St. Patrick’s Merna and St Mary’s Downs Youth Ministry Newsletter
A place for our teens to come, just as they are, and encounter the love of Jesus through the sacraments, the building of faith-filled friendships, service of others, and having fun.
From the desk of the Youth Team
Welcome to any new families that are receiving this newsletter for the first time! We have had some new teens join us and have gotten to know some new junior high kids through Totus Tuus. If you are new to the newsletter that may be why and we hope you enjoy seeing our updates and will watch for opportunities for your children to be involved.

As we enter another month it's crazy to think how quickly time is flying. Summer is in the rear view and we are officially gearing up for a fall full of busy schedules and cooler temperatures. We have had the best time with our kids this summer and made some amazing memories in youth ministry. We can only hope that the school year will be even more fruitful. We are excited to start having our Unplugged nights where we get to spend time in adoration and make some deeper connections with each other. We also plan to include our junior high kids in some of our Reach night events. More information will be shared as these come up so keep a look out to see what fun we have in store. Serving our community is something we also hope to incorporate into our fall schedules as we know our students have a desire to serve both inside and outside of the church walls. It is truly a blessing to spend time with our students and we look forward to everything September has in store!
God Bless,
Julia, Josh & Lizzie
“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire” -St. Catherine of Siena
Back to school Kickoff
Speaker Dan Muller
Youth Ministry News
August Recap
August was a fun month for Youth Ministry. We were able to spend lots of time together enjoying fellowship. We even played some spike ball and spent time with Jesus in adoration.To kickoff the school year we had a great speaker, Dan Muller, and dinner provided by generous donations from our parishioners. We learned about gratitude and the importance of weekly MAss attendance and, as always, we sure love breaking bread together.

September Events
Wednesdays 7-8:15pm- Small group YM room

September 4th- Reach night. Bowling at Pheasant Lanes. See bulletin for more info. 6-12 graders welcome!

September 11th- Unplugged. Adoration and praise and worship. 6-8pm. Shamrock Hall/Church

September 18th- Parish Welcome back Event. 12-3pm. Shed. See bulletin for info! All are WELCOME

Teen testimonial
Youth groups is a fun interactive way to grow in your faith. At youth group I have met so many new friends who inspire me to further my relationship with God and really push me to be my best. Whether it's small group discussions, quiet time in adoration, or just playing a game, there was always an opportunity for me to know our Lord a little bit better. I can honestly say that youth group has brought me closer to my faith in ways I could've never imagined.
-Sophia Yaklich
If you are interested in Youth Ministry small groups or our full fall schedule click below!