Dear Pastoral Assistants of Faith Formation,
This month I want to emphasize the theme for our Catechetical Sunday which is celebrated on September 19, 2021. This year's theme, "Say the Word and my Soul shall be Healed", promotes a sense of hope since we continue facing the challenges of the COVID-19 while reopening our programs. I feel encouraged by listening to our Catechetical leaders commitment to "rededicate themselves to the task of passing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel to the community." Thank you again for your renewed commitment and I hope you have a great year. Check the online resources to celebrate this date at your parish here.
Carlos Carrillo
Director of Faith Formation
Due to the increase in cases due to the Delta variation, the following guidelines have been established for Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation programs.
For more information visit the Archdiocese COVID webpage
Confirmation Scheduling for 2022 and Confirmation Retreats Scheduling is now open for Confirmation in 2022. Each parish, or lead parish in a cluster where Confirmation is planned at one location for all churches in the cluster, is asked to complete this form. Please also submit a form if your parish is not having Confirmation in 2022.
Submissions are due September 10.
We have scheduled the following days for Confirmation Retreats:
January 29, 2022 (Middle School at Camp Don Bosco)
March 5, 2022 (Middle School at Camp Hamilton)
March 26, 2022 (High School at Camp Hamilton)
April 23, 2022 (Middle School at Camp Hamilton)
We will be creating a Confirmation Retreat team in the upcoming months and more details will be shared. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the retreats will be one day only. If you want to be part of this team of volunteers for any of these retreats, and helping in creating models for parish retreats, please send an email to :
Safe Environment Education Requirements for Minors in
Parishes - Please review this memo from the
Meeting Dates & Zoom Link
September 14
October 12
November 9
December 14
January 11
February 8
March 8
April 12
May 10
Junen 12
New PAFF Orientation - September 14, 2021 - 9:00 am -3:00 pm.
This has moved to a virtual meeting, once registered a Zoom link will be sent to you prior to the meeting date. Any new faith formation parish staff or anyone who has been hired within the last year who will be working in faith formation is invited to register and attend .
Please register by September 7th.
Cornerstone Catholic Conference
October 30, 2021
Keynote Speakers:
Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ: A Case for the Inalienable Rights of the Pre-Born
Gloria Purvis: What Do the Racial Justice and Pro-Life Movements Have in Common?
Fr. Agustino Torres: Catolicismo y Colonialismo: La Verdad y Las Enseñanzas de La Iglesia Contra La Esclavitud
Brenda Noriega: ¡Amarás al prójimo como a ti mismo! “¿Y quién es mi prójimo?”
No fee to register but SIGN UP today to reserve your place!
Come and Be Fed Small Group Discussion Guides
Archbishop Etienne filmed a series of videos on the key topics he highlighted in his pastoral letter The Work of Redemption: Eucharistic Belief and Practice in the Archdiocese of Seattle, including three videos with local young adults discussing real issues and the challenges we face today and how the Eucharist can truly nourish us. These videos may be used as the starting point for discussions with small groups. There is also a Real Presence Teacher's Guide that can be used for both middle school and high school ages. Find the guides here.
(Both English and Spanish versions are posted on the Faith Formation online resource site.)
October 26 - November 16, 2021
Tuesdays 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Participants will deepen their understanding of the Church's vision of the baptismal catechumenate as outlined in Part II.1 of the RCIA ritual text (RCIA adapted for children of catechetical age).
A series of ten videos in which the Holy Father, together with families from five continents will talk about the content and spirit of the Apostolic Exhortation.
Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin - September 8
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross - September 14
In honor of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on September 14, let's talk about . . . talking to kids about Jesus' suffering. Plus a family-friendly at home Veneration of the Cross, and our favorite feast day foods.
St. Bellarmine
September 17
Saints Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang, and Companions - September 20
St. Vincent De Paul
September 27
Sts. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael
September 29
Be sure to check the Liturgical calendar pages in both English and Spanish. These pages will contain who and what the Church celebrates specifically in the month of September.
Pages that have been recently updated with new resources:
Please note: If you receive this newsletter before the beginning of the next month, content on the webpage will not update until the 1st of each month.
Essential Religious Education Concepts
We would like to once again begin to share with you and provide resources for the essential concepts that are covered in religion education curriculum for both parish and schools. This month we begin with Task 1 - Knowledge of the Faith. Please feel free to use these resources linked below in your lesson planning and use or Faith Formation resource page - each essential concept has a dedicated page of resources for you to share.
TASK 1 - KNOWLEDGE OF THE FAITH - Students explore, profess, and reflect on our Catholic faith, which is the content of God's revelation found in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition and lived out in the Creed and Church doctrine.
Joe Paprocki's Catechist's Journey offers several helpful articles, webinars and other trainings to assist you and your catechists.
Click here for a list of resources to help begin a fruitful faith formation program.
Catechetical Sunday 2021 - September 19, 2021. The theme for this year is " "Say the Word and My Soul Shall be Healed." Click here to view and purchase materials.
New Youth Minister Orientation - September 8 -, 2021 at Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center. Click here for details.
New PAFF Orientation - September 14, 2021 9:00 am -3:00 pm. This meeting will be virtual and meeting link access will be provided to those registered soon. Click here for details.
Virtual Directory for Catechesis Series - Begins September 23rd, a six week, free, virtual series offered by the Office of Faith Formation. Become familiar with the updated content and how it can be applied to the pastoral work in our local Church. Click here for details.
Cornerstone Catholic Conference - October 30, 2021. This year's event will be virtual. There is no fee to register and registration is open now!
Office of Faith Formation