PAFC News & Updates

September 2022

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newsletter sponsor!

Do you have an important message that impacts older adults? Are you looking for a way to support the features and information we share with you? Newsletter sponsorship can be a great way for you to show your support for PAFC, while also showcasing your business or organization.

Contact us today to discuss newsletter sponsorship opportunities!


Let's Talk Sponsorship!

Get Your $750!

The Colorado Tax Rebate gives Coloradans an extra financial boost!
Get an extra $750 cash back this fall through the Colorado Tax Rebate. Colorado residents who file their state tax returns by October 17th, 2022, will get a check in the mail for at least $750 by Christmas. Haven’t done your taxes yet? Don’t miss out! You can still file. Get started at

Join us Sunday October 2nd!

It's celebration time! Join us October 2nd as we celebrate the many contributions older adults make in our communities!

What: Partnership for Age-Friendly Communities: A Celebration of Older Adults

When: Sunday, October 2nd, 2022 

12:00pm - 3:00pm

Where: Spring Canyon Park, Fort Collins - 3156 S. Overland Trail

(Covered Shelter by Overland Drive)

Live music!  Silent Auction!  Tasty food!  Fun games!  

More info and map here!

PAFC Connects with Community Members at Ready, Steady, Balance Event

We were delighted to see so many friendly faces during September's Ready, Steady, Balance event at the Fort Collins Senior Center!  Thank you to our friends at UCHealth for organizing such an important event.  The morning was filled with helpful demonstrations and activities, and we all learned so much about proactive strategies for preventing falls. Thank you so much to our CSU volunteer, Abby Bossow, for spending the morning with us and helping us spread the word about our many current projects!

We also had the chance to gain valuable feedback from community members on what YOU would like to see prioritized in age-friendly communities!  Thank you to everyone who contributed to our ideas board.

Have an idea you'd like to share with us?  Drop us a line!

Email us!

Our new Website is HERE!

Fun fact: our new website was a volunteer effort!

That's right: the new PAFC website has launched!  Our updated site is even more streamlined and easier to navigate, and still has all of the helpful information the previous site provided.  THANK YOU to our amazing team of volunteers that worked on the new website!  This project was truly a labor of love, and we are excited to share it with you.

Check out our new site and let us know what you think!

Check out our new website!

PAFC Welcomes New Mission Sponsor - Sonders Fort Collins!

We are thrilled to announce our new Mission Sponsor, Sonders Fort Collins!  Thank you so much to the entire Sonders team for believing in us and supporting our mission.  Together we are fostering communities where people of all ages flourish!

Learn more about Sonders here!

Lessons From a Strange Bird 

by Rebekah Shardy


That’s what I thought as I watched a finch swing from the hummingbird feeder, chattering as it tried to sip nectar. Honey, you don’t belong there!

But the strange incident was comforting. I, too, am weird. I show up where I don’t fit. As a child, deemed too smart. Too sensitive. Too much substantial steak when human society has a bigger appetite for insubstantial sizzle. So, I prefer the company of trees and animals to most too-conventional humans.

I trudged alone to elementary school against the winter gales of Ohio. Head down, I imagined the urban streets as rivers. Elaborate tales of adventure in wild places spun a place of safety in my mind and warmth in my heart. Sixty years later, I recalled and wrote about that rich sense of apartness:

This woman I know grows old, respectful of weathered trees, quiet amidst chatter, clocks gone silent, calendars blank. She remembers struggling the snowy way to school; the way her stories shielded her face from the wind.

Imagination and creativity stayed in step with me.

I graduated from feeling alone to feeling All-One, a being connected to everything and everyone, an empathetic activist. Among other things, I organized and led a writing program for women who had been incarcerated, and survivors of domestic violence and addiction, women who felt abandoned and misunderstood. I helped them craft life-stories as paths of deliverance, and to educate the community so it might embrace those deemed ‘different.’ I told each woman in my free program, “You are more than your experience. You are sacred mystery.”

For decades, I have hiked alone in Nature, taking my spiritual cues from clouds, stones, and found feathers. From the finch insistent on being a hummingbird, I take another lesson. Biology – whether gender, disability, or age – is not destiny. We are more than what we appear to others.

The woman in the wheelchair may travel the Universe in astral planes. The muscled construction worker may be ‘gender fluid’ when he gets home from work. The heart of a 101-year-old may burn with the passion of a teen-ager.

Nature enjoys breaking norms. Whether it’s a lion who adopts an antelope calf, or gay penguins, we find thousands of ‘exceptions to the rule’ in so-called natural order.

Chaos Theory continues its merry way. It’s one way we change and evolve.

Brave tiny winged one, thank you for reminding me that we are more than tidy labels. We are what we think we are. What we aspire to be. What others may not yet understand.

And just maybe that makes us more than a humorous anecdote in someone’s day like my story of a sugar-hungering finch. Could our drab sparrow life conceal a spirit like the phoenix that dies to rise on fiery wings? My odd bird knows a secret perhaps: weirdness is where the sweetness hides.

Read more from our Graceful Aging blog here!

Housing Priority Group

Hard at Work - New Resources for Residents

Our Housing Priority Group volunteer team has been hard at work creating valuable resources for Larimer County residents.  One new resource that has been developed is the Larimer County Manufactured Home Resident Handbook 2022.  This FREE handbook can be downloaded for easy access:

View Resident Handbook Here

Ready to learn more about Missing Middle Housing? 

Larimer County residents have diverse housing needs, and missing middle housing is a great way to better meet the needs of so many residents. You can play a powerful role in helping with this effort!  Learn more by watching our video:

View our Missing Middle Housing Video here!

Interested in Joining Us?

We need Board Members! 

Do you know someone who cares about building strong communities just as much as you do? Someone willing to invest their time serving on the Board for the Partnership for Age-Friendly Communities in Larimer County?

Are YOU that person?

Make a difference today!

Email us!

READY to SHAKE a LEG? Or simply move?

DANCE BEYOND the LIMITS: the 6th annual inclusive dance convening is being held 

Friday and Saturday, October 7 & 8, 2022 from 10-2 at  

Masonic Temple Center Ballroom

Experience and Experiment with these master classes: 

Friday = Ballet Arms, Latin Dance, Eurythmy, & Hip Hop

Saturday = Tai Chi, Feldenkrais, Basic Ballet, Salsa

phone for more info: 970 493-2113

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Partnership for Age-Friendly Communities
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