Hours of Operation:
Hours of operation will remain 7am to 5pm through September. If your family needs to make adjustments to your drop off and pick up times, please communicate with Tia or Marissa.
Drop Off and Pick Up:
Katie's Kids REQUIRES all family members who drop off and pick up children to wear a mask. Please also maintain a 6 foot distance from others as you wait. These procedures are set to keep your family, other families, and our staff safe and healthy.
Virtual Book Fair: September 21st-25th
This year we will be hosting our Scholastic Book fair online only! This will be a different avenue than what we have done in the past, but will allow you to be able to shop for books from home while still helping support our school. All orders will be shipped straight to your home. Be on the lookout for further information as time gets closer!
Maternity Leave:
Our Assistant Director, Marissa, is due to have her baby at the end of this month. She will be taking a 12 week maternity leave. During this time, please direct all of your communications to Tia or Katie at tiag@katieskids.net and katie@katieskids.net.