Ohio Valley Voices
news & updates
September 2021
Staff Spotlight Julie Carter
“’It takes a village to raise a child,’” observes Ohio Valley Voices’ Julie Carter. “This quote is especially true for families who are raising a deaf child in a hearing world. When you come to OVV, it becomes your village.”   

If it’s true that Ohio Valley Voices is a village, then Julie, who has worked at the program for over ten years, occupies a prominent role as teacher and advocate, caregiver and friend, jester and sage rolled into one.

Julie was born and raised in Northern Kentucky. In 1972, at the age of four, she had a breakthrough case of the measles that destroyed the hair cells in her ears and resulted in bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. The change wasn’t apparent at first, but gradually Julie’s mother noticed a shift in behavior. “I didn’t respond to her when I had my back to her and was always turning up the radio and television,” Julie recalls... (read more)
Don't Miss the L(OVV)E Amplified Fashion Show!
Tickets are still on sale
for the OVV fashion show!

Hurry and buy your tickets now because L(OVV)E Amplified is
less than two weeks away! You don't want to miss this unforgettable
event for a cause you love—helping the kids of OVV!

LOVVE Amplified Fashion Show
September 23rd, 2021 @ Fowling Warehouse
2940 Highland Avenue, Cincinnati OH 45212

Our entire Silent Auction catalog is now available to view.
We've got loads of amazing prizes on offer including a
catered dinner party, a Kendra Scott dream box, and more!

To buy tickets and see the entire Silent Auction catalog,
visit the event website or click below!
Student Spotlight – Henry Herrmann
Being a single parent is never easy. Being the single parent of child who is deaf or hearing impaired is downright overwhelming, requiring superhuman resolve and an abundance of love.

Those are the defining qualities of Lindsay Herrmann, whose son Henry Herrmann was diagnosed with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss three weeks after he was born. But thanks to Ohio Valley Voices and its staff and parents, Lindsay and Henry have found the support structure they need.

“OVV has been a godsend,” Lindsay attests. “They have made this very overwhelming experience much easier for me to understand and have given me confidence in what I am doing.”

Henry was born on October 1, 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lindsay, who is a Cincinnati native, describes her shock upon receiving the news of Henry’s diagnosis... (read more)
Have an impact now! Sign up to be an OVV monthly donor!
New School Year Updates
OVV's 2021-2022 school year
is off to a fantastic start!

Our teachers welcomed the kiddos back
with lots of fun and educational activities...

"The toddlers started off this year with a zoo theme! They enjoyed moving their bodies by practicing yoga poses and working on language skills by naming zoo animals and making animal noises."
Alysia Becker, Toddler Center Teacher

"The Exploring Center's theme for
the first week was 'All About Me.' They painted a house, washed windows,
and drew their houses."
Lexi Parsons, Exploring Center Teacher

"The preschoolers are off to a great start! They are learning all the classroom routines and gearing up for the pet fair later in September."
Julie Carter, Discovery Center Teacher

"The LC is busy as ever! For writing, they built their names using pom-poms and pony beads, and for specials they made watercolor paintings of school buses."
Sarah Frazier, Learning Center Teacher

Supporter Spotlight Jason Dempsey
Jason Dempsey believes hard work makes anything possible—a credo that informs his commitments as a professional, a father, and a longtime supporter of Ohio Valley Voices.

Jason grew up in Panama City, Florida, and earned his MBA from Wright State University. In his sophomore year of college, he joined Mitsubishi Electric, which manufactures everything from elevators to satellites to energy systems to home products. Starting on the assembly line, he gradually worked his way up to the front office and now serves as Supervisor in the Production Control Department. 

Jason also co-chairs the company’s philanthropy committee, and it was in this role that he first became aware of OVV. “Mitsubishi Electric has partnered with Ohio Valley Voices for many years,” he explains. “I first learned about the organization back in 2013 when we invited OVV students to our facility to play our Halloween-themed mini golf course..." (read more)
Give our kids fun and useful tools through OVV's Amazon Wishlist!
Ohio Valley Voices' Fall 2021 COVID Safety Policy
We've updated our safety policy to reflect
the constantly evolving COVID reality.

Despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, the Ohio Valley Voices family stepped up and made the 2020-2021 academic year a resounding success. Thanks to careful planning and the unwavering dedication of our families and staff, we prevented all spread of the virus. That’s right—zero spread!

With your help, we are confident we can do the same this year. Although the pandemic situation remains in flux, we are committed to keeping our community safe while providing onsite learning. Per Ohio Board of Health guidelines, here are Ohio Valley Voices’ current COVID safety measures:

  • The OVV staff is 92% vaccinated.
  • Mask use is required for all staff, Learning Center students, and visitors.
  • It is highly recommended that preschoolers wear masks while onsite.
  • All large classrooms have been equipped with an air purifier.

In addition, we are maintaining three feet of distance within classrooms, encouraging rigorous handwashing among staff and students, using plexiglass during snack and lunch time, and requesting completion of a daily health screener by all staff and students. We enthusiastically welcome visitors to take tours or participate in volunteer opportunities but ask that they wear masks at all times.

The OVV team appreciates your cooperation during these uncertain times. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at (513) 791-1458 if you have any questions or concerns.
See Our Donor Survey Results!
Our donor survey
results are in!

Over the summer, Ohio Valley Voices conducted a short
online survey in hopes of better understanding the needs
of our community. We heard from parents, alumni,
and supporters, and they gave us invaluable feedback!

You can read the results of the Donor Survey here
or by clicking the button below. In the meantime, we're
working hard to implement your wonderful suggestions!

Stay tuned as we continue to evolve and grow
and thanks to everyone who participated!
Sign up for our newsletter to read the latest OVV announcements!
Special Thanks to These Partners:
Ms. Susan Shallow

College Club
of Cincinnati
Ms. Barbara Fitch

Agnes Nordloh
Charitable Trust