Insider Update
Practical information and resources for NGBS Green Certification program partners. Find out more about the program, its tools & resources, and available marketing materials online. If you were forwarded this message or do not receive Insider Update regularly and would like to, sign up online.
Join Us at EEBA
Attending the EEBA Summit? Join Cindy Wasser and Carl Seville on October 8 to learn more about the background and requirements of the new Single-Family Certified Path. To learn more and register, visit
REMINDER: NGBS Appeals Fee Increase
Effective September 1, 2020, the NGBS Green Appeals fee is $500 for a single-family home and $1,000 for a MF building, MF community, or batch of SF homes all requesting the same waiver or interpretation.

The NGBS Green Appeals process is to be used for unique and rare circumstances when a project must waiver from the normal NGBS Green certification process. To date, the Appeals Process has been used rarely; however, when the Appeals Board is convened to make consider a special waiver or project circumstance it requires a tremendous amount of staff resources, expertise, and time. Furthermore, our policy to expedite Appeal discussions and decisions within a very short time-frame further increases the disruption to normal business operations.

Questions or concerns about the new fee schedule? Contact Michelle.
REMINDER: Print-Version of 2020 NGBS Now Available
If you're interested in a printed version of the 2020 NGBS, they are now available for purchase from NAHB Builder Books.
Interested in NGBS Green certification but unsure of where to start?
Here are a few simple steps to get started. This Quick Start Guide walks you through the certification program requirements; outlines the certification process; and answers commonly asked questions. It also includes important links for more detailed information. Make this your first stop on your NGBS Green certification journey.
Greenwich Condos Become First Project Certified to 2020 NGBS Green+ WELLNESS Badge

Marnella Homes’ Greenwich Condos, located in Portland, Ore. was the first building to be NGBS Green Certified under the 2020 version. The building earned Emerald level certification and was the first to earn the NGBS Green+ WELLNESS badge. The 9-unit condo building was designed with health, comfort, and energy efficiency as a key focus. Congrats to Marnella Homes and their verifier partner, Tyler Moffet! To learn more, see the detailed article in Builder and Developer Magazine.
Correction: Montgomery County IgCC Adoption
In our August Insider Update newsletter, we identified that residential buildings constructed in Montgomery County could have an option to comply with the 2015 NGBS once the County adopts the 2018 International Green Construction Code (IgCC). Once the 2018 IgCC is adopted, the 2020 NGBS would be appropriate NGBS version for compliance with the County’s code.
QAP Watch
The following states have or will revise their Qualified Allocation Plans (QAP) for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program (LIHTC). The summaries included indicate if NGBS Green certification is incentivized and provide information on how to submit comments or stay informed. If you know of QAP current activity in your state or locale that is not listed here or included in our online listing of QAP recognition, please contact Cindy.

FLORIDA: the Florida Housing Finance Corporation will host virtual public hearings throughout September and October on its Consolidated Plan and selected topics.

MICHIGAN: a virtual QAP hearing is scheduled for September 25th from 9-11AM EDT to inform the development of the 2021 QAP. Written comments will be accepted until 5PM on September 25th; comments can be emailed to Carl Thompson at [email protected]. The current QAP awards 5-10 points for NGBS, Enterprise Green Communities, or LEED compliance. Partners are encouraged to submit letters of support.

NEBRASKA: a 2020/2021 Draft Amended and Restated 9% Allocation Plan and a 2020/2021 Draft Amended and Restated 4% QAP have been released. These documents do not include any green building programs. No public comment opportunities have been identified.

OKLAHOMA: a final draft 2021 QAP has been released. The QAP does not include any green building programs. No public comment opportunities have been identified.

VERMONT: a draft 2022 QAP, proposed Building Design Standards, and Energy Efficiency Standards have been released, and public comments are accepted through 10/15/2020. These draft documents would require new construction and “substantial rehabilitation” projects to comply with Efficiency Vermont’s 2020 High-Performance Track Standards.

TEXAS: a staff draft of the 2021 QAP has been released. This QAP would award 4 points for compliance with the NGBS, Enterprise Green Communities, LEED, or the 2018 IgCC. Comments are accepted via their online forum; no end date has been specified.
In each issue of Insider Update, Home Innovation profiles products that can help builders achieve points toward NGBS Green Certification. To browse all NGBS Green Certified products, visit the online directory.
Wolmanized® Outdoor Wood and Wolmanized EraWood® Lumber
Wolmanized® Outdoor® Wood and Wolmanized EraWood® Lumber is treated with a copper-based preservative and an efficacious fungicide, making it ideal for applications like decks, retaining walls, fences, picnic tables, planter boxes, walkways, and more. This product has been certified as a termite-resistant material and can contribute toward points under 602.1.6.
New Style Guide & Marketing Materials
The NGBS Green Partner Style Guide is new and improved. There are new seals that show the certification levels and program and partner logos with the NGBS.COM website URL. We are also working with a new vendor for plaques and certificates.

Look at the new Style Guide to see what is new.
NGBS Version Aversion? How to Pick the Right NGBS Version for Your Project
With the 2020 NGBS being approved earlier this year, builders and developers now have a choice to make – to seek NGBS Green certification to either the 2015 the 2020 version. Which is the best version for your project and your market? Check out Michelle’s latest post with some tips on how to approach that analysis and resources to help guide your decision.
Offsite Construction is the Answer—But, to Which Question?
A lot of attention has been given to offsite building solutions in recent years, and data show that it’s quickly making inroads in multifamily and commercial construction. Offsite construction has also been touted as a solution to the shortage of skilled construction labor that has hampered housing production in the past few years. So, is offsite construction the solution to the skilled labor shortage in home construction? To get home builders’ opinions on the matter, Home Innovation conducted a survey of more than 450 builders in late April 2020. Read Ed Hudson’s blog post to learn more.
Healthy, Smart & Efficient – Earn NGBS Green+ for Your Next Home
Homebuyers look for sustainable and efficient design, but they also bring their own values to the home search. To better connect with the buyers that are searching for your homes, you can now seek special recognition for NGBS Green Certified homes that go “above and beyond” in certain areas of green practice. Read Cindy’s blog post to learn more about getting started with NGBS Green+.
Come work with us!
Building Science, Research Engineer III - Sustainable Construction

Home Innovation Research Labs is looking for an inspired building scientist/building construction engineer to join our research team responsible for programmatic efforts in the fields of energy efficiency, energy modeling, technology innovation, and green building in residential construction.

Entry-Level Research Engineer - Building Science and Sustainable Construction

Home Innovation Research Labs is seeking a recent engineering graduate to join our Building Science Division. This person will be responsible for project work in the areas of energy efficiency, disaster resistance, cost evaluation, technology innovation, and green building in residential construction. For more information.

Senior Test Lab Engineer

We are searching for a motivated self-starter with the ability to work independently and to participate creatively in collaborative teams in our materials and structures lab.

As we strive to keep up with events of interest around the country, we welcome your input. If you know of a program that may be of interest to our NGBS Green program partners, please let us know.

Join us for upcoming webinars:

  • September 30, 11:00AM-1:00PM ET: New & Improved: Expanded Certification Opportunity Under the 2020 National Green Building Standard - presented by Cindy Wasser / hosted by Green Home Institute

Join us for upcoming in-person events:

As an NGBS Green Certification Program participant, you received this email to notify you of important program and service updates, as well as relevant industry news and happenings. Home Innovation Research Labs will send email notifications periodically; we encourage recipients to add this email address ([email protected]) to your approved senders list. You may unsubscribe from this notification service at any time using the link below, though please be aware that this will be the primary channel for conveying certification program changes, news, and updates to participants, and opting out of this notification service may result in missing critical developments and changes. Home Innovation Research Labs authorizes use of information contained within this email only by those participating in our NGBS Green Certification Program.

NGBS Green Certification is administered by Home Innovation Research Labs
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