Respect Life Ministry

eNewsletter | September 23, 2022

Dear Stephen,

Happy Fall and feast day of St. Padre Pio who reminds us to "have courage!" Let us be courageous as we continue our quest to create a culture of life and love.

A big heartfelt thank you for all the prayers and cards for my family .. I felt your love & support and appreciated seeing your beautiful faces at the services!

Yours in Christ,


Untitled Design

October is Respect Life Month and Respect Life Sunday is October 2! We believe that the Gospel of Life is for everyone and our goal is to raise awareness and educate on the sanctity and dignity of life and promote the services that we offer in our pregnancy help centers, through our parishes, schools and wider community. 

The theme for Respect Life Month this year is: Respect Life -Called to Serve Moms in Need. The USCCB resources have been sent to all parish representatives. They can also be found on the USCCB Website.

USCCB Respect Life Month Resources

Life Chain is Sun, Oct 2, from 2-3 pm.

In Broward it will take place on University Drive from Sample Rd. to Miramar Pkwy - contact Broward Right to Life for more info at (754) 244-4135.

Life Chain in Miami will be along S Dixie Hwy / US1 from LeJeune Road to Kendall Drive - contact Madelyn Ocasio for more info at 305-505-1323.

Join others as we pray for an end to abortion in Florida!

Our new Project Rachel Post-Abortion Healing program called "Entering Canaan" is off to a fantastic start! Our first Day of Prayer and Healing in English was held on September 10, with 6 lovely ladies in attendance. Our first Day of Prayer and Healing in Spanish will be held tomorrow, September 24. Please pray for the 12 participants and our staff and volunteers, as they courageously work together to heal hearts broken by an abortion experience.

The next step in the program for these women will be to start attending the monthly gatherings. These gatherings are open to all women who have PREVIOUSLY ATTENDED OUR PROJECT RACHEL PROGRAM. (New participants must go through the Day of Prayer and Healing first). For information on monthly gatherings for past Project Rachel participants, please contact Marcela Villegas, Special Project Coordinator.  AND - stay tuned for information on our program for men coming in the new year!

Contact Project Rachel

Please consider attending the FCC Culture of Life   Conference hosted by the Diocese of St. Petersburg! The conference brings together parish and school ministry  leaders, volunteers, young adults, clergy, religious, and all  people of good will who care about transforming our culture so that all life from conception to natural death is  protected in law and welcomed in love. Any faithful Catholic who attends will be more deeply formed in the Church's teaching, as well as inspired and equipped to understand, engage with, and respond to some of the most pressing issues of the culture. 

              This year's topics include:

  • Gender Ideology and Youth: A Catholic Response,   presented by FCCB policy associates, Michael Barrett and Ken Kniepmann
  • Walking with Moms in Need, presented by Chelsy  Gomez, Program Consultant to the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
  • Care at the End of Life, presented by Paul Malley, Aging with Dignity
  • Ending the Use of the Death Penalty in Florida, presented by Celeste Fitzgerald, Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
  • Human Trafficking: What the Church Can Do, presented by Corporal Alan Wilkett, Retired, Pasco County Sheriff's Department                               


Saturday’s opening talk, Called to Something Greater:   Renewing our Political Commitments, addresses the culture of life including the preeminent concern of abortion, and will be presented by Michael Sheedy, FCCB executive director.  The conference will conclude with the celebration of Holy Mass. 

Register for Conference

The 40 Days for life Fall campaigns begin next week on 9/28 and go through 11/6. And don't forget about Sidewalk Advocates S Florida AND the prayer vigils which are scheduled on a regular basis! Please remember that we are to be a peaceful, prayerful presence outside the abortion sites - megaphones/speakers are not appropriate or condoned by the Archdiocese of Miami Respect Life Ministry. We are there to offer prayers, support, sidewalk counseling, and life-affirming information for the men and women entering the sites. 

4O Days Locations
Contact Linda at Sidewalk Advocates
Prayer Vigil Locations & Dates

Please consider sharing your time in one of our Pregnancy Help Centers!  We are in desperate need of volunteers! We will train you to answer phones, counsel women in need and teach online classes!  

**When referring clients for services at one of our centers, please remember that they must call their nearest pregnancy help center to schedule an appointment before coming - we are not able to service walk-ins at this time.

Fill Out Volunteer Application

It's time for the 2nd Annual Archdiocesan -Wide Educational & Baby Bottle Campaign! Catholic school students in grades PK-12th grade will be educated on the sanctity of life and work in friendly competition to raise money to support Respect Life Pregnancy Help centers! Each and every student in the school will pray for "Moms in Need" and take home a baby bottle to put spare change in. The schools raising the most money per student will receive cash prizes to use at their school!

We're Hiring!

Come be a part of the Respect Life Ministry Team! We are two part-time ultrasound technicians in Broward! 


Thank you for your faithful support

of Respect Life Ministry!



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Archdiocese of Miami | Secretariat for Parish Life

(954) 981-2922 | |