Fun in the setting sun!

Soundbites members set sail in mid-August on a 2-hour cruise of Elliott Bay. Pictured clockwise from front: Kathy Murphy, Hilary Holden, Joan Stuteville, and Kathy Mellon-Rossi. Hilary's husband, Tom, behind her, ponders life? And next to Kathy at the wheel, the captain keeps an eye on her navigation.

More Summer Photos at the Bottom of the Newsletter

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Busy summer kicks off club year

By Ann Bourey

For Newcomers, our club year starts in September. Behind the scenes this summer, much has happened to prepare for a successful 2022-23 and beyond. 

As you read this, our new website... 

will be up and running. Two members of the Communications Team, Karen Adams and Kathy Mellon-Rossi, have spent countless hours on the project. If you haven’t checked it out yet, please do so soon. I think you'll agree that the results are fabulous. We owe Karen and Kathy a big, big thank you! 

Also this summer, a budget for 2022-23 …

has been drafted by Treasurer Eileen Kelly-Meyer with input from Board members. Club officers met several times in August to finalize the budget proposal and review changes to our Bylaws. Their recommendations will go to the Board of Directors for a vote on Sept. 7. Once approved, the budget will be posted on the website’s Key Documents page.

Our newest Newcomers ... 

gathered for a midsummer Garden Party at the home of Susan Handley, a member of the club's Hospitality and Outreach Team. Many thanks to Susan as well as co-hosts Hilary Holden (Hospitality) and Lynn Berning (Meetings and Programs) for a lovely afternoon. Check out photos later in this newsletter.

Our dedicated Activity Leaders … 

worked hard this summer to keep activities going and even added several new activities. Check out the events they've planned, both in this newsletter and in our Events Calendar

September will be busy …

with many activities, including our All-Club Meeting on Sept. 14. See the details below. We hope to see everyone there!

Ann extends special thanks to... 

the 24 women who volunteer their time and talents on the Newcomers Board of Directors. They make sure the club represents members and provides a fun and welcoming experience for all. A special shout-out to nine board members who have joined Newcomers since July 2021. Serving on the Board is a great way to learn how the club works and to develop friendships.

Remembering member

Michele LeFevre

The Club and several members donated a total of $160 in memory of our friend Michele to her Ikebana flower-arranging group.

About the new style of this newsletter: 

It is designed to be easily read on a phone, tablet, or computer. Following modern practice, it has fewer words and more links. We suggest logging in to our website before you read on – and click "Remember me." Visit our Contact page if you need help logging on. 

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Ahoy, everyone:

Come to the All-Members Meeting at the Yacht Club


Puget Sound Yacht Club

2321 N Northlake Way, Seattle

11:30 am - 2 pm

$25 per person (includes a boxed lunch with your choice of 6 sandwiches and salads)

Click the boxed link below to register by Sept 7. 

Get Details / Register


Lori Jensen - Sept. 3

Sharon McGinnis - Sept. 18

Sydnie Waskey - Sept. 18

Kathleen Cole

Katharine Crick

Margaret Handler

Jackie Schilling

Christine Welch

By the Numbers

40: September Events

131: Members 

 39: Total Activity Groups

 30: Groups open to all

(9 are at capacity)

 5: Groups that

welcome partners/guests

1: Group in the works (Pickleball)

 24: Board members

 67: Number of years this club has operated

New Members

Irene Buhlers

Uzma Butte

Karen Gee

DeAnna Kreger

Shannon McBride

Cheri Roach

   (returned after hiatus)

Debra Rogers

Patti Zelikoff


Learn more about them in the Member Directory

Two New Activity Groups and One 'Probable'

Mah Jongg for the Eastside

After playing Mah Jongg in Camano Island in June, Debra Rogers set out to find a group near her home in the Newcastle–Renton Highlands area. She came across our club, joined, and got an OK to solicit interest in forming an Eastside Mah Jongg Activity Group.

Luckily, Susan Handley responded and ultimately led four lessons on American Mah Jongg. Today, the new group has 17 members who play on the first and third Fridays of the month from 10 am-1 pm. Locations rotate among members' homes. Contact Debra at (425) 254-3333 or [email protected]t.

Eastside Mah Jongg

'Come for Coffee' near Northgate shopping area 

Plans have brewed for a new coffee group in Northeast Seattle. Club President Ann Bourey has scouted out a location – the Jewell Box Cafe, which has various coffee drinks and a menu of sweet and savory crepes. Click the green box below for details about the first gathering on Monday, Sept 12. This is now an official Activity Group.

Coffee - Northeast Seattle

Pickleball group is emerging

Apparently many Newcomers want to learn pickleball! After Karen Adams' query in June asking for interested members to email her, more than one quarter of the club replied!

Since then, she has set up a Pickleball 101 class to be held at 11 am Sunday, Sept 11, in north Seattle. There's one spot available; see details in the link below. If Karen likes pickleball, she says, it is probable she'll start an official Activity Group in September.

Pickleball 101


Sept 2:  Mah Jongg-Eastside

Sept 6:  Come As You Are & Chat

Sept 6:  1st Tue Book Group

Sept 6:  Non-Fiction Book Group

Sept 7:  Board Meeting

Sept 8-10:  Soundbites - Eastern WA | Full

Sept 10:  Evening Gourmet

Soundbites to hit the road ...

A summer of fun continues into September as the group heads to Eastern Washington for a three-day Backroads Adventure through rolling hills, parks, and waterfalls – with, of course, wonderful wine, food, and friends hosted by Dominique Vetrano. It's fully booked; watch for photos in October's Newsletter.

Week of September 11-17

Sept 11:  Pickleball 101, NW Seattle

Sept 12:  Knitting Circle

Sept 12:  Come for Coffee-NE Seattle

Sept 12:  Happy Hour

Sept 13:  Come As You Are & Chat

Sept 14:  All-Member Quarterly Meeting

Sept 15:  Mah Jongg-Northend

Sept 15:  3rd Thur Book Group | At Capacity

Sept 16:  Mah Jongg-Eastside

Sept 16:  Coffee via Zoom

Pickleball is likened to a cross between tennis, badminton, and table tennis. See the Sept 11 event if you want to learn to play!

Week of September 18-24

On Sept 23, Dominique Vetrano will lead a tour of Bloedel Reserve, a renowned botanical garden on Bainbridge Island. The Out & About outing includes lunch in Poulsbo.

Sept 19:  Petit Gourmet | At Capacity

Sept 19:  Happy Cookers | At Capacity

Sept 20:  Come As You Are & Chat

Sept 21:  Living on the Hedge

Sept 21:  Readers' Choice Book Group

Sept 21:  All Things French

Sept 22:  Coffee | Eastside/Kirkland

Sept 22:  Coffee | North/Edmonds

Sept 22:  Crime & Mystery 2 Book Group

Sept 22:  Newcomers Orientation, Q&A Session

Sept 23:  Out & About | Bloedel Reserve & Lunch

Sept 24:  Euchre

Creativity on hold... The Arts & Crafts group will not meet in September, and not on Oct 3. Helena Puche is researching a venue for Oct 17.

Euchre and paella on a warm summer evening: from left, Alejandro Grajal, Dan Meyer, Eileen Kelly-Meyer, Evie and Rog St Pierre, Sandy Reisman, Teresa and Ken Schultz, Helena Puche.

Week of September 25-30

Same location, new name: The gathering spot for the Come for Coffee Westside (Seattle/Wallingford) is now called KDessert. Word is the coffee is still terrific.

Mini-golf on tap: Relatively new members Joanne Guilmette and Bridget Shrack plan a morning of mini golf followed by lunch on Sept 29 in Redmond. 

Sept 25:  Cookbook Group | At Capacity

Sept 26:  Knitting Circle

Sept 26:  Get Fit & Hike

Sept 26:  Coffee | Westside (Seattle-Wallingford)

Sept 26:  Coffee | South/West Seattle

Sept 27:  Come As You Are & Chat

Sept 28:  Crime & Mystery 1 Book Group

Sept 28:  Forever Zoom Book Group

Sept 28:  Kirkland Evening Book Group | At Capacity

Sept 29:  Out & About | Mini-Golf & lunch

Sept 30:  Epicureans

At the Redmond Watershed Preserve, our hiking group will explore a second-growth forest of Douglas firs, cedars, cottonwoods and maples on Sept 26.

Learn how to use our new website!

Kathy Mellon-Rossi and Karen Adams of the Communications Team will co-host with a Zoom session on Sept 22 for new members. It's also open to anyone wanting to get a guided tour of our new website.

Drop in – it will be casual!

Orientation and Q&A

Lunch Bunch needs monthly hosts

Lunch Bunch is an opportunity for members to gather for lunch in the months when there is no all-club meeting: October, November, January, February, and April. Each lunch is hosted by a member who chooses the location – a restaurant of your choosing and you set the number of attendees. October is scheduled but if you would like to host another month, please contact Ann Bourey at [email protected]


Hospitality Team throws a party for our newest members

In years past, the club held an annual Tea for new members. No sparkling rosé, just Earl Grey.

Now, the event has been reinvented as a Garden Party by the Hospitality & Outreach Team's Susan Handley and Hilary Holden. Along with co-host Lynn Berning of Meetings & Programs, they invited all members who have joined the club since January 2019 (about 50 women!) to Susan's lovely home.

Guests became better acquainted, shared experiences with one another, and mingled with a few Board members in attendance. Check out the photos below.

From left: Polly Fairchild, Bonnie Gentil, Pacita Ikonomou

Bridget Shrack, Uzma Butte, DeAnna Kreger, Janice Scott

Joanne Guilmette, Chris Duval, Lynn Berning

Reunited after a Covid break, Kathy Mellon-Rossi and Ann Bourey enjoy face-to-face time.

Golden bell in hand, Susan Handley prepares to gather guests' attention for introductions in her back garden overlooking Lake Washington.

Birthday Gals

A sweet occasion in June: from left, Nancy Woodbury, Lori Jensen, Marie Hackney. The group meets at Carol Holser's home to celebrate with cake, various other nibbles, and beverages.

Eastside Happy Hour

A perfect summer setting: From left, Ginny Daily, Joanne Guilmette, Bridget Shrack, Bonnie Gentil, Lori Jensen’s friend Diana Arnold, Lori Jensen, Susan Handley, Cindy Randazzo.

Three happy tables at a Soundbites Happy Hour in July!

From left, Katharine Crick, Anna Aubry, David Aubry, Margret.

Carolyn McConnell, Joanne Guilmette, Lynne Hepp, Carol and George Holser, Carol and Greg Devers

Ginny and Jim Daily, Shar Carmody, Judy and Tim Thorsen, Bob McConnell.

Many happy sailors on a Soundbites sunset cruise

Clockwise from top left are Carolyn McConnell, Bill Schilling, Bob McConnell, Alejandro Grajal, Helena Puche, Polly Fairchild, and Bonnie Gentil.

Ann and Jim Bourey

Arts & Crafts

In June,  Arts & Crafts members made cool mobiles. Evie St. Pierre made the pottery version; Nancy Woodbury, the wall hanging.

Artists Nancy Woodbury, left, and Helena Puche after a July gathering in Coulon Park. 

The Cookbook Group

Putting cookbooks aside for a moment, group members toasted the memory of friend Michele Lefevre. From left: Kimberly Carey, Janet Graeber, Laura Sevonty, Helena Puche, Ramola Lewis

Come for Coffee

Seattle/Wallingford group: From left, Ellen Scherb, Jackie Schilling, Polly Fairchild, Joan Stuteville, and Shelly Kushner.

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