September 2020
Your monthly news & updates
Stay up to date on the latest Ohio DC employer news. Find information on changes at Ohio DC, new investment offerings and resources for your employees.
Offering the Roth 457 Option to Your Employees
As an Ohio DC Employer, you now have the opportunity to offer the Roth 457 option to your employees. The Roth option allows your employees to make contributions to their retirement accounts that are not tax-deductible, but provide tax-free distributions, after certain conditions are met. You can learn more about Roth 457 and how to offer it here.
National Retirement Security Month is Coming
National Retirement Security Month will take place in October and Ohio DC is here to help you inform and educate your employees about saving for retirement. Aside from the tools, calculators and services we always provide, we're also conductig webinars throughout the month of October to provide participants more in-depth information about a wide variety of savings and retirement topics. Find the list of topics, dates and times of the webinars here.
Ohio DC Related Info for Your Employees
Ohio DC can provide monthly information on financial issues for your newsletter or Intranet. This month, we would like to provide information that might be helpful to your employees who are early in their careers with a newsletter specifically for them: Early Savers Newsletter

Download articles on health care in retirement, what is deferred compensation, fees, and more.  Learn more.

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Message From the Executive Director
Christina Elliott
Executive Director
Speak to Your Local Account Executive
Would you or your employees like to know more about what's going on in the finance and savings industries? We have the resources to keep you informed. You can reach out to your local Account Executive through the map at this link. Just select the name of the Account Executive associated with your location.

Due to public health guidelines, we are conducting minimal in-person events, however, our Account Executives are still available for virtual visits. For additional information about the benefits and services we provide, visit