September 2021 Newsletter
Issue #55
Refugee Families Need Our Help
There are approximately 26 million refugees worldwide.

Almost 2.5 million refugees are from Afghanistan, comprising the largest refugee population in Asia, and the second largest refugee population in the world.

Over 500,000 more people have been displaced by the violence in Afghanistan just this year.

40% of the refugees from Afghanistan are women and children.

Americans are divided over whether the U.S. should accept refugees and opinions differ by religion, race, age, gender and education. For example, 68% of White evangelical Protestants say that the U.S. does not have a responsibility to accept refugees, while 65% of religiously unaffiliated adults believe the U.S. does have this responsibility.

Those who say the U.S. has a responsibility to accept refugees include:
  • 67% of Blacks
  • 59% of Hispanics
  • 46% of Whites

  • 61% of young adults
  • 51% of those ages 30-64
  • 43% of those 65 or older

  • 54% of women and of 48% of men

  • 71% of those with a post-graduate degree
  • 63% of college graduates
  • 43% with a high school diploma

The current U.S. administration has raised the “Presidential Determination” on refugee admissions to 62,500 – up from the all time low of 15,000 in 2020. 

Of the 37 resettlement countries, the U.S. resettles less than 1% of the total refugees each year.

The top refugee hosting countries in 2018 were:
  • Turkey                3.7 million
  • Jordan                2.9 million
  • Lebanon             1.4 million
  • Pakistan              1.4 million
  • Uganda              1.1 million
  • Germany             1 million

National Migration Week this year is September 20 - 26 and September 26 is the church's 107th World Day for Migrants and Refugees. For a copy of Pope Francis 2021 message on refugees, Towards An Ever Wider “We,” click here.

For more on Refugees, click here.
Refugee One
Welcomes hundreds of refugees through the U.S. State Departments Refugee Admissions Program. Not only equips them with the skills needed to survive, but provides a full range of coordinated services that empower refugees to build the foundation for a flourishing life here in the United States, including: resettlement services, English language training, workforce development, wellness program, vocational training, youth & young adult programs and women's services. Learn more.
For more Refugee resources, click here.
SOS Children's Villages
Supports displaced families in 23 countries around the world. Provides care for children in safe environments, and advocates for the rights and dignity of refugees and migrants. Offers assistance to families along migration routes and in their new host countries. Provides safe places for children to play, learn and regain a sense of normalcy as well as shelter, food, medical care and psychological support to their families -- many of whom are traumatized and alone. Helps families get back on their feet, through education, vocational training, and counseling. Learn more.
For more Refugee resources, click here.
Emma Tees
A clothing line from the American Civil Liberties Union, that quotes the famous poem by Emma Lazarus poem on the Statue of Liberty: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." Learn more.
For more on Immigration, click here.
War Child
Works in trouble spots around the world to provide children with educational programs and train parents and young people to help restore their ability to provide for themselves and regain a sense of security. Also provides free legal counsel to girls and women who are survivors of rape, abuse, neglect, and forced early marriage. Their programs are long-term, effective, responsive and, over time, help to break the cycles of poverty and violence that plague war-torn communities. Learn more.
For more on War, click here.
99 Names of God
By David Steindl-Rast. Offers a meditation on each of the 99 names of God found in the Islamic creed. Speaks to people of any religious belief who through the many names of God can enter the gate of the one nameless God that unites us. Read more.
For more on Religious Tolerance, click here.
Global Fund for Women
Envisions a world where movements for gender justice have transformed power and privilege for a few into equity and equality for all. Funds bold, ambitious, and expansive gender justice movements to create meaningful & lasting change. Learn more.
For more on Gender Inequality, click here.
Water for Life
Helps communities in need to develop safe and sustainable water sources. By combining formal instruction with hands-on training, teaches people how to construct and maintain their own local water resources. Their focus is not merely to provide safe drinking water; but to help people gain the knowledge and experience they need to support themselves and their communities. Learn more.
For more on Water Access, click here.
Laudato Si Action Platform
A resource from the Vatican to help people respond to Pope Francis' statement on the environment, Laudato Si. The platform comprises of three elements: plans to map one's journey, practical guidance on ways to take action, and resources to develop trusted communities of practice.
Specifically it offers: 
  • Plans, which your institution, community, or family can use to discern and implement your response to Laudato Si’
  • A process-oriented approach that responds to the charism of your institution, community, or family
  • Guidance on actions that help build a better future through the Laudato Si’ Goals
  • Recognition of your progress
  • A library of resources to provide practical, concrete guidance on ways to take action
  • Webinars on actions and events
  • Resources to strengthen your community
  • Ways to connect directly with other participants
  • Inspiring stories of people who are taking action
For more on the Environment, click here.
Sea Level Projection Tool
An interactive map from the NASA Sea Level Change Team that graphically details sea-level projections relative to a 1995-2014 baseline from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment Report. Learn more.
For more on the Environment, click here.
Construction for Change
A nonprofit construction management organization that believes every person should have access to well-built spaces where they can thrive. Builds spaces where people become healthier, better educated, and have increased economic mobility. Values sourcing materials locally, employing the community, and stimulating the local economy.
For more on Housing, click here.
The Minimalists
Helps people live meaningful lives with less through books, podcasts, and films. Addresses a wide range of topics such as clutter, clothing, gifts, technology and even sentimental items. Learn more.
For more Simple Living resources, click here.
Robert F Kennedy Human Rights
Works alongside local activists to ensure lasting positive change in governments and corporations. Their team of leading attorneys, advocates, entrepreneurs and writers are united by a commitment to social justice and have developed programs that pursue strategic litigation on key human rights issues, educated millions of students in human rights advocacy and fostered a social good approach to business and investment. Learn more.
For more Justice resources, click here.
Helps people use video and technology to protect and defend human rights. Identifies critical situations and teaches those affected by them the basics of video production, safe and ethical filming techniques, and advocacy strategies. Learn more.
For more Justice resources, click here.
Metta Center for Nonviolence
Helps people practice nonviolence more safely and more effectively through programs, podcasts and links to other organizations. Promotes principled nonviolence, or “Gandhian” nonviolence: nonviolence that goes beyond “not using violence” in a revolution or specific action, but where nonviolence itself is the revolution. Learn more.
For more Peace resources, click here.
Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation
Envisions a world in which everyone values human dignity and interconnectedness. Holds that real peace will prevail only when there is a culture of peace in the US and around the world and that culture originates in the hearts and minds of young people -- the future leaders and peace-makers. Programs are based on the teachings of Desmond Tutu who has dedicated his life to reshaping conversations about peace, equality, and forgiveness. Believes that we are all connected: What affects one of us affects us all. Uses Desmond Tutu’s life and teachings to inspire young people build a world of peace within themselves, peace between people, and peace among nations. Learn more.
For more Peace resources, click here.
A Prayer for Afghanistan

For those who fleeing: sanctuary
For those who are staying: safety
For those who are fighting: peace
For those whose hearts are breaking: comfort
And for those who see no future: hope

Poor Clares Galway
Important Dates This Month
Individuals Honored This Month
September 5th
If you can't feed a hundred people,
then feed just one.
September 14th
On behalf of my outraged Christian conscience, I raise my voice in protest [against the treatment of Jews], and I assert that all men, Aryans and non-Aryans, are brothers because they have been created by the same God; that all men, whatever their race or religion, have the right to be respected by individuals and states. The present anti-Semitic pressures flout human dignity and violate the most sacred rights of the human person and family.
September 22nd
Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don't dare express themselves.
September 30
I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.
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