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SEPTEMBER 2020 Edition
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BZS Captains Rescue Longtail from Hurricane Paulette
Virtual ZOOM Around the Sound
BZS Virtual Lecture Series: Getting to know Bermuda's "Chick-of-the-Village"
Reef Life App update available for Android
Private Harrington Sound Coastal Cruise
BZS Captains rescue longtail from Hurricane Paulette
Captain Trevor Rawson and Captain Nigel Pollard, of the Bermuda Zoological Society, are responsible for monitoring and managing he BZS fleet and Trunk Island – the BZS “Living Classroom”. While checking the island in preparation for Hurricane Paulette, Captain Rawson sighted a fledging longtail in one of the many igloos that scatter the coast of the island.

Upon closer inspection he noted that the fledging was not developed enough to leave it’s nest and if it were left in the igloo, it might be in danger during the storm. After discussing the situation with the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo (BAMZ) rehabilitation team, it was decided that the fledgling would be taken back to BAMZ to weather the storm in the rehab facility. There, it was fed and kept protected from the hurricane force winds alongside other fledglings from across Bermuda. 
After the storm had passed, Captain Trevor returned to the site of the fledgling’s igloo and discovered that the entire cliff surrounding the igloo had collapsed. Although the igloo itself remained intact, the collapse indicated that the cliff had been severely battered by the waves during the storm.

A very happy ending for the fledgling, as on Wednesday, September 16th (2 days after Hurricane Paulette’s passing) Captain Pollard and the rehab team were able to successfully release it in Harrington Sound.
There's still time to ZOOM!
Proceeds from this event will support education and conservation at the Bermuda Zoological Society.

New Version Of Bermuda Reef App Released
Building from the success of the previous version of his Reef Life app, Ron Lucas’ latest update for the free android version of the app features images in high definition, a new section on corals, a few additional or replacement photos and a new scrolling Reef Identification feature to assist users to quickly identify fishes, corals etc.

The publishers of the app are the Bermuda Zoological Society and the Atlantic Conservation Partnership, the not for profit organizations that support the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo. All underwater images have been donated by Bermudian underwater photographer Ron Lucas. 

To read the entire article on Bernews, please click here.