September 2021
September 2021 Newsletter
Happy September everyone,

School is back in full swing. Summer vacations are done. I turn a year older this month
and feel every bit of it! Football season is back, and the church rolls on.
Some months ago, we began sharing a “Summary of Actions” from the session with you all (hardcopies only, I believe). We distributed it quarterly. This document simply shared the decisions that were made in session meetings and some pertinent items that were being discussed. Unless otherwise noted, session meetings are open to the public. You can also attend a session meeting, but you are not allowed to speak during the meeting. But for those of us who’d rather not attend, it is important that you still have access to decisions made by the session. In the Presbyterian church, the session will make 90%-95% of the decisions for the church. This is standard and not likely to ever change. This is why electing session classes under the Lord’s direction is always crucial. But it is still important that you know what your session is doing. Beginning this month, you will find the Summary of Actions for the session in one of our weekly e-blasts. If you miss it, it’s still accessible through our website and social media. I’m so excited to get back to leading Bible studies. This month we begin the study of Daniel. I’m setting aside twelve weeks for this study, and I’m sure we’ll take a week off at some point. It’s an amazing book and we will spend time discussing why it was written and to whom directly. Save your Tuesday evenings or Wednesday afternoons. We began Tuesday, September 7th at 6pm. All Tuesday studies will be in-person and via Zoom. Each e-blast will have the direct link with a study handout. All Wednesday studies will be at 12pm and in-person only. Those coming in-person will need to wear a mask.
September also brings a sermon series called “Conversations”. Each Sunday we will
look at a particular conversation between biblical persons. The intent is to see how these
conversations changed the lives of those who had the conversations, those who witnessed the conversations, and all of us too.
An apology from me is in order as well. I have not been able to make the visits and calls on many of you that I should have made. It’s unfortunate, but these last few months have been very hard for me. My Mama was a great sense of joy in my life and it has been rough. Before my vacation, I was able to get a much better hold on what I’ve been experiencing mentally and emotionally. And I can say that things are much better for me now. Although there is still pain, I’m managing much better. During this time, however, I did struggle with many personal encounters/interactions that emotionally challenged me. Again, I am sorry if I neglected any of you during that time.
As I mentioned, I have birthday this month. But in our family, THE September birthday is Jonathan’s. September 10, 2001, we were blessed with an amazing son. Please note the date, because the next morning our world and the world was flipped over. What I remember most about 9-11 is the hospital chaplain who came to visit us and see Jonathan. As she held him, she said “these (babies) give me hope on days like today.” My son and his generation are among the strongest we’ll ever see. Forged in tragedy, compounded by war, and then COVID-19. They may just be the strongest among us. For through all of this, they see the need to stand up for what’s right and swiftly condemn the ills and wrongs in our world that our leaders create or perpetuate. Happy Birthday son, and keep leading!

May the Peace of Christ be with you,
LHPC Summary Of Actions
Click the link below to view the Summary of Actions taken by the LHPC Session in August.
Join us for Sunday Worship!
We Are Open for Worship!
The Lake Highlands Presbyterian Church is continuing to take precautions for our in- person worship experience, but we are open! If you are unable to join us, we still offer an amazing worship experience at 10 am via live stream. The live stream can be viewed by clicking on the link below and can be watched well after via our website.
Childcare is Back!
Room Change Notice
As the Child Development Center begins to start a new year there have been some room changes. To work best with the needs of both The Pond and The CDC, those 2 and up will be picked up in 103 and those under 2 will be in 104. Please pick children up from their room no later than 20 minutes after worship concludes. An adult must pick children up.

Childcare has returned! Those Infant - Pre K and friends with special needs are invited to join us in the pond during worship. This will be a time of care and fun while families enjoy worship in the sanctuary. A drop of station will be set up in the Narthex each week so families don’t have to walk all their kids to the other side of the church. Care will be provided by our CDC teachers and hired workers who are trained to work with those with special needs. Contact Leanne with any questions. See you in the pond!
Sunday School Returns!
Sunday school Is Back!
We are excited to kick off a new year of Adult, Youth, and Children's Sunday School Classes at Lake Highlands Presbyterian Church. Students of all ages are invited to join us in Sunday School on September 12th following worship (roughly 11:10). Following Sunday School, we will have a time of fellowship for all ages in the parking lot with snow cones provided at no charge to you by Kona Ice. Grab a friend and join us!

Have questions about where yours or your kids' Sunday school class will meet? Check out the list below with rooms and teachers. We hope to see you in one of these classes.

Adult Classes 
Faith Works - 107
Reflections - 110

Youth and Kids 
Youth - Will meet in the Youth Lounge and will be taught by Joe Landry 
4th & 5th Grade - Will meet in room 102 and taught on a rotation by Peggy Signall and Jessica and Andrew Dowhaniuk
1st - 3rd Grade - Will meet in Room 109 and taught on rotation by Luma Chenyi and Idara Ekong
Pre - K and Kindergarten- Will meet in room 108 and be taught by Annie O’Kelly
We are excited to kick off a new year of Adult, Youth, and Children's Sunday School Classes at Lake Highlands Presbyterian Church. Students of all ages are invited to join us in Sunday School on September 12th following worship (roughly 11:10). Following Sunday School, we will have a time of fellowship for all ages in the parking lot with snow cones provided at no charge to you by Kona Ice. Grab a friend and join us!
Thank You for Your Continued Giving!
Your giving supports ongoing programming here at the church. Thank you for your continued devotion to the Lake Highlands Presbyterian Church. If you have any questions or require accessibility assistance, please reach out to an LHPC staff member or email

Please visit the link below for instructions on how to use Sharefaith to give!
LHPC Online Directory
Our church-wide directory is still active, and you have access! It is accessible via our website's home page. The CTRN directory enables you to make real-time address and phone number updates and search for other member's contacts. It is password protected. If you need login instructions or a password reset, please email

Additionally, the CTRN directory APP enables LHPC to send messages directly to your email or phone with a text message so that you can stay up to date with the latest news! Upon download and sign in, you must authorize consent to text. Have questions? Email

***Please Note: If you need a username or password reset, please email or call the church at 214-348-2133.

Visit the Google Doc at the link below for instructions on how to access the directory.
Youth and Children's Ministry
Children's Worship Corner
Wondering how to keep little hands busy during worship? Stop by the Children’s Worship Corner on your way into worship each week. It is filled with fidget toys, games, and a kids worship bulletin that includes puzzles and coloring. We ask that you return all toys and crayons at the end of worship so they can be cleaned for the next week.
Congregational Care
Congregational Care wants you to know that you can participate in Communion from home. Communion materials are available here at the church, or delivery can be arranged. Please contact the church at 214-348-2133 to sign up.
Unity Committee
September Birthdays
Happy Birthday from the Lake Highlands Presbyterian Church! We celebrate you!
Clint Enderli -3
Ann Miller -3
Lisa Teschner -5
Samuel Lim -7
Perryn Rice- 8
Renee Kunde -8
Chris Vance -8
Anneliese Carber -10
Pete Puckett -10
Jonathan Rice -10
Andrew Gillespie -11
Cindy Engel -14
Luther Jr. Harris -15
Luther Harris -16
Sherry Parma -17
Elissa Barone -18
Campbell H -18
Camilla E. -20
Peggy Signall -22
Gerald Chenyi -25
Herman Sawyer -26
Ellyse H. -29
Aimee Vance -29
Travis Greenman -30
We Want to Hear From You!
Do you have a recipe to share? A inspiring story? A craft activity or riddle you find fun? Share it with us! We would love to see your photos and hear of your interesting ideas during this time apart. Email
Got Big News?
Do you have an announcement to share? A baby shower, Graduation, Wedding, Birthday, or Community event? Please contact a minimum of two weeks prior to the event. If it is an event, virtual or in-person, please allow 1 month notice. We look forward to advertising your announcement!
September 15th - Oct 15
is Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month - September/October

Every year from September 15 to October 15, Americans celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month by appreciating the community's history, heritage, and contributions of the ancestors of American citizens who came from Mexico, Spain, the...

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"Esperanza: A Celebration of Hispanic Heritage and Hope"

"Esperanza: A Celebration of Hispanic Heritage and Hope"

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Ways to Celebrate the month!
Ways to Make Your Own Pinata

Pinatas are popular as a game-like activity at special events and birthday parties. To make your own pinata at home, there are a couple of do-it-yourself techniques you can consider using like the paper mache or paper bag methods. You will be...

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A Celebration of Culture: National Hispanic Heritage...

Students love to participate in celebrations of all kinds-and some of the most exciting lessons for kids involve learning about traditions that may be new to them. As we seek to be more tolerant and inclusive of all cultures, it's important for...

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Join Us For Hilarity
Hilarity returns Saturday, September 25th at 6pm, in-person and online.
Stay Connected!
Keep up with all things LHPC on Facebook!
Join Perryn every Wednesday at 3 pm for midweek announcements.
Click on the icons below to access LHPC's social media pages!
September 2021 Events
Please see our calendar at if you have a specific inquiry about an event. Also, follow us on Facebook Our Facebook Page and on Instagram: @lakehighlandspresbyterian for additional updates.
LHPC Contact Information
  You may contact LHPC staff at the email links below, or call the church office, 214-348-2133
  Senior Pastor- Rev. Dr. Perryn Rice 
 Director of Music Ministries- Derrada Rubell-Asbell
 Director of Youth and Children's Ministries-Leanne Kerner
  Child Development Center Director- Ashley Beakey 
Custodial Handyperson-Britt Lewis
Organist- Will Varner
  Treasurer- Bob Palmer 
 Administrative Assistant/Creative Manager- Fiera Smith