OurEnergyLibrary Monthly Digest
September 2021 Highlights
This monthly digest features and highlights the latest additions to the OurEnergyLibrary, a free resource that aggregates and indexes publicly available studies, journal articles, reports, and other materials on U.S. energy topics. Containing more than 6,000 publications, the library will help you stay up to date on the most relevant and impactful energy resources from academia, government, industry, non-profits, think tanks, and trade associations.
Featured New Publications
"OEP started an initiative to produce a list of principles that can guide the creation of sound energy policy and convened several discussions to reach this objective. The goal is for policymakers at any level of government—and of any political affiliation—to use these principles to guide the development of well-constructed energy policies."

"The Solar Futures Study explores the role of solar in decarbonizing the grid. Through state-of-the-art modeling, the study envisions deep grid decarbonization by 2035, as driven by a required emissions-reduction target. It also explores how electrification could enable a low-carbon grid to extend decarbonization to the broader energy system (the electric grid plus all direct fuel use in buildings, transportation, and industry) through 2050."

U.S. Department of Energy
"This report analyzes the dynamics of the global coal pipeline since 2015, tracking the collapse of the capacity pipeline and the increasing number of countries with no plans for new coal. It demonstrates how ‘no new coal’ is within reach globally. A rapidly shrinking group of laggard countries are still currently pursuing new coal. They are increasingly in the spotlight and under peer pressure to follow the global trend and cancel their project pipelines."

Third Generation Environmentalism Ltd (E3G)
More New Resources
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