Habitat Cape Cod news & updates
Welcome New Board Members Matt Anderson, Mike Duffany and Habitat Homeowner Melissa Wheeler! Welcome back to returning Board President Wil Rhymer!
Matt Anderson, Owner of Anderson Framing & Remodeling
Mike Duffany, founder and owner, M. Duffany Builders
Melissa Wheeler, Co-Owner of Cape Cod Cleaning Collaborative
Wil Rhymer, Assistant Vice President and Branch Manager at Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank
For full bios and to read up on the rest of our current Board click here
Here is your chance to help Habitat and the environment at the same time by purchasing a reusable GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS bag at the Shaw's located at 1108 Route 28, South Yarmouth.
$1 from each bag sold this month (September) will be donated to Habitat Cape Cod. Please share this news with family and friends as well! The bags are located on displays around the store and at the checkout.
Habitat Cape Cod is having a Virtual Build in October!
Although COVID-19 has limited volunteers' ability to be on build sites, we are still moving forward with an aggressive building campaign. We need your help to raise $50,000 in the month of October to ‘build’ a home.
Help us buy nails, windows, doors, counters, sinks, shingles, etc. and ‘build’ the house. Emails with full information will be coming to you soon. We thank you in advance for your support of this new virtual fundraising event!
Kayak Raffle - Ongoing, winner will be drawn in October at a fun, safe and outdoor event at the Falmouth ReStore.
Calling all gardeners!
Habitat Cape Cod is looking for gardeners who want to show off their pretty gardens and help raise funds for Habitat. We would like to participate in next summer’s Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival and we need to start recruiting our locations now. Lots of flexibility on what day/days you want to host, we supply the volunteers to help collect admission, we promote it, etc. View this link for some basic info about the event. If interested, please contact events@habitatcapecod.org.
Attn: Board, Office, Family Partners
and Devotions Volunteers
We are asking for your help on an important project — tracking the hours you contribute to our Habitat team here on Cape Cod and having an up-to-date CORI and WAIVER.
In order to do that, we need to ask you to create an account on our volunteer website, Habitat Connect (HC). It’s simple to do.
We want to recognize all of your efforts, in addition, the number of volunteers, and the hours can be critical factors in our fund-raising efforts. Grants rely heavily on this information.
If you have any problems creating your account, please call Volunteer Services Manager Tara Cronin at 508-362-3559 x16 or email Tara@habitatcapecod.org.
Thank you for helping us to better track your contributions to our work on Cape Cod.
We are so grateful to Kam Appliances for their sponsorship of the Ride for Homes event, their recent donation of many appliances and for their efforts to help us grow our corporate support.
Did you know that you can set up your donation to Habitat Cape Cod by giving monthly? This is a great and easy way to give critical funds to ensure our home building stays on target every month.
As an example, sometimes it is much easier to give $25 a month instead of a lump sum of $300. We will charge the card of your choosing each month until you want to stop, get a new card, or need to change the amount at any time.
“There are a couple of reasons for monthly amounts. First, it is easier than writing one large check at the end of the year when we get requests from many charities. Second, it makes it automatic so we don’t forget. Third, it provides Habitat Cape Cod with reliable steady income throughout the year.
Habitat Cape Cod is very important to life on Cape Cod and we can no longer do the construction work but we can support it financially.” Jake Ketchum, Monthly Donor.
Orleans. Quanset Road. The foundation is in and the septic will soon follow for our two bedroom home at 15 Quanset Road. We expect to raise walls in late October 2020.
Sandwich. Nauset Street and Cotuit Road. We have received our Project Eligibility letter (PEL) from the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). Next steps are finalizing a Land Court approved subdivision plan for Cotuit Road and an appearance in front of the Selectboard for the transfer of nitrogen credits from Evsun Road to Nauset Street. After we tie up these loose ends, we will then finalize our Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) application and submit to the Town of Sandwich.
Chatham. George Ryder Road South. Our application for our two home project at 11 George Ryder Road South was approved by Chatham’s ZBA on July 23rd. We plan to commence infrastructure work on this project beginning in the late fall 2021 and a wall raising planned for 2022.
Brewster. 26 Red Top Road. On August 27th the Brewster Housing Partnership unanimously supported our Red Top Road project. We are planning two homes on this site, one with a veteran preference, meaning priority will be given to a veteran and/or veteran’s family (pending DHCD approval). We are hoping to submit our LIP (Local Initiative Project) application to Brewster’s Board of Selectmen for signature sometime in October. Following our LIP application approval, the next step will be to take this 40B project to Brewster ZBA.
Harwich. Murray Lane. Building permits have been submitted for this 6-home project. When the permits are issued we will put in the foundations. If all goes as planned, we hope to raise walls at Murray Lane in May or June 2021.
Falmouth. Willett Way. Building permits have been submitted for this 10-home project. When the permits are issued we will put in the foundations. If all goes as planned, we hope to raise walls at Willett Way in June (6 homes) and September (4 homes) 2021.
We continue in our assessment of a number of sites in towns across the Cape. And we are always on the lookout for suitable sites for Habitat homes. If you would like to consider the donation of a parcel of property, or know of a town owned site that might be suitable, please contact Beth Wade, Director of Land Acquisition & Project Development, at land@habitatcapecod.org or leave a message at
508-362-3559 x24. Thank you!
Habitat Cape Cod in the News
Keep an eye out for an upcoming episode of CHRONICLE on Channel 5, they will be featuring Pat Taylor and Bill Witmer and the Kayak raffle, in a "Labor of Love" segment sometime in October!