September 2021
We have lots of news to share! We are offering our Online Reading Group to honor the 25th anniverary of the beatification of Blessed Jakob Gapp on November 2, 9, and16. As part of this commemoration we are selling the publication Blessed Jakob Gapp: Marianist for the sale price of $5.00. Keep scrolling to read the latest Marianists Write Now! reflections and discover what's new with the current MSP 2.0 cohort and Marianist History course.
In honor of the 25th anniversary of the beatification of Fr. Jakob Gapp, Marianist martyr of World War II, our Online Reading Group will be reading the book Blessed Jakob Gapp: Marianist by Josef Levit, SM.
The group will meet for three Tuesdays (November 2, 9, and 16) from 1:30 to 2:30 PM EST, via Zoom. The program is free to participate but you do need to purchase a copy of the book if you don't already have it (which is on sale, in honor of the anniversary).
To register for this free program, click here.
To purchase the book ($5 sale price) click here.
Deadline to purchase the book and to register is October 21.
Blessed Jakob Gapp: Marianist by Josef Levit, SM is now being offered for the sale price of $5.00 from now until October 31 to honor the 25th anniversary of Fr. Jakob Gapp's beatification. To purchase click here.
Marianists Write Now! Reflections
On June 11-12, six members of the Marianist Family, from coast to coast (and France!), gathered together to reflect and write on the topic, “What is the role of the Marianist Family in the future of the Church and of society? Although we did take time for prayer, writing exercises, and peer consultation, most of the weekend was personal writing time. Our major caveat? Their essays must be completed and submitted by Sunday evening. To read these heartfelt and honest essays click here.
Stay posted for news on the next Marianist Write Now! we will be offering in 2022. We hope you will join us!
We are excited to begin our current MSP 2.0 program begining in September 2021 and concluding in August 2022. The cohort will meet monthly via zoom for discussions, presentations, writing opportunities, and community building. Each member of the cohort will create a project based on their research on Marianist Prayer. This project could be a paper, podast, video, retreat, or however they are inspired by our topic. The members of this year's cohort include: David Coleman (Honolulu, HI); Beth Garascia (South Bend, IN); Joan McGuinness-Wagner (State College, PA); Al Prendergast (Boynton Beach, FL); Mary Snyder (Cape May, NJ); Michael Vallor (San Antonio, TX); and Marg Van Herk-Paradis (Ontario, Canada).
To learn more about this program click here.
Marianist History Course
Fall means the beginning of the school year and that is true at NACMS, too. On August 25, members of the NACMS staff; Novices Sr. Rose Rucoba, Sr. Natalie Ross, Bro. Juan De la Cruz Peres, Bro. Jesus Alverez Pena; Novice Directors Sr. Laura Leming and Bro. Dennis Bautista; and Asst. Novice Director Fr. Tim Eden met for the first Marianist History course of the year. After introductions, Brother Tim Phillps, SM, shared his knowledge and expertise on the French School of Spirituality. Although masked, we are grateful to meet face-to-face in the Madeleine Room in the Chaminade Center here in Dayton, OH.
Back-to-School Prayer
Blessed are you, Lord God,
Creator of body and mind and heart;
you have sent the Spirit of wisdom and knowledge
to guide your people in all their ways.
At the beginning of this new school year,
in this time of uncertainty and anxiety,
we implore your mercy.
Bless and protect our students, teachers,
staffs, their families.
Give wisdom to the decision makers,
be they in our schools or in our homes.
Expand the horizons of our minds,
and deepen our commitment to seek
the truth of your ways.
Enliven our faith to reach out to those in need,
particularly those isolated and lonely.
In these days when so much has changed,
help us to trust in the love of your Son Jesus,
our Divine Teacher, who is the same
yesterday, today, and forever.

North American Center for Marianist Studies
Dayton, OH 45430-1083

NACMS Office Hours by appointment only until further notice.
To make an appointment please call 937.429.2521.

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