Stay up to date with all things happening in North Middlesex. Ensure to follow our socials and monitor the municipal website for more updates.
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Ailsa Craig Annual Car Show Returns!

Municipal Updates & Notices

Labour Day Office Closure

The Municipal Office & ServiceOntario will be closed on Monday, September 5th, 2022, for Labour Day. Both offices will resume regular office hours as of Tuesday, September 6th, 2022.

Bluewater Recycling Association: If your collection day is Monday, please ensure that your material is set out by 7:00 am as the collection vehicle may be there earlier than usual.

ServiceOntario Locations

Municipal & School Board Election 2022 Update

The list of certified candidates running for municipal council this October 2022 is now available. Congratulations to the following candidates who have been acclaimed to office:

Mayor: Brian Ropp

Deputy Mayor: Paul Hodgins

Ward 3 (McGillivary): Charles Daigle

Ward 4 (East Williams): John Keogh

Ward 5 (West Williams): Adrian Cornelissen

Notice of Election Information

Ailsa Craig Dog Park Pilot Project Proceeds

At the August 10 meeting, North Middlesex Council voted in favor of moving forward with the dog park pilot project within the Ailsa Craig Lions Park.

Thank you to the AC Village Association and the volunteer steering committee, who has stepped forward to help with this pilot project. We look forward to releasing more information on this project.

News Article

Tender Award for Parkhill Main St Watermain Project

Over the last two-plus years, staff and council alike have been working towards the implementation/improvements on Parkhill Main Street via localized watermain improvements.

To this effect, we are pleased to share that at the August 10, 2022, meeting of council the contract was awarded to Bre-Ex Construction Inc. where contract administration services will remain with CIMA+ Engineering.

Please visit the link below for more information and updates (i.e. future and refined schedules) on the Parkhill Main St Watermain Project.

Parkhill Main St Watermain Project

Reserve Ice Times Online This Fall 2022

Are you looking to reserve ice time at our North Middlesex Arena? This Fall 2022, you can book online using our new facility booking software. We are also now accepting Mastercard to pay for online rentals and requiring insurance for all rentals.

For more updates on this launch, please ensure to follow us on social media @northmiddlesex.

Book a Facility

NM Fire Department Recruitment 2022

Do you want to help others and serve in your community? Enjoy working as a team and are a continuous learner? You may be an ideal candidate for a challenging career as a paid, on-call firefighter. Participation as a fire service member will bring personal rewards and satisfaction, raise self-esteem and give you a tremendous sense of accomplishment for a job well done. 

Service as a member in our Department requires a serious commitment. Your decision to join should not be made without thorough consideration. Click the link below to learn more and view the recruitment guidebook that has been developed to provide the information needed to help you make that decision.

Learn More

Looking To Improve Your Business? Innovate North CIP is Here To Help

A Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is a powerful tool that can be used by a municipality to facilitate the (re)development, rehabilitation, or revitalization of selected areas to achieve a community’s goals for improvement. This project is being called “Innovate North” to capture the community’s desire to explore more innovative options for community improvement in alignment with the general vision, mission, and goals for the community outlined in the North Middlesex 2018-2028 Strategic Plan.

The application period for 2022 is now open! To apply, applicants must pre-consult with municipal staff before filling out the application. This year there are four series of funding programs available that are targeted to our community through the CIP.

  • Beautification Program
  • Rural Economic Development Program
  • Accessibility Program
  • Brownfield Study Program
Innovate North CIP

Before & After Beautification Program Recipient

Action Financial Group

150 Ailsa Craig Main St (Lower Level)

"The building is certainly a little different than it used to be and hopefully makes Main Street look a little better in the process. We are looking to finally provide some stability to the revolving small business door it previously was. All indications so far are positive and should continue to improve as our name becomes more and more associated with the town and provides proper and appropriate financial advice." 

-David Dryburgh, Investment Advisor at Action Financial Group.

Upcoming Events & Activities

Free Community Movie Night in the Park

Together with Middlesex County Library, the North Middlesex YMCA and the Municipality of North Middlesex, join us for a FREE Community Movie Night in the Park on  Friday, September 2nd, at the Ailsa Craig Community Park (155 Annie Ada Shipley St, Ailsa Craig).

Wear your pj's, bring a chair or a blanket and enjoy a fun family evening together! The movie being shown is Sing 2 and will start at dusk.

Farmers Market.png

North Middlesex Farmers Market

Mark your calendars! The North Middlesex Farmer's Market will be occurring every first and third Saturday this season from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Come support a variety of local vendors- there is something there for everyone!

Upcoming Dates:

Saturday, September 3rd & 17th

Infront of Shared Services Building

229 Parkhill Main St, Parkhill ON

NM Farmers Market Updates
Dates to Remember

Meetings of Council

Upcoming Dates

Wednesday, September 7 & 21

@ +/- 6 pm


Watch Live

Waste Transfer Station

Upcoming Dates

Wednesday, September 7 & 21

12 pm to 3 pm

Saturday, September 17

8:30 am to 1:00 pm

2022 Schedule

Middlesex County Transit Survey

We want to hear from YOU! Middlesex County is conducting a Public Transportation Needs Assessment Study. Have your voice heard and help shape the vision, goals, and design of a future Middlesex County transit service. 

You can also find a Word Document version of the survey on their website at that you can print to fill out and email or scan back to the County. 

Online Survey