Monthly Roundtable
Items for the Roundtable are to be emailed to [email protected] by the 20th of each month. 
September 2020

 New AC4C Youth Marijuana Prevention   Radio Ad! 

Feel free to share this ad on social media, websites, emails or other local radio or school venues. It is on You Tube and we are working on getting it on Spotify and other places where youth will hear it. 

During our "Other Substances" Action Team meeting the past couple months we have talked about the increasing use of Kratom in our communities.  The following information is taken from the "Tall Cop Says Stop" September 2020 newsletter with permission. 

  • What is Kratom? Why so popular?
Kratom is a natural herb/ is Not a synthetic. Meaning Kratom is grown in a lab. Kratom is not regulated in most states (as a few states do have regulations on Kratom) am it is not a scheduled drug federally. This basically means you can purchase it in most states at retail stores or you can order it online. Most states do not have an age restriction on Kratom and there are no quantity limited for possession of it.

  • Why do people use it and how do people use it?
This is the big question that really can't be completely answered. Kratom is a natural, herbal painkiller. it is a drug that makes its way to the U.S. mostly its way from other countries, primarily coming from Asia. Those individuals with substance use disorder, will use it for its pain killer effects and others might use it as "addiction replacement." Drug seekers of Kratom will use it in place of opioids and others will use it to help with opioid withdrawals. Some might use Kratom as alternative drug knowing that it will not show up on their drug test because they are aware of what drugs they are tested for. Some youth might gravitate to Kratom due to it being available in retail stores and not regulated in their state. 


 AC4C Quarterly Retreat Sept. 29-30 Agenda

Tues., Sept. 29- DAY 1: 9 am - 3 pm

9:00-9:30- Orientation 
9:30-10:00- Introductions
10:00-10:30- CADCA Mid-Year Training Institute- members' highlights
10:30-10:45- Break
10:45-11:30- Mid-Year/Third Quarter Evaluation Presentation, Mary Schissel
11:30-12:00- State partners 

Noon-1:30- Lunch break 

1:30-2:45- Logic Models sharing and input
Alcohol- 30 min.
Marijuana- 30 min.
Methamphetamine logic model- 15 min.
2:45-3:00- Wrap up
Wed., Sept. 30- DAY 2: 9 am-12:15 pm   (2:30 p.m. if staying for Prev. Conf. Planning)

9:00- 9:15 - Introductions- Day One Recap/Highlights
9:15-10:15- State & Midwest Partners Updates
10:15-10:30- Break
10:30-11:00- State Partner sharing continued
11:00-11:15- Updates from Workgroups
11:15-12:00- Alcohol/Marijuana Action Teams- Zoom breakouts
12:00-12:15- Action Team report out and Retreat Wrap Up

Meeting adjourned for those not staying for Prevention Conference Planning meeting.

12:15-1:30- Lunch Break
1:30-2:30- Prevention Conference Planning

Please REGISTER HERE and MCTC will send you the Zoom link.  


Be in the kNOw ~
 Celebrating the Power of Prevention
Join us for an exciting 2nd Annual (Virtual) Prevention Conference where you will receive education from leading experts in drug trends, approaches and policies. 
 Mon. - Wed., 11/16 - 11/18, 1:00-2:30 p.m. and Thurs., 11/19, 1:00-3:30 p.m.
Day 1, Nov. 16: Linda Kalin, IA Poison Control:
 "Pills & Thrills: What's Trending?"
Day 2, Nov. 17:  Julie Hibben, IDPH:
 Alcohol-Related Deaths
 And Retired Special Agent Nancy McGee, MO Dept. of Public Safety-
Division of Alcohol & Tobacco Control, and PIRE: 
Responsible Beverage Server Training, Age of Seller and other policy strategies.
Day 3, Nov. 18: Mike McKelvey, IA Peace Officer Assoc. & IA Med. CBD Board Chair And Dr. Ed Gogek, Addiction Psychiatrist "Marijuana Decriminalization: Both Sides of the Story" 
Day 4, Nov. 19: Youth Day! AMP (Achieving Maximum Potential) 
and I-STEP (Iowa Students for Tobacco Education and Prevention) 
 AMP youth share about addiction, how it affected their families, and what they have learned from it. 
I-STEP youth share their current efforts and events along with how to get involved in an I-STEP Chapter.
 Awards for youth and adults and Call to Action will round out this session. 

Registration Information will be out soon! 

New resource available:

The flyer below is about Responsible Beverage Service Training and Alcohol Compliance Checks in Iowa.  Please let us know if you need printed copies, would like this emailed to you, or find a copy to download at our website or Facebook page. 

The AC4C website keeps getting better! Check out all the resources on our website

Mark Your Calendars!

Upcoming Events:
  • AC4C Quarterly Retreat- Sept. 29 & 30 (See agenda below)
  • AC4C Virtual Prevention Conference  Nov. 16-19, 1 p.m. daily    (See details below)
  • Retreat dates for the upcoming FY:                
  • Dec. 2 & 3, 2020           
  • Mar. 10 & 11, 2021       
  • June 29 & 30, 2021       
  • Sept. 15 & 16, 2021
  • AC4C Day on the Hill- Feb. 25, 2021

Resources to Share and Links to check out... 

Members keep up with the latest in the news

Looking for a training



Iowa State Patrol


Iowa Department of Public Health & Your Life Iowa


Partnership for A Healthy Iowa

(formerly PDFI) 


AC4C Board Members
Front - L to R: Jen Stolka, Katya Boltanova, Sandy Rayhons  Back L to R: Kris Rankin, Stacie Schroeder, Sue Greene. Not pictured: Lynne Coleman, Julie Furne and Kristin Frank. (Soon we will get a new group picture. Kris Rankin moved on to a new job. Thanks, Kris for all your years of service to AC4C!)

Connected Communities.
Effective Coalitions. 
Healthy Iowans. 

Unifying Iowans to reduce youth substance misuse
a state
and community level.

Join an Action Team or Work Group session every month!
Access the action team meetings on Mondays. Login information here 
Other Substances Action Team
Next meeting - Oct. 5 @ 9:30am

Marijuana Action Team
Next meeting- Oct. 12 @ 9:30am 
Nicotine Action Team 
Next meeting- Sept. 21 @ 9:30am 
Alcohol Action Team
Next meeting- Sept. 28 @ 9:30am

Policy Work Group
Co-Chair: Maggie Ballard
4th Wednesday at 2:00 pm
Meeting information can be found here
Click here for meeting minutes

To collaborate with the community and statewide entities to advocate and educate on substance abuse legislation, policies, and related issues.
Marketing and Communications Work Group (currently meeting with Capacity Work group)
Chair: Sue Greene
normally 3rd Monday at 2:00 pm 

To build skills and provide resources to members of AC4C 

Capacity Work Group (currently meeting with Marketing & Communications Group)

normally 3rd Monday at 2:00 pm 
Click here for meeting minutes

Create a network of professionals that have a diverse knowledge, experience and interest.
Medication Disposal Resources

Saturday Oct. 24, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. is National Drug Take Back Day! 
The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of medications.

More resources...

Mid-America Prevention Training Transfer Center (PTTC) recently featured AC4C on their Podcast.  Check it out and their website for training opportunities and other resources to support prevention here in Iowa. 
AC4C | [email protected] |
Alliance of Coalitions for Change
Katya Boltanova, Chair
Jennifer Husmann, Project Director, 319-462-4327 x 202