Message from the
Village President, Julie Siegel
I encourage you to check out all of the new and creative virtual resources, like, that the Whitefish Bay Public Library is providing as part of their continued reopening plan. More information is below! To subscribe to our newsletter, click here.
Why Is The Village Hall Phone Ringing?
What is the status of winter parking regulations in Whitefish Bay? The Village is considering a switch to alternative side winter parking permits instead of winter parking permit zones. Please stay tuned for next week's Village newsletter for details and how to leave public feedback and/or ask questions.
What is the noise ordinance in Whitefish Bay?Amplified sounds cannot be audible over a distance of 100 feet from the source. Please contact the non-emergency Police Department line with questions (414) 351-9900.
What is the Refuse and Recycling Labor Day Collection Schedule? As a result of the holiday, refuse and recycling typically collected on Monday, September 7, 2020 will be collected on Tuesday, September 8, 2020.
When is the next brush chipper collection? Brush will be collected by Village crews next week (September 14, 2020). Brush should be placed in the parkway between the curb and the sidewalk.
Last Week's Meetings:
- Monday, August 24, 6:00 pm, Virtual GoToMeeting
This Week's Meetings:
No meetings this week. For other meeting agendas and minutes, please visit the Agenda Center.
September 2020 Bay Leaves:
The September Bay Leaves monthly magazine is available on the Village website. Stories include:
- Resident Feature: Music and magic with the Davidson Family.
- Pocket Park Pollinator Project from the Whitefish Bay Garden Club.
- Community newsletter information from the Whitefish Bay School District.
- Summer continues on Silver Spring Drive with the Merchants of Whitefish Bay.
- Are you Pulse Point Connected from North Shore Fire Rescue.
- Do your part and mask up from the North Shore Health Department.
- Happy Healthy Cat Month from MADACC.
- September programs from the Whitefish Bay Recreation Department.
Administration Assistant Job Opening:
Applications are being accepted for a full time Administration Assistant with the Village of Whitefish Bay. The Administration Assistant serves as the office receptionist, assisting residents either in person or over the phone, and performs various financial duties to include processing utility and tax payments. The Administration Assistant works to ensure a friendly, welcoming, and consistently excellent standard of customer service for all Village residents and guests. Click here for more information and to apply for the position.
Congratulations to Erin Granstrom:
Congratulations to Erin Granstrom who was appointed as Deputy Clerk of Whitefish Bay this morning. Erin will officially start her new role on Monday, August 31, 2020.
Erin began working for the Department of Public Works in 2016 as a part-time Administrative Assistant. In 2018, she transitioned to the full-time Administration Assistant position at Village Hall while continuing to provide support to DPW on a part-time basis. For the past two years, Erin has been increasingly involved in the Election process. Congrats Erin!
Get Study Help with
Whitefish Bay Public Library has partnered with to provide you with FREE online tutoring to support your academic success this school year. The experts at can help you work through a tough homework problem, improve your writing skills, study for a test, review a difficult concept, and so much more!
Tutors are available every day from 12-7PM. To use this resource you must be a resident of Whitefish Bay with a valid Whitefish Bay Public Library Card.
November 3, 2020 Election Information:
Please note that absentee ballots for the November 3, 2020 election will be available for mailing mid to late September.
In response to COVID-19, the Village of Whitefish Bay is urging ALL voters to request an absentee ballot for the November 3rd election. Voting absentee reduces public contact with our poll workers and staff. 51% of Whitefish Bay voters have already requested absentee ballots for the November 3 Election!
Offices to be elected for the November 3rd election include: President of the United States, State Senator, Representative to Assembly, District Attorney, and Milwaukee County Clerk, Treasurer, and Register of Deeds.
How to Request an Absentee Ballot:
- You may request a ballot online at
- You also may request a ballot be mailed to you by emailing the Village:
Your request must include a copy of your WI photo ID.
Your options to return your ballot:
- Place your ballot in the mail. The U.S. Postal Service sorts and delivers official election mail in an expedited fashion.
- Use the dropbox just inside the Village Hall vestibule door. The box is checked regularly during the day.
- Drop your ballot off at the Village Hall front desk during regular business hours.
Please remember that your ballot must be received at Village Hall (not postmarked) by 8:00 pm on November 3, 2020.
In-person Absentee Voting: In-Person Absentee Voting will occur on weekdays from Tuesday, October 20th – Friday, October 30th during regular business hours (until 5:00 pm on October 30th).
Health Department Weekly Update:
NSHD Highlights 8/26/2020: Influenza Season – Get your flu shot!
Every year it is important to receive an influenza vaccine, but this season it is more crucial than ever as COVID-19 continues to be a concern within our communities. Influenza and COVID-19 are both contagious respiratory illnesses that are caused by different viruses and typically present with similar symptoms. Although there is currently no vaccine for COVID-19, influenza vaccines are available and are highly recommended as we approach this year’s flu season. Receiving your flu shot can help to minimize the burden on healthcare systems that are devoting their resources to the COVID-19 response. Additionally, the preventive measures we are employing to protect ourselves from COVID-19 can also be effective in preventing exposure to influenza and preserving our healthcare systems, such as physical distancing, mask wearing and hand washing.
It is recommended that everyone 6 months and older be vaccinated for influenza. Flu vaccines initiate the development of antibodies approximately two weeks after vaccination. These antibodies offer protection against infection with the influenza viruses used to make the vaccine. More information on the different influenza viruses in the vaccine can be found on the CDC Website. You should get a flu vaccine before influenza starts spreading in your community. Make plans to get vaccinated as early in fall as possible to allow your body time to develop antibodies and prepare to protect you from exposure to influenza viruses.
North Shore Health Department 2020 Flu Clinics for the public are by appointment only. Call (414) 371-2980 to make an appointment. Flyers with dates and times are attached.
From the Whitefish Bay Public Library:
Whitefish Bay Public Library: WFBPL will begin Chapter 3 of Renewing Library Services, “Moving Forward @WFBPL” on Monday, August 31. Our new hours beginning that we are as follows.
Open Hours:
- Monday to Thursday - 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm
- Friday to Saturday - 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
- Sunday (Beginning on September 13) - 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Please keep your library visits to 30 minutes or less. A limited number of study tables are available for a single person’s use for 1 hour a day. Library computers are available for up to 1 hour per day. Thanks for protecting staff and other patrons by wearing your mask. (Masks are required and we can provide you with one if you don’t already have one.)
Curbside Pickup for the week of August 31:
- Monday to Saturday - 9:30 am to 11:30 am
Update from the Whitefish Bay Women's Club:
The Whitefish Bay Women's Club is having a rummage sale Saturday, September 26, 2020 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. We will be accepting donations Monday, September 21, 2020 thru Friday, September 25, 2020 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Whitefish Bay School District:
All are invited and welcome to attend our Annual Meeting, Budget Hearing and State of the District Address:
- Wednesday, September 2 at 7PM - High School Auditorium
Farmers' Market Continues
The Whitefish Bay Farmers' Market is every Saturday through October 19, 2020 from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. The Farmers' Market is located in the Aurora Parking Lot (325 E Silver Spring Dr.).