
Neighborhood Groups &
Ongoing Activities
Monday, September 2, 10:00-11:00 am, Monday Morning by the Bay - Cesar Chavez Park. Call Claire Heinzelman 650-619-4016

Wednesday, September 4, 12:30-1:30 pm, Balance, Flexibility & Strength. RSVP Pam McKernan [email protected]; $10 fee check or cash.

Sunday, September 8, 10:00-6:00 pm, 45th Annual Solano Stroll. As in previous years we will have a booth located at 1737 Solano Avenue, in front of an apartment building on the north side of the street, just 4 booths west of Ensenada Avenue.

Tuesday, September 10, 2:00-4:30 pm, Bridge Group. Contact Mary Jo 510-525-0545 or Betty 510-524-8260. 

Friday, September 13, Outlandish Neighborhood Potluck. Contact Alison Colgan [email protected] for details by the Wednesday before the potluck.

Thursday, September 19, 4:30-6:00 pm, Emery Bunch Trader Vic's Happy Hour. Contact Dawn Mezo [email protected].

Tuesday, September 24, 2:30-4:00 pm, 80+ Support Group 1. RSVP Mairin Malarka-Meyer [email protected].

Friday, September 27, 10:00 am -12:00 pm, Exercise Your Memory. Contact Roberta Pressman [email protected].

Check out our online calendar for the full view of our upcoming meetings, activities and other events.
Interest Group of the Month
ELDER ACTION: It Takes a Village!

Get to know us at our next monthly meeting, Tuesday, September 17, 2-4 pm !

A year ago, we began  ELDER ACTION , as an Ashby Village interest group, to work together towards social justice. Today, we have more than 70 members meeting once a month at the Village (the third Tuesday of the month, 2-4 pm). We’ve formed three task forces to focus our efforts—on publicly funded long-term care/services and support,  amending Prop 13 to provide more tax revenue to support public education and municipal services, and housing the homeless. As we approach the 2020 election we will no doubt also gear up for voter registration and get-out-the vote activities.

Long-Term Care
No doubt most of us have at least thought about what happens if and when we will need long-term care services and support, and probably many of us have already faced that situation. Our membership in the Village can answer some of those needs for nonmedical support and services. But in the absence of (very expensive) long-term care insurance, it is a daunting and frightening prospect, forcing us to rely on our children, friends and neighbors for the care we might need; or, alternatively, spending all our assets down and going on Medi-Cal to pay for nursing home care. 

ELDER ACTION  has joined with the California Aging and Disability Alliance to advocate for a statewide social insurance program of long-term care/long-term services and support.
We are working closely with the Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network to work on the grassroots level to support this effort. Currently, we seek your stories about what has worked for you and what hasn't. 

If you have a story to share, we are here to listen and to honor your stories.

Please contact us at  [email protected] and join our September meeting!
What We Are Reading
Curated by volunteer Patricia Hom

by Kerry Grens, The Scientist, 06/28/2018

by Andrew Van Dam, The Washington Post, 07/05/2018

by Lorie Konish, CNBC Personal Finance, 08/05/2018

Source: Jim Sliwa - American Psychological Association, Neuroscience News, 08/10/2018

by Ronnie Citron-Fink, InStyle, 08/11/2018

by Paula Span, The New York Times, 04/26/2019

by Mila Jasper and Phillip Reese, The Sacramento Bee, 06/14/2019

by Paula Span, The New York Times, 08/16/2019
Recommended by Peter Sussman
Bulletin Board
Are you a low-income or disabled older adult in need of free home repair?

Rebuilding Together is enrolling new Berkeley, Emeryville, and Richmond homeowners. To qualify a single member household income must be $69K or less (qualifying income increases with each additional household member). You must also either be 62+ years old, disabled, or a veteran. If interested please call 510-644-8979 or visit their website . Click here to view their flyer.
8-Week FREE Compassion Cultivation Training

This course was developed at Stanford Medical School’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE), and is designed to increase self-compassion and one’s connection to others. Classes will be held on eight consecutive Wednesdays, September 4 to October 23 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center of the East Bay (1414 Walnut Street in Berkeley). If interested and able to commit to at least 6 of the training classes, email Marti Paschal , who will be leading the training. Class is limited to 20 students.
Clarewood Fall Documentary Film Showings

Sam and Family: 10 years in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Sunday, September 15th 2-4 PM
A documentary presentation on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly the Belgian Congo): its history and culture, along with what Sam Duncan learned from working there for ten years as a teacher at a branch of the national university.

Dolores Huerta (Independent Lens on PBS)
Sunday, October 13th 2-4:30 P M
Presented by Joanne Carder, AV member extraordinaire, who worked for and with Ms Huerta in Salinas in the early 70s. Known as “la esposa del avocado” (“wife of the lawyer”), Ms. Carder worked to help get needed services for the laboring farm workers there.

Movement (R)evolution Africa
Sunday, November 17th 2-4 PM
"...Movement (R)evolution Africa...summates all the riches and frustrations of Africa. Revering the body as a form of fluid sculpture, these fierce artists from across the continent adapt conventional dance to their unique sense of order to challenge the West's stereotypical ideas of Africa. Movement is their voice and it screams in the film, 'Africa must speak!'"—Ed Gonzalez, Village Voice, April 2007

Please email Mary Goldstein , our hostess, to reserve a seat and for the address.  Max of 18 people per showing.
Thank you to the Ashby Village volunteers who contributed to this issue of the Village Voices newsletter.
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